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November 25, 2002 Link to this post

Start the week reading
Monday's Fan Fiction allotment:

The Jump, Part II is dedicated to the author's friend Ken, who died recently in a car accident. Our sympathies... Update - oops, forgot one; Cameron Eades' Halo: Combat Evolved, chapter 2. Sorry about that! (Louis Wu 21:56:32 UTC)

November 25, 2002 Link to this post

Latest Egg added
The easter egg discovered this weekend has been documented for the Halo Easter Egg page; thanks once again to everyone who contributed. I've taken the liberty of using the screenshots posted by 2 and 2 make 5 for documentation; if this is a problem, I'll replace them with copies I create myself. (Hopefully, it won't be; the only difference will be that I'll have to spend the time to create them. :) ) (Louis Wu 18:29:05 UTC)

November 24, 2002 Link to this post

Screen Art
Three new desktops for you today, including a rather oddly shaped one, an image that was first submitted in a much smaller size for the Misc. Art section, and a subtly changed image (look closely in the shadows). You'll find all three in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 18:46:05 UTC)

November 23, 2002 Link to this post

Saturday Scribblings
Start the weekend with some Fan Fiction:

Get to readin'! (Louis Wu 17:32:48 UTC)

November 23, 2002 Link to this post

Eggs fer sale...
Over the last few days, the HBO forum has fixated itself on finding a mentioned-in-passing easter egg in Halo. Elan Sleazbagano has done a decent job writing up the progress to date; start here, if you're interested in joining in the hunt. What began as a casual remark has turned into another community event like the bungie.org glyph puzzle last year. Keep an eye on that Miguel character... (Louis Wu 16:07:47 UTC)

November 21, 2002 Link to this post

What's in a Voice?
Back in August, Mr.Poke discovered a pretty cool mp3 of some of Jen Taylor's voice acting credits. It's pretty fun to hear 'Cortana' selling body wash and chicken strips. It never occurred to me, or to anyone else who communicated with me, to look for other Halo voice actors... but today Stuntmutt found a similar file for Steve Downes, the voice of the Master Chief. That got me to do a bit of digging... and armed with The Names Behind The Voices, and the archives of Voicebank.net and The Talent Group, you can find clips from a large number of Halo voice actors. Moviemakers... start your engines! (Louis Wu 14:21:30 UTC)

November 20, 2002 Link to this post

Have you got a savage breast?
Back in August, Silverbrin turned in a piece of music called 'Mahdrigalo'. It was well-received... but SB has built on it.

A few months ago I uploaded a piece of fan music called "Mahdrigalo". It was a combination of the Halo gregorian chant with the Siege of Madrigal. Both (in my opinion) are some of Marty's best works. Both songs are also on the Halo soundtrack. After releasing the somewhat crude midi, I got a surprising amount of requests to rework the piece into a more high quality audio effort. Months passed and I came to own some new software. I decided to start from scratch and bring the old piece to life through more powerful software; the way it was meant to be heard. After a a few days of tinkering I was able to recreate the original Mahdrigalo and maintain a duel Myth/Halo aura. The main differences between this sequal and the original include a much higher quality of audio and a new ending. I hope you enjoy Mahdrigalo2.mp3.

From where I sit, it's definitely a more polished piece of work... check it out, it weighs in at 4.8 mb. (It's currently hosted here, but if bandwidth issues get in the way (and we'll only know if you tell us), we'll move it to another server.) (Louis Wu 14:45:44 UTC)

November 18, 2002 Link to this post

Hey - he's cute!
Stosh has started up a new comic series, called 'Blamed!' You'll find the first installment in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 17:48:43 UTC)

November 12, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Fan Music Rocks.
Wow. Justin Durban, who turned in a pretty cool reworking of the Halo theme about 6 weeks ago, has spoken again. Justin says:

Its hard to describe this one is like. I guess you'll just have to hear it. Basically the theme comes in and out and is even modified to a point. Perhaps Marty will do the same with his score.

It starts quietly, and builds to a beautiful finale - this is three and a half minutes of beauty. It weighs in at just under 5 megs... if you're a fan of the Halo 2 theme, you should grab this piece. (You can check out more of Justin's work at Edgen Animations, if you like what you hear.) (Louis Wu 09:10:03 UTC)

November 7, 2002 Link to this post

Speed. Indeed.
In 1998, when people were stil playing Quake, a group of insane people decided to not only see how fast they could get through the entire game, but to put together their results in attractive, viewable packages. The result was Quake Done Quick. Now, nobody's EVER going to run through Halo in under 15 minutes (the unskippable cutscenes alone would take longer than that), but Inky and FeralBob of the Down Under group Crocodile Bungie, have done the next best thing; a movie called 'Speed'. Halo, start to finish, in a bit over 3 minutes. Yes, there are spoilers. (They're easy to miss if you blink.) There are two versions; a 25 mb, 300x240 copy (with a few small exceptions, very clear) and a 10 mb, 200x166 copy (compression artifacts are a bit higher, of necessity). You can find all current links on the Speed Mirrors page, and we're happy to add other mirror offers. (Louis Wu 16:40:42 UTC)

November 7, 2002 Link to this post

New images for your screen
Bunch of desktops for you today... some cool backgrounds that poena.dare #CP# pulled from a GDC Talk that Marty O'Donnell gave last spring, and some weirdly-shaped collections from Gasmask. You'll find 'em all in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 14:55:54 UTC)

November 6, 2002 Link to this post

Difficulty badges, for sale cheap
Ask, and ye shall receive (sometimes). BLOODLUST visited our forum this morning, asking if anyone had high-quality versions of the Difficulty badges visible at the start of Halo. Back in February, we'd posted a composite made by taking screenshots, then extracting the images... it worked, but the quality wasn't very good. Dave Candland took time out today to send along much prettier versions. You can snag a high-quality jpeg (45K), or a zipped, layered Photoshop document (499k). Use them in good health! (Louis Wu 18:16:56 UTC)

November 6, 2002 Link to this post

Movies updated
I've brought the Movie database up to the present, including a new movie (one we're not hosting) showing a 16-second warthog jump. You'll find mirror lists to the recent Jackass and Winter Season Promo films, as well as a few other recent entries. If all goes well, there might even be another one later today. Next up: the Miscellaneous section (woefully behind; almost 3 months out of date). Warning: The new warthog jump film starts with a rather risque clip; right out of a porn movie, as a matter of fact (though with the naughty bits blacked out). Just a quick note in case you're watching with someone who might not appreciate this... (Louis Wu 00:02:04 UTC)

November 4, 2002 Link to this post

Matt Soell on the Gamesome Mac
Sean Smith writes to tell us that Matt Soell will be on The Gamesome Mac, a weekly Mac gaming radio program, tonight. Broadcast is 6-8 pm PST on Monday, November 4 (that means it starts at 9 pm on the east coast, and at 2 am Tuesday, UTC.) If you miss it, archives are kept. Discussed tonight will be (among other things) the Mac version of Halo. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:08:59 UTC)

November 1, 2002 Link to this post

Hey! You got HBO in my XBL!
Tarrsk is compiling a database of HBO forumgoers who play on Xbox Live; it's unclear at the moment where it will be hosted, but if you want to be included, simply reply to the forum thread, or email Tarrsk with your HBO forum screen name and your XBL gamer tag. (If you include only one or the other, or submit your entry more than once, you'll likely be ignored.) Update: there is a page live for this - you'll find it here. (Louis Wu 16:19:05 UTC)

October 28, 2002 Link to this post

Monday's Reading
Better late than never... today's Fan Fiction offerings:

Apparently, the comments abuse is getting worse. A forum thread has been started to get votes from people interested (one way or the other) in the continued existence of the Comments section - be sure to chime in soon. (Louis Wu 19:43:00 UTC)

October 27, 2002 Link to this post

Sunday's reading
Weekend Fan Fiction:

A word of advice to fan fic writers: If you decide to use a font that 95% of your readers do not have access to (like, say, Tengwar Sindarin), be sure to submit any text in that font in GRAPHIC format (take a screenshot, save as a gif). This is the first and last time I'm going to be downloading fonts to do this for writers; in the future, any text that comes in in a totally random font will be displayed in the default font (which will, I promise, make it look really stupid). (Louis Wu 18:12:08 UTC)

October 27, 2002 Link to this post

Getchyer Bungie Screens Here!
We've added the three map views from Bungie's recent Team Tournament Strategy Guide to our Screenshots database. (Louis Wu 15:58:21 UTC)

October 26, 2002 Link to this post

Hang 'em Hign, for Unreal
Nick found a pretty cool-looking UT2k3 version of Hang 'em High... someone's putting a lot of time into making it right. The thread (with a number of screens) can be found here. You'll need to register to view the site, so here's a link to one of the images, so you can get a better sense for what's being shown (and a local copy, in case that one goes away). (Louis Wu 10:18:26 UTC)

October 25, 2002 Link to this post

Watch it, Marine...
Did someone blow it? Was Silent Cartographer a doomed mission from the very start? Are courts-martial in order? Be sure to watch Combat History, this week on VisionStar. (Thanks to Travis Cossel, who captured this 40-second, 6.7 mb QT version of the trailer.) (Louis Wu 01:41:34 UTC)

October 24, 2002 Link to this post

Rock On.
Warbow started a movie based off of School House Rock... but never really got anywhere. The splash screen is great, though. (Louis Wu 20:33:34 UTC)

October 24, 2002 Link to this post

Halo50k survey up
dolbex points out that the Halo50K preregistration database is now online. It starts with a survey - they're trying to get an idea about how much interest there is. (After the survey, you're given a chance to preregister your team; this isn't the stage at which you need to pay or anything.) Stop by and fill it out! (Louis Wu 12:39:14 UTC)

October 24, 2002 Link to this post

Tamte on Mac Halo - again
Gotta love it when the big boys are months behind. Today, Macworld UK posted an article about a talk they had 'recently' with Peter Tamte, president of Destineer Studios, and Bold, the company that will publish the Mac version of Halo. The information seems a tad out of date:

"Halo for the Mac will be released in summer 2003 simultaneously with the PC release, and will very much be a multiplayer thing. PC and Mac users will be able to play Halo online against each other. It's unclear yet whether it will be possible to play against Xbox users, because the Xbox uses a different set of controls."

Tamte went on to confirm that the Bungie team responsible for Halo is now working on Halo 2, and discussed the way the game is being ported: "Westlake is doing the Mac port. The company is working with the PC code produced by Gearbox for the PC port of the title. Westlake will begin work in mid-September".

That's what he told bungie.org's Freewill in July, Inside Mac Games in August, and MacGamer in September... and what's with the future tense about the Westlake start date? (Well, to be fair, the possibility that the PC and Xbox versions might be able to play together is new; up until now, the answer has been a flat-out 'no'.) Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi for the heads-up on this one. (Louis Wu 12:16:26 UTC)

October 23, 2002 Link to this post

They don't die, they start up indie presses
Whoa, random info. Hot on the heels of a discussion over at Subnova about who'd left Bungie recently, we got mail from Matt Segur, a programmer on the Halo team who left after Halo shipped. He's got a brand-spankin' new mixed-media publishing company called Ghostweed Press, and they're currently selling a book and a CD. The music's pretty good... go check 'em out, and see what happens to Bungie expatriates - after they receive "the operation"! UPDATED: The discussion in question was held in a private forum; the link that used to be in this post would deny access to pretty much everyone so it was removed. --CZ) (Louis Wu 01:18:55 UTC)

October 21, 2002 Link to this post

Halo for UT 2K3
Hehe - you knew it had to happen. Kayas pointed out a map for Unreal Tournament 2k3 called 'SOT Bloodgulch'. The screenshot shows a bit more... um, scaffolding than I'm used to, but the concept is great. (Louis Wu 20:46:18 UTC)

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