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February 13, 2003 Link to this post

The start of the pics
Finally clearing out some of the backlogged artwork - first up, two desktops in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 11:35:34 UTC)

February 10, 2003 Link to this post

Self Righteous
Whatever problems mythica had recently seem to be cleared up. Therefore, we're going to post the latest movie in the queue for you - it's called 'Self-Righteous', and it was made by Mobius. (We'd planned to release it more than a week ago - and then the hacking craze hit, and suddenly we didn't have the bandwidth for it.) It's 13.7 mb, 3:30 long, in QuickTime format. Timing is quite good... and there's a short clip starting at about two minutes in that I just LOVE. We've mirrored it at the Psyjnir Complex hotline server, if you have trouble reaching mythica - and there should be other mirrors on the way. Enjoy! Update: Whoknew writes to say he's added a mirror. Thanks! (Louis Wu 13:21:30 UTC)

February 10, 2003 Link to this post

Team HBO - at Halo50K
Break Point writes to say that he's started a profile for Team HBO at the Halo50K competition. There are still two positions open - if you're interested in representing our site at this massive Halo competition at the end of April, stop by and sign up! (Break Point asked if there was another official 'Team HBO' before setting this up. There is a team made of HBO Junkies that played recently at the iGames Regionals... but they won't be headed down to Atlanta, so the name was available.) Show what you're made of... and bring the honor of winning (if not the $50k) back to HBO! (Louis Wu 01:45:41 UTC)

February 9, 2003 Link to this post

Stories, stories, and more stories
Been a few days since Fan Fiction was updated - here are 10 more:

Hopefully, I'll have time to check the forum tomorrow. (Busy weekend...) (Louis Wu 02:43:45 UTC)

February 6, 2003 Link to this post

Who'da thunk it?
Famine to feast. Within a day of the release of the Halo mod information, we've received 4 NEW hack-related movies (and there's still one non-hack related film in the queue). There's well over half an hour of unreleased footage at this point... we'll start releasing some of it in the morning, but please, please, please - don't send any more right now. :) Look for an update in about 8 hours. (It'll be doled out a movie at a time, every couple of days - we simply don't have the bandwidth for anything else.) (Louis Wu 02:15:15 UTC)

February 4, 2003 Link to this post

Hacking Halo Fun now online
Okay, there are more mirrors coming soon, but here's the starting lineup for the Hacking Halo video - visit the mirror page for all the links we have. As more mirrors come online, we'll add them to the page. (If you're interested in mirroring this file, PLEASE, let us know.) See yesterday's news if this post makes you go 'huh?' - I've got some kids to take care of. (Louis Wu 00:47:11 UTC)

February 3, 2003 Link to this post

Bandwidth needed - NOW!
Desperate call for movie mirrors! Dozi has just uploaded a 20 mb film showing a few of the things you can do with a modded Xbox and the cheat hack mentioned this morning. The problem is... we don't have the bandwidth to serve it up to all who want it! It's going to take a bit of time to re-encode it anyway, but I thought I'd get a head-start on the bandwidth issue. If you think you can support a mirror link for this movie, please - send mail immediately. As soon as we have the best version we can get, we'll get a copy out to you. Once the mirrors have uploaded the files, we'll make them live. Again - mirror sites only right now. Thanks! (Louis Wu 21:00:02 UTC)

February 3, 2003 Link to this post

Team HBO at the iGames Regionals...
Thanks to Miguel Chavez, for the heads-up on the activities of Team HBO at the Halo Winter Season Regional Championship held this weekend. As he mentions in his post, King Games has put up a page devoted to the event - here's a shot of Team HBO kicking some butt in round 1. (They're the team on the left; the head in a white shirt is Miguel, and the four players, left to right, are ninja on fire, neo, konrad9 (I could have those two confused - hard to tell from behind :) ), and KP.) And for a bit of humor, check out the screen names of Krypt, the blue team in the final game. (Louis Wu 17:42:46 UTC)

January 29, 2003 Link to this post

Who is Cortana, anyway?
Wow. I thought I had a handle on Cortana... but I'm starting to wonder. The speculation today started with Mark Simmons - he brings up some pretty intriguing points. Even if you feel you can slough off most of what he says, though... check out barkbat's reply. Wow - there's some serious food for thought in there. (It should go without saying that posts like these are FULL of spoilers - but I'm saying it anyway.) (Louis Wu 22:05:18 UTC)

January 28, 2003 Link to this post

Movies, movies, and more movies
Took some work... but the Movies database has finally been brought up-to-date. 20 films released in the past 2 months are now listed (and searchable). Hopefully, this'll help folks looking for that special film. The most recent addition hasn't even been mentioned here in the news yet - so let me do that now. Athol Productions has created The Blair Halo Project, a nearly-7-minute-long vid which starts, and ends, like the movie it got its name from. (In the middle you'll find gamplay and antics.) It's available in QuickTime and WMV formats, and weighs in at 30 or so megs. (Plus or minus 3, depending on your format.) We've put it up at both Mythica and The Psyjnir Complex Hotline server... but additional mirrors would be very much appreciated. Next up: The Miscellaneous database. (Tomorrow, maybe.) (Louis Wu 18:48:47 UTC)

January 27, 2003 Link to this post

More pics for your screen
Three new desktop images for you; a nice composite of the very old (one of the earliest wallpaper submissions we ever got) and the very new (a Halo 2 shot), a nice cleanup of some magazine art, and more playing cards. Check 'em out in our Wallpaper section! (Louis Wu 05:08:19 UTC)

January 27, 2003 Link to this post

Screens DB up-to-date
A little earlier than usual, maybe, but the Bucs kicked some serious butt tonight, so what the heck. The new Screenshots posted at Bungie.net yesterday have been added to our Screenshots database - unreferenced shots and all. (Louis Wu 03:56:06 UTC)

January 26, 2003 Link to this post

Of Shadows and Dynamic Lighting
Ferrex dropped in for a minute to pass along some tantalizing tidbits about the newest screenshot... and to update the community, in a roundabout way, on where the Halo engine is in lighting progress. Very, very nice to get new info... (Louis Wu 21:40:23 UTC)

January 26, 2003 Link to this post

Screens, screens, and more screens
Nice work by BOLL - he discovered a couple of unreferenced screens on Bungie.net in the newest batch of Halo 2 uploads; one of them has been seen before (in the recent Halo 2 Photo Story), but the other is brand-spankin' new. And a gorgeous shot it is! (Louis Wu 01:28:38 UTC)

January 25, 2003 Link to this post

One More Egg on the Books
A couple of weeks ago, a Halo easter egg that had been discovered back in March was finally documented on Bungie's website - so we've taken this to mean that we can finally include it in our Easter Egg collection. (Originally, Joe Staten asked that we not document it with a screenshot, so that future egg hunters could find it on their own.) The full discovery process is documented in the egg entry. (Obviously, the entry is full of spoilers.) (Louis Wu 12:20:43 UTC)

January 25, 2003 Link to this post

Serious Updates at Tru7h and Recon
Wonga. I sleep, Bungie works. The Tru7h and Reconciliation website has gotten some serious updating... there's boatloads of Halo 2 content now. All of it, as far as I can tell, has been seen before... but it's never been on the official site, and some of it is in better digital form than ever before. You'll find a pair of new desktops (using some of the coolest artwork released in the past few months), some new screenshots (at least two of those are angles we haven't seen before, in digital form), a page of concept art (again, available in magazine scans, but not officially in digital form before), and a whole bunch of new gallery shots (the weapons, especially, are great). Bungie's newest Online Team member, SketchFactor, is responsible for the overhaul... nice work! (Louis Wu 11:12:26 UTC)

January 23, 2003 Link to this post

Pictures for your screen
Three new desktops from fans today - check 'em out in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 20:59:32 UTC)

January 21, 2003 Link to this post

Playing with Fire
Yesterday, Bowser posted a note to our forum explaining how a slow run through the Maw seemed to gain extra time at Foe Hammer's pickup site. Some experimentation showed the limits of this feature. Here's a short film (23 seconds, 1.4 mb, QT format) showing a gain of almost a minute. The situation is this: when you pass into the area where you're supposed to wait for Foe Hammer, the timer drops off the screen. It doesn't come back until AFTER she is shot down, and when it DOES come back, it comes back with the amount of time that was on it when it disappeared... with an exception. The rule is this: If you enter that area with LESS than one minute on the clock, your timer will be reset to (2 minutes - your time on the clock). Go in with 59 seconds, you'll come out with 61. Go in with one second... you'll come out with 1:59. This suggests that if something happens to you on this run, and you get to this area with less than a minute on the clock, you should run it down to nearly zero before crossing into the 'pickup zone'; the longer you're willing to wait, the more time you end up with. (Of course, if you misjudge, and the timer runs out before you get in, you're dead.) Interesting find... even more interesting, in context; the game has been on the shelves for more than 14 months, and nobody noticed this before! (Louis Wu 14:44:43 UTC)

January 17, 2003 Link to this post

Keyes Screens Added
The screenshots that were posted along with Bungie's recent addition to their Legendary Walkthrough (Keyes) have been added to our Screenshots database. This is especially timely, since bungie.net seems to be down this morning. (Louis Wu 14:33:59 UTC)

January 16, 2003 Link to this post

Stories for a Thursday
Clearing out the Fan Fiction:

There are still some artwork pieces undealt with... but most of them don't make the cut under the new guidelines. :( Guess I have to get the rules up pretty soon... (Louis Wu 21:23:07 UTC)

January 16, 2003 Link to this post

50 States, 50 Chapters - redux
In early December, emildux posted some information about an effort to pick the top 50 chapters in the US (one per state). Today, he points out that this list has been overhauled... he's keeping up on activity (the HBO Junkies lost our spot in Connecticut because we haven't been doing anything), so if you're looking for active chapters in your state, this is a great place to start. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:23:15 UTC)

January 15, 2003 Link to this post

Hey! Don't step on that, it... uh oh...
Well, you can't say they don't have spirit. Heliocentric has started up a forum with one purpose in mind: to find a new easter egg in Halo before Halo 2 is released. While I can't say I understand how they plan to accomplish this with a forum, I can't fault them for their passion... go on by and visit if you want to help! (Louis Wu 00:43:42 UTC)

January 14, 2003 Link to this post

Hide and Sleep
Warbow's Hide and Seek game, Round 3, is finally over. (It started on January 8.) Watch the short movie referenced in his announcement, and you'll understand why it took so long to solve the last image... (He's tired, it'll be a while before round 4.) Congrats, c0ld vengeance - a clean sweep of all five images! (Louis Wu 21:00:53 UTC)

January 14, 2003 Link to this post

Lots o' Wallpaper... and a heads-up.
We've got six new desktops for you (some in multiple sizes), which finally clears out the artwork backlog. Go visit the Wallpaper section! It's not posted yet, but in the next day or so, there'll be a new Artwork Posting Guidelines page up to address the currently growing issue of flooding. There are lots and lots of you who are snagging a screenshot off of Bungie.net, slapping some text on it, and sending it in as a Wallpaper or Miscellaneous Art submission. In the past, we've been really lenient in our rules... but the collections are getting too big. We're going to start turning away more artwork, in an effort to keep the overall quality of displayed pieces higher. Hopefully, the guidelines will help you decide if that cartoon you've made, with a thought balloon pasted onto a stock image of Cortana, is worth mailing in or not. (If you'd uploaded art in the last few days, and it hasn't been posted yet, chances are it fell under the new rules... you're welcome to send a followup message, but please don't resend the piece. Thanks!) (Louis Wu 00:23:04 UTC)

January 13, 2003 Link to this post

He's just a boy.
Gah - sometimes, the updates get away from you. While you're all waiting for me to clear out the art queues, the fiction queues, the screenshot queue... go watch this movie. Figh7erbo1 is a short (1:39) piece set to Avril Lavigne's Sk8ter Boi... nice timing. 6 mb, in QT format, from chris_roc. (Louis Wu 20:08:39 UTC)

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