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May 12, 2003 Link to this post

Mullins, writ big
eddie m noticed a blown-up version of the Halo2 poster on the E3 show floor, over at Gamespot... check it out. (Louis Wu 16:33:41 UTC)

May 12, 2003 Link to this post

PC Halo - Revealed!
Wowowow. The promised Gamespy Halo PC article went online early this morning... and I'm still reeling. (There are actually two articles - the main one, and a separate one on the new multiplayer features available in the PC version.) Release date is tentatively August or September... and it's gonna be a winner. The 10 campaign levels have been translated faithfully from the original; with the exception of the higher resolution (it was demoed at 1024x768 for Gamespy, but the implication was that even higher resolutions should be supported) and the interface tweaks (there are more keys on a keyboard than buttons on an Xbox controller, after all), the solo campaign will be identical to the original. The differences will lie in multiplayer. There are 6 brand-new multiplayer maps, as well as the ability to use the covenant fuel cannon, fly the banshee, and drive a modified warthog (with a rocket launcher in the back). There are also new multiplayer modes, and the ability to tweak existing modes:

...you can give the Red Team a set of Warthogs that respawn immediately, while giving the Blue Team one Scorpion tank that only reappears after a minute.

The only feature of the Xbox version that's in danger of NOT making it over to the PC side is Coop play. Gearbox is hopeful they can find a way to implement it easily before Halo PC goes gold... but they can't promise anything. Oh, and the keyboard/controller debates can finally be decided, since they've included gamepad support; grudge matches are SURE to be played. Anyway, there are pages and pages of juicy content in the two stories, and 16 screenshots/concept art images... so go read! (Louis Wu 12:52:57 UTC)

May 12, 2003 Link to this post

The in-air seat changes are pretty neat...
SniPeR and -nEo-Atomic have put together a short film called 'Cold Metal Flat Pedal', which shows some warthog flipping stunts. We've chosen not to host it, but forum regular BOLL has kindly stepped up for this one. (Get it soon; it might get pulled during school hours in Sweden, which start at maybe 4 am eastern time.) 3:04 long, 4.8 mb big, in WMP7 format. Update: pulled, for bandwidth issues. Sorry, folks! (Louis Wu 00:17:39 UTC)

May 10, 2003 Link to this post

Art for your screen
The desktop art has been building up for a few days; this week was spent working on getting ready for E3. However, we're clearing the inbox today. We've got seven for you... you'll find 'em in the Wallpaper section. Misc art will come soon, as well as a few new banners; there were 10 very nice new banners in our uploads folder, but they came with zero identification, so there's nothing we can do with them. Once again - no ID, no postee. (Louis Wu 12:13:01 UTC)

May 9, 2003 Link to this post

CLOSE YOUR MOUTH! The flies are getting in.
As mnemesis said... Whoa. The long-awaited overhaul of Bungie's Truth and Reconciliation site is complete... and man, is there some good stuff for you to much on. Lessee... New screenshots, new concept art, a new render, a new storyboard, the final level of Bungie's Legendary Walkthrough... dang. You should be finished reading about the time the E3 stuff pours into your brain. (Louis Wu 02:29:06 UTC)

May 7, 2003 Link to this post

The Road to Fanfest
SketchFactor has put up a massive article at Bungie.net describing how things are going on the way to next week's fanfest, and what the fan at home can expect to see (and get) during this time. Lots of cool stuff, but here are a couple of tidbits. There's a Fanfest Q&A database that Bungie.net users can add questions to - anything submitted before Monday will get collected by Sketch, and some of the best will be answered by Bungie employees in attendance at the Fest. (Check the 'Have Questions? Get Answers' section of the article for more details on what can be asked, and so on.) There'll be an online version of the traditional Bungie Trivia Contest, hosted right here at HBO - but it'll only be available on Thursday night. Be sure to stop by after 7 pm PST (2 am Friday UTC) to try your hand! (The online winner will receive a Bungie Prize Pack.) The Bungie webcam will be at the show, so remember: Someone Has To Watch The Webcam. Go read the rest of the piece - and start drooling! (Louis Wu 19:46:24 UTC)

May 4, 2003 Link to this post

stories, stories, and more stories
Six stories, two poems in today's Fan Fiction update:

Sunday reading... (Louis Wu 15:08:52 UTC)

May 3, 2003 Link to this post

Whoa - ten levels?
Got a TI 83 (or better) calculator? Then check out this game in the TI games archives - hehbo2k3, who pointed it out on our forum, says it's a pretty fun game. (Unfortunately, it won't run on my trusty HP 28S, so I can't tell you what it looks like.) Update: Griffon points out a couple of screenshots; one from the original version, one from the new. Check 'em out. (Scroll down to 'First Halo83.5 Screens!') (Louis Wu 09:09:46 UTC)

May 3, 2003 Link to this post

Look at that armor.
Konrad9 found a 'new' screenshot at Gamespot. (It's not really new; it was seen in print before, in an OXM article (that for some reason isn't scanned here) - but it's never been seen online, in this resolution.) Very nice bumpmapping! We've added it to our Screenshots Database. (Louis Wu 08:57:12 UTC)

May 3, 2003 Link to this post

I've seen that dude before...
...but it wasn't in Halo. Skeletor isolated a marine underground in 343 GS - and he doesn't look like any other Halo marines I know about. (Well, that's not totally true - I think it's the guy on the left in this pic - but I can't say as I've ever seen him myself in the game...) A year and a half later, and still the weirdness... (Louis Wu 01:31:16 UTC)

May 1, 2003 Link to this post

Lawdy, Lawdy.
Gah! I forget to check the Fan Fiction section for a couple of days, and things go MAD! 18 new stories since Monday...

Read 'em if you dare. (Louis Wu 21:05:09 UTC)

April 30, 2003 Link to this post

Chupa-thingy at E3.

E3 is just 2 weeks away and as it gets closer so does the Bungie Fanfest. As is the tradition from previous fanfests, there are going to be exclusives that only folks that attend the event will get to experience. Hey, Bungie has to reward those of you that are traveling far (some from Italy!) just to sniff Chucky's sleeve.

SketchFactor has already announced that a surprise mystery guest will attend. Who do you think it is? Speculation is running rampant. heh :)

But on to today's new announcement: It is Bungie's great honor to welcome the guys behind the RedvsBlue videos. Not only will they be around to sign your girlfriend's breast, but DVD-quality versions of their videos will be playing on the big screen! And here's the kicker: They are working on a special video just for the fanfest. The premise for this "Special E3 Video" is so funny that even the folks at Bungie can't wait to see it!

This is truly shaping up to be the Fanfest to beat all Fanfests. How will Bungie top it next year? One can only wonder, but I'm bringing my galoshes.

(Ding 14:04:12 UTC)

April 30, 2003 Link to this post

One One Se7en Debuts
Stuntmutt has begun work on a new comic strip - one that we're hosting here. It's called One One Se7en, and it stars your very own Master Chief, in all his MS Paint glory. We'll be releasing new comics every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, unless something comes up. To start with, go check out 'Mission Um... Possible'. (Louis Wu 13:27:50 UTC)

April 30, 2003 Link to this post

Speculation runs rampant - even among the old
Good lord - as if you didn't have ENOUGH to read... mnemesis, afraid that his job was being usurped by the young upstart Finn, went on an all-night rummaging binge and pulled out ANOTHER dozen-and-a-half morsels from the enormous Story Page email archive to mull over. Mosey on over to the Halo Story Page news section and nibble 'til you're full! (Louis Wu 12:57:06 UTC)

April 27, 2003 Link to this post

Picked up a WHAT?
Now HERE'S a weird one. Stefander dropped off a short movie he made, showing a small oversight on Bungie's part. To reproduce it, you need a modded Xbox. Play the Maw right at the start - kill off the first wave of Flood that bust down the door. The second wave is just two guys - bump one (after it passes the broken door). Wander for a bit... and you might see this (1.6 mb, QT format). No graphics for the weapon... but it clearly used to be there. Nice! Credit to Goatrope, apparently, as well. (Louis Wu 16:43:26 UTC)

April 26, 2003 Link to this post

Megg update (sort of)
To the folks sending in Megg movies and screenshots - thanks, but you can stop now. We've got several pretty high quality movies... but Meg's out of town until Tuesday, and plans to handle the PR when she gets back. We're going to hold off until then to post stuff, but we certainly don't need more. Thanks! (Louis Wu 17:52:43 UTC)

April 26, 2003 Link to this post

Did you just call my girlfriend a cow?
We're a bit late... but Episode 4 of Red vs. Blue has been available for sponsors for about 10 hours now. The public version will be up Sunday at noon, as usual. This one starts slow... but it had me laughing at the end. (Louis Wu 00:11:24 UTC)

April 24, 2003 Link to this post

Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?
HBO was down while this was going on... but BOLL started a thread a few days ago in which he posted a series of panoramic views of Halo. (These were created, as you'd find by reading the thread, by standing in one place and rotating slowly... then running the resulting movie through a homebrewed program that stitches together the same column of pixels from each frame.) Count Zero turned a few of these into QTVR panoramas; the end result is a nice 360° view of Halo in several different places. Oh, the ingenuity of fans... (Louis Wu 19:58:31 UTC)

April 24, 2003 Link to this post

Pixel Madness
A week ago, we mentioned a Halo RPG that's being worked on by a forum denizen. This week, a website for the project came online, and many more screenshots have gone up. Take another look, if you want to see a rapidly-evolving role-playing game being developed. (Louis Wu 18:51:39 UTC)

April 17, 2003 Link to this post

My eyes... MY EYES!
Now this is Halo fanaticism. 3 hours of 4-player splitscreen Halo play on an 8" screen? OUCH! (Louis Wu 19:15:52 UTC)

April 14, 2003 Link to this post

NES Halo
Sir Fragula is working on a retro-style Halo RPG, and is looking for help. Check his forum post for screenshots so far and more details. (Louis Wu 15:21:36 UTC)

April 11, 2003 Link to this post

Capture the Flag Strategies - on film
After a small dry spell with respect to movies, we've gotten a truckload submitted in the last couple of days - we'll start you out with something small. This one's from Maverick J, a trickster who's been around for a bit (but only recently active in the HBO community). It's called CTF Flag Getting 101 Part 1, and it's available in both WMP9 format (7.2 mb) or QT format (11.8 mb) from Mythica.org. (Both versions are also available from the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server, as well.) It'll show you a couple of down and dirty tricks for grabbing a flag on several levels (Battle Creek, Hang 'em High, Sidewinder) that you might not have known about. At least one of these is explicity forbidden in most of the lanfests I participate in (it requires climbing out of the map), but all of them involve nothing but some fancy footwork (and teamwork); there are no mods at play here. Worth a watch! (Louis Wu 19:16:45 UTC)

April 10, 2003 Link to this post

Mac Halo details... sort of
Over on the MacAddict Forums, a thread started over an April Fools prank we tried here. It didn't take long for the prank itself to be exposed... but over the past week, the exposer, Brad Oliver, has made it definitely worthwhile reading. Brad Oliver works for Westlake, and is the programmer currently assigned to the Mac port of Halo. He's being careful not to step on anyone's toes (especially marketing departments), but from the various posts in this thread, you can learn things like Mac Halo will (probably) be the first Mac game to ship with vertex shader support, the game is currently not in a fully playable state (the way it's set up, Gearbox is responsible for bringing the Xbox code over to the PC, and Westlake is syncing in their code as they go), system requirements are still up in the air (but it's looking like a good graphics card will make your experience CONSIDERABLY better), and a second programmer is slated to start working on the project very soon (implying a rampup of work). The info on cross-platform netplay isn't quite as positive as I'd like... but it's not set in stone; remember that you're hearing from someone who's making it work, not someone who decides what HAS to work. If you're interested in technical information about the Mac port of Halo, this thread is the best source to date! Thanks to Earendil the Mariner for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 01:53:14 UTC)

April 8, 2003 Link to this post

It's all just words, Jim.
Eleven Fan Fiction pieces for you today:

Writers - please, use the Series listing if your story is part of a series. Thanks! (Louis Wu 00:57:04 UTC)

April 5, 2003 Link to this post

Saturday's Stories
Nine stories for the Fan Fiction section:

Off to a water show... (Louis Wu 23:14:58 UTC)

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