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January 12, 2003 Link to this post

Halo World adds content
Roland Scarlett writes to say that Halo World (which we mentioned about a week ago) has been adding content at a rapid clip. Most sections are fleshed out now. There are a couple of games on the site - one is a variant of Bungie's Extreme Closeups, and the other is called 'Guess The Spot', where you're given a screenshot with a number of blanked-out areas, and you need to choose the correct one to answer the question. (No fair cheating by looking at the originals!) Watch for a few broken links in the top nav bar. (Barring some MAJOR changes, this will be the last post we make about this site with a progress update.) (Louis Wu 21:50:52 UTC)

January 12, 2003 Link to this post

Spartan II dogtags - up for grabs
Ever wish you could get your hands on a set of those Spartan II dogtags that were being distributed in Japan? Well, thanks to Nekomusume, now you can. She's got one extra set she's auctioning off on eBay... starting bid is just under $36, and you've got almost a week to decide. (Louis Wu 01:18:14 UTC)

January 11, 2003 Link to this post

The Keyes to it all
Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation website has put up Chapter 9—Keyes—of its Legendary Walkthrough - spoiler goodness and 26 new screenshots! Go check it out... NOW! (The inclusion of shot 19 also means our Easter Egg page is going to be updated in the near future...) (Louis Wu 01:48:10 UTC)

January 9, 2003 Link to this post

A tale of many images...
Okay, this is a long story. Bear with me. It all started when Dulaman87 sent us a note pointing out that the Random House entry for the next Halo novel (Halo: The Flood) now has a picture to go along with the cover. The thing is... that picture's been around for a while. It first showed up as a cover for the Portuguese magazine, BGamer, sent to us by Razorback over a year ago. Three weeks after that, we put up scans from the January 2002 Official Xbox Magazine... and the same image (sort of) was included as a 2-page mural. (DT_Spike combined the two halves to make it easier to see.) What's interesting about that image is that OXM seems to have airbrushed out the Master Chief in the foreground (though they left his leg shadows on the rock he was standing on). Two months later, we received a Miscellaneous Art entry from Draikin that seemed to show the same image as the original BGamer scan... and though we didn't notice it at the time, it's NOT the same image as the OXM mural. (Look at the right side of the images, for example; Draikin's version has a pair of Jackals that are replaced by Grunts in the OXM version. There are other differences, as well.) Upon close consideration, it's clear that this image (these images, rather) are composites... they pull in pieces from many, many released screenshots. This is not a standard thing for Bungie to do... but the picture has shown up in a huge variety of places, which suggests that there must be SOME official-type source for it. We have three questions:

  • Who created the original image?
  • What screenshots were used to composite the images (there will be at least two lists, since the images are different)
  • Is this really the final cover for the Halo Novel, or was Random House simply putting up a picture to have one up?

Feel free to answer as many of these questions as you think you can in this forum thread. Thanks to Dulaman for instigating this investigation! (Louis Wu 15:45:05 UTC)

January 9, 2003 Link to this post

What the heck is THAT?
Started almost 12 hours ago, but incomplete as of right now - check out Round 3 of Warbow's Halo Hide and Seek. New rules this time out, so read that first post carefully. Good luck! (Louis Wu 00:17:43 UTC)

January 8, 2003 Link to this post

New Halo content (for some) at xbox.com
Thanks to both Simon Hill, via email, and Brandon Tyler, on our forum, for the heads-up on Xbox.com's newest Halo Picture Story. It's not viewable on a mac, or on some PC configurations, it seems... but the audio works fine. If anyone can get screen captures, we'd be most appreciative... (Louis Wu 09:45:00 UTC)

December 31, 2002 Link to this post

HBO XBL Gamertag list gets an upgrade
Two months ago, forum regular Tarrsk set up a list of HBO forumgoers and their Xbox Live gamertags, so that people could find friends to play with. Recently, that list moved here, to HBO. Now, it's become quite a bit more automated. The list keeps track of which XBL games you play, and you have full access to your own entry, so that you can add and remove games as you buy new ones or get tired of old ones. All existing entries have been moved to the new system, and assigned random passwords. None of these, of course, have games associated with them, because that information wasn't collected the first time around. If you'd like to edit your existing entry, simply visit the list, and follow the 'Edit your existing entry' link at the top of the page. We found email addresses for most existing entries, so you can have your password mailed to you - once you're in, you can change the password to something you can remember. There were about a dozen entries for which we have no email addresses - if you're one of these, you'll need to mail Tarrsk again with your address. (Follow the instructions on the page for details.) You're welcome to set up a new entry, as well - but be advised that these will be screened; spam will be deleted, and spammers will be banned from the system. Hopefully, this new setup will give people more control over who they play games with! If you have any questions about the list itself, please contact Tarrsk. If you have a PROBLEM with the list (something isn't working properly) contact me - I coded it, and any errors are certainly my fault. (Louis Wu 16:23:09 UTC)

December 31, 2002 Link to this post

Someone at MS is smokin' funny stuff...
Whoa. Nice find by mnemesis. After seeing all those hardcover copies of The Fall of Reach on the Bungie Webcam, he went looking at Del Rey's online catalog... and the latest iteration of the entry for the next Halo novel is rather intriguing. It's now listed in 3 categories, instead of just two. The older two ('Fiction - Science Fiction' and 'Fiction - Science Fiction - Adventure') have been there for months... but now it's listed in 'Fiction - Movie/TV Tie-In' as well. After all those times Matt's said that there's no Halo movie in the works, it looks like SOMEONE thinks Halo's gonna get SOME screen-time... I'm curious to see how this unfolds. (Louis Wu 02:24:40 UTC)

December 23, 2002 Link to this post

Game of the Year poll
Dang... managed to format this, start posting it, and forget to finish, about 4 hours ago. The BBC has an article on the change in video gaming ('it's not just for breakfast any more' - wait, that's orange juice), and while Halo isn't mentioned in the article itself, it is one of the 5 options for best game of 2002 in the poll included with the article. There doesn't seem to be any way of seeing the results now... but go vote! (Thanks to Andrew Czereyski for the heads-up.) Update: Andrew Katz points out that you can see poll results... but they're not very promising right now. Halo has 22.6% of 6200 votes... trailing Medal of Honour: Frontline and GTA: Vice City. Have YOU voted? Update 2: DeimosÅ“, of Subnova, noticed that it's a Mac/PC thing... if you vote from a PC, your vote is counted, and you're shown the results. If you vote from a Macintosh, your vote is ignored, and you can't see the results (without following the explicit URL above). I SMELL A FIX! Update 3: hehe - maybe I should actually do some testing first. Turns out it's a browser issue, not a platform one. IE can vote - Mozilla (and its variants) cannot. Still fishy... Update 4: lol - should have kept my mouth shut. Works for all browsers, all platforms. Deimos™ suggests that a Vice City fanboi was cheating, and the BBC page maintainers went overboard on the lockdown at first. Seems quite possible. In any case, go vote, and only vote once. (Louis Wu 16:50:13 UTC)

December 23, 2002 Link to this post

I can fly...
Rory Hartley has put together a short (2:03, 7.2 mb) movie called Superman. The techniques aren't new... but the presentation is pretty fun. (Check out the sequence that starts about 38 seconds in...) It's not very big - so we've put a copy up at Mythica, and mirrored it on Pez's FTP server. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:37:54 UTC)

December 20, 2002 Link to this post

Christmas on Halo
In honor of the upcoming holiday, mnemesis has tipped the proverbial hat to the Battle Cat, a longtime Bungie fan who, once upon a time, wrote a heartwarming Christmas tale. tBC has never made the transition from Marathon to Halo, so mnemesis took it upon himself to update the tradition. Many thanks to Evil Otto, supplier of cool screenshots to desperate fans everywhere. Don't forget the razzleberry dressing! (Louis Wu 06:37:05 UTC)

December 20, 2002 Link to this post

Chronicle Profusion
Lots and lots and lots of new Fan Fiction:

Whew! That's a lotta words. (Louis Wu 06:23:40 UTC)

December 16, 2002 Link to this post

Another version of the Movie trailer
Nukedude has re-encoded Brian Josselyn's Halo Movie trailer in DivX5.01 format; it's as big, screen-wise, as the original, but 10 megs smaller. (You'll need DivX Doctor II to play this on a Mac.) You can download this from Nukedude's server, but if demand is great enough (and I'm sure Nukedude will let us know ;) ), we'll mirror this one, too. (He's also added a mirror for the original Halo 2 trailer, in WMP9 format... we've added it to the mirrors list.) (Louis Wu 17:43:37 UTC)

December 14, 2002 Link to this post

Bungie HALO comes online
Chris Solomon writes that he's started up a new Halo site, called Bungie HALO - content is growing. Take a look! (Louis Wu 10:12:53 UTC)

December 13, 2002 Link to this post

Yes, it's odd.
Apologies for the downtime (both physical, and in terms of updates). Blame life. To start off with, here are a couple of desktops for you - the Wallpaper section gets bigger and bigger... (Louis Wu 18:47:32 UTC)

December 10, 2002 Link to this post

Rate your gameplay
Glen Sanford has created a small program (unfinished at the moment) to rate yourself as a Halo player. Simply plug in the stats from the final screen of a multiplayer game, and it'll rate your skill (from 'Too bad to calculate' to 'Level 10 Spartan II'). Currently it only works for Slayer games... but at 28K for the download, what do you have to lose? (Requires Windows - not sure what flavors; I tried it on XP, and it worked fine.) Glen's looking for feedback; he wants to know if it's worth finishing. (Louis Wu 18:56:38 UTC)

December 9, 2002 Link to this post

Lots and lots of ff
The entire weekend's Fan Fiction in one fell swoop:

Lots of new writers... (Louis Wu 07:07:21 UTC)

December 8, 2002 Link to this post

More Details Emerge
Red Loser has started a site devoted to the legendary Yellow Banshee... check it out for everything there is to know. (Louis Wu 03:34:23 UTC)

December 6, 2002 Link to this post

Random Halo Sighting
op_ivy found an interesting article about a new breed of gaming center... and though no games are mentioned by name, the mockup of what the place will look like has a huge (and I mean HUGE) wallscreen showing... Halo. Nice! (Louis Wu 15:28:09 UTC)

December 5, 2002 Link to this post

The PoA... in C-S!
bikeman704 has finished up a Counter-Strike map that prominently features The Pillar of Autumn. Check out some screenshots, and download the map! (Comments should go in this forum thread.) (Louis Wu 16:40:43 UTC)

December 4, 2002 Link to this post

Halo 2 Map - the fans have started!
Covenant has put together a Halo 2 map idea in 3D Studio Max; looks like it'd be fun to play! (I don't see any good reason why this couldn't be made for the PC version of Halo next summer...) (Louis Wu 14:08:16 UTC)

December 2, 2002 Link to this post

Trap shooting, Halo style
Dinky, from HaloJuggaloProductions, sends word of a small (1 mb) video clip showing a pretty nice midair rocket shot. (400% health probably helps; usually, when you get a grenade stuck to your leg, you're dead, not just flying. :) ) It's 24 seconds long; the fun stuff starts about halfway through. WMV format. (Louis Wu 16:17:41 UTC)

December 2, 2002 Link to this post

Halo and Marathon... again
Game Girl Advance has posted an article called 'Halo: Original Game, or Sequel?' While we strongly disagree with the conclusions drawn in the article (we - the staff of HBO, not just me), I'm quite pleased they were able to find the info they needed so easily. (The screenshot of Keyes was taken from a pre-release movie put out by Gamespot in October, 2001.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 00:12:01 UTC)

November 26, 2002 Link to this post

Screens and more
Last week, Bungie posted an article on the Tru7h and Reconciliation website called 'Designing for Carnage', which looked at 3 multiplayer maps and how they were developed. We've added the 15 images (screenshots, 3D Studio Max views, and sketches) to our Screenshots database. For posterity, and all that. (Louis Wu 14:50:10 UTC)

November 26, 2002 Link to this post

Starry Starry Cartographer
Team Overkill drops off a Van Gogh-ized version of a Halo screenshot for our Miscellaneous Art collection. (It pulled an 'A' in the class it was turned in for.) (Louis Wu 01:35:30 UTC)

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