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July 10, 2003 Link to this post

And Still more new screens at ToTheGame
ToTheGame has ALSO put up 'new' screenshots; again, these are pre-E3, and most have been seen before. However, the first shot (a Brute model) and the last (a nice shot of the new Warthog) are really new. Check it out! Thanks to Eclarap, of Halo-Game, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:43:19 UTC)

July 10, 2003 Link to this post

More Halo 2 screens at TXB
Team Xbox has put up 7 'new' screens from Halo 2 - actually, they're digital versions of some images posted in the June issue of the Official Xbox Magazine. (Three have appeared online, in a slightly smaller form, already - check our Screenshots section for details.) Thanks to CuBaNo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 09:27:03 UTC)

July 9, 2003 Link to this post

Mythica's back!
Woohoo! Mythica.org, which has been down since June 19 (that's just short of three weeks ago, for you movie-starved folks), is back up and running! We're going to be attempting to clear the rather substantial movie backlog over the next week or so... we'll start with the longest-waiting movies. First up: Too Many Vehicles, a film put together by Darksage and released on June 25 on a friend's server. You can read about it here. If you've already grabbed it, be patient - we'll release another one in the next few hours. Whoa, I feel the chest loosening! (Louis Wu 11:27:30 UTC)

July 8, 2003 Link to this post

Dialogue Databank Opened
Captain Spark recently submitted over 125 dialogue samples, in mp3 format. We've decided to use these to start a dialogue databank. Check out what's already there... and if you've got the equipment (and the interest), follow the instructions on the page for sending in NEW snippets! Suggestions are always welcome. Update: Wraith has submitted three new Grunt snippets - the collection grows! (Louis Wu 14:57:24 UTC)

July 7, 2003 Link to this post

Apocalypse: Halo, part 1
Dark Helmet has started a new Halo movie series. It's called Apocalypse: Halo, and the first installment can be downloaded from FilePlanet. It's in WMP9 format (which means we don't know anything more about it than what DH has said in this forum post - we can't watch it here), and weighs in at 18.8 mb. Take a look! (Louis Wu 21:55:06 UTC)

July 7, 2003 Link to this post

Screenshots DB updated
Thanks to Ross Mills and oddworld18, for reminding us that the Underground Online exclusive Halo PC screenshots we mentioned a couple of weeks ago had not been added to the Screenshots database yet. Oversight rectified. (Louis Wu 01:31:47 UTC)

July 3, 2003 Link to this post

New Wallpaper for All
Desktop submissions were pretty varied in the past couple of days... you'll find 15 screens (plus a couple of variations) in our Wallpaper section. See what suits your fancy! (Louis Wu 13:32:24 UTC)

July 3, 2003 Link to this post

Halo PC Update - from Bungie
For those frustrated by the quietness of the Halo PC teams (multiple Randy Pitchford interviews notwithstanding), swing on by Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site for a major update. (It can also be found here, in a more permanent location, in case you're reading this down the road.) Michel Bastien talks about where their time has been spent, and what's coming... and offers a custom screenshot (you'll have to post your request on Bungie's Underground forum). Go read it - now! (Louis Wu 01:45:11 UTC)

July 1, 2003 Link to this post

18 points of articulation
mehve has updated the Bungie community on the Halo Action Figures - they're on their way out of the factory right now! They should be hitting the Bungie Store (and other outlets) by early August. Go read about the details! Update: mehve points out that the key points of this news bit have been added to the Halo Action Figures FAQ. (Louis Wu 20:44:22 UTC)

June 30, 2003 Link to this post

PC mod starting up
Dispraiser puts in a call for modders - he's starting work on a PC mod. He's got the beginnings of a Halo battle rifle already built - needs skinning, though. Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:21:50 UTC)

June 30, 2003 Link to this post

The WHAT team?
Wow. Either someone's smoking too much crack... or something got leaked. A representative of ArtSource (a digital media staffing agency with an office in Seattle) posted to the CG Talk Hiring forum, with a request that reads in part:

Are you a SENIOR 3D Max modeler (3+ years of work experience) with multiplayer map experience, texturing and game experience? Are you available for CONTRACT work in Seattle for 3+ months?

If you have an amazing reel of strong environment modeling, we need you to work with the HALO and MARATHON team. These positions start out contract but may convert to direct hire.

Longtime Bungie fans might be going a bit berserk right now, given that 'Marathon team' reference... but remember one thing: right near the top of Bungie's very own Jobs page, there's a disclaimer:

Note to Recruitment Agencies: In accordance with Microsoft's recruitment policies, Bungie does not accept applicants from recruitment agencies and will not pay a recruitment fee for any candidates.

So: Is ArtSource working in a sanctioned way with Bungie (or Microsoft) - or have they flipped? And how real is the 'Marathon team'? Speculation is welcome on our forum, and if we get any harder information than this, we'll be sure to post it right here. (Thanks to Ian Mankowski for finding this gem.) Update: Evil Otto clears up the situation with a flat "there is no Marathon sequel in our plans at this time." Read his post for more details on how this might have come about. Thanks, EO! (Louis Wu 19:09:32 UTC)

June 28, 2003 Link to this post

Tribes screenies with MC
There are a significant number of shots of a Halo-related skin in use in Tribes over at the Tribes Battle Room Screenshots Collection; there's no easy way to point them all out, you'll need to go through his collection for yourself. As far as I can tell, these were taken using existing skins (there are at least two sets chronicled in our news database) - but it's fun to see the MC in other games. Thanks to Renzo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:42:28 UTC)

June 27, 2003 Link to this post

What - like a spider?
If you could part with a measly $5, you'd be watching Red vs Blue Episode 11 right now. And jumping out of your chair with fright. Or at least laughter. (Starts slow, but finishes with a bang.) If you can't part with $5, you'll have to wait until Sunday to get this. (Louis Wu 17:09:10 UTC)

June 25, 2003 Link to this post

Look at the paintings and then blow crap up!

The Pillar of Art Gallery showing will take place in next Saturday, July 5th, in lovely New York City. It'll be open from 12PM onwards. At some point, we'll then switch over to Halo LAN mode... put away the entries and then start to blow ourselves up. I'm trying to get 4 projectors and all the rest of the equipment lined up so we'll have a really good time.

The Chelsea Studio Gallery is located at 515 W. 19th st, right off 10th Avenue. Come see all the entries, including the top 3 prizewinners, of the Pillar of Art contest. Bring a camera and get a pic of yourself holding the cool Battle Rifle or the MC's Pistol.

As it stands, this will be the only public showing of all these pieces in one room! Stand in awe of all the mighty talent displayed!

The Gallery is open to one and all, but the LAN party is going to be handled differently, I'm sorry to say. Since we can't accomodate 75 players, I have to limit it to a much smaller crowd. So if you're interested in attending, send me an email with all your info and I'll let you know if there's space available.

We'll do our best to take pics and videos of the event. :)

(Ding 15:25:00 UTC)

June 25, 2003 Link to this post

Halo PC, Halo 2 info at UGO
Thanks to Dan Chosich, who pointed out that UGO has put up a Halo PC preview with a set of 'exclusive PC screenshots' (there are three of them, but the third one has been out for a while), and a Halo 2 preview. He found this info over at the Junkyard. Good stuff! (Louis Wu 00:25:44 UTC)

June 24, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Movie Starter Guide
c0ld vengeance has written up a basic guide for Halo moviemaking. It covers setting up your equipment (probably the most-asked-about subject we see in reference to moviemaking), and gives some general tips for making movies. Definitely worth a read if you're interested in putting together a project for the Halo community! For the sake of convenience, you'll find a direct link to it in the upper right corner of our forum. (Louis Wu 17:13:10 UTC)

June 23, 2003 Link to this post

All the colors of the rainbow - and then some
This morning, Visual posted a request on our forum, asking for some hi-res shots of the color-select screen at the beginning of Halo. (You know, where you pick your multiplayer color.) Evil Otto, ever the fan pleaser, dropped off a hi-res TIFF file with all 18 colors inside (along with a pretty dang useful alpha channel). Snag it from our Miscellaneous section - it weighs in at just under 700K, zipped. (Louis Wu 20:50:09 UTC)

June 22, 2003 Link to this post

Pictures, pictures, and a LOT more pictures
Wow. We haven't updated the Wallpaper section in almost a week... and now there are 21 new desktops for you. 10 come from kapowaz, and are just interesting renditions of opening screens on each campaign level. (Each one is available in 5 sizes, as well.) The other 11 (two of which come in multiple sizes) are individual submissions. Total number of new screens (including variations): 63. Wonga! Check the Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 03:32:03 UTC)

June 21, 2003 Link to this post

Pelican Fun - now against your friends!
Okay, it's not COMPLETELY done yet... but it's good enough for government work. A few days ago, BOLL released his Pelican Flash game... and folks loved it. It was only one level... but check out the thread of folks nailing that high score. Made us happy enough to crank it up a notch. BOLL went back to the drawing board and added 4 more levels... and I added a high-score backend for the website. Now, when you play the game, you pick your level... at the end, you add your name, hit 'submit', and you can check out how you compare to other site visitors. It's a work-in-progress; BOLL might add more levels, and I'll probably be adding more features to the high-score list (stuff like 'number of times played', that sort of thing)... but it should work, as is. Give it a try! Warning: your score will be ignored if you hit submit without adding a name. Keep that in mind. (Nothing says you have to submit at all; there's a restart button right under submit, you can try again without putting the score up.) Update: There seem to be a LOT of you playing this game, mostly at the same time. (There are a few thousand new scores in the database already...) If you get an error upon submission, it's likely because the database is being updated by someone ELSE at the same time. Sorry about that. (Louis Wu 02:56:12 UTC)

June 19, 2003 Link to this post

What's Your Gamertag?
Apologies to the rather large list of folks who were waiting for their Gamertag/screenname entries to be approved - I guess Tarrsk is on vacation. I just noticed them; dunno how long they've been there for. :( Anyway, now's as good a time as any to make sure your games list is up-to-date... forum regular (and moviemaker extraordinaire) Dan Chosich had some good times with SketchFactor last night, except that nobody knew who anybody was. (Louis Wu 17:42:15 UTC)

June 17, 2003 Link to this post

XboxConnect 3.0: Now with jetskis!
Do you play Xbox online? XboxConnect 3.0 has just been released - in the words of one of its developers, "it has more features than you can shake a stick at." Start shakin! (Louis Wu 02:24:22 UTC)

June 16, 2003 Link to this post

MPEG alternate for the demo
A new version of the trailer, encoded in MPEG1 format, is now available. It's 87 mb, and has a screen resolution of 436x320. It's a bit darker than it should be, maybe (I can't tell for sure; it looks good on 3 of the four machines I checked it on), but if you can't watch the existing versions, this puppy might be for you. Mirror offers gladly accepted. (Louis Wu 00:38:27 UTC)

June 15, 2003 Link to this post

Alternate... number 2.
Okay, here's the deal. If you own a relatively new, fast PC, there's absolutely no question which trailer you should download: get the WMP9 hi-res version. It's simply gorgeous, running on decent hardware. And if your sound system supports it, it has Dolby 5.1 surround sound. It's as close as you're gonna get to having the E3 demo running in your living room. However, if you're on a Mac, or a slower PC, or a PC with an older operating system... you might have trouble with this movie. For you, Bungie released a QuickTime version. It's not up to the quality of the WMP version... but for a lot of people, less than perfect is better than nothing. The problem is, the QuickTime version was encoded using Apple's mpeg-4 codec... and this is, unfortunately, rather processor-dependent for good playback. (It's beautiful on a fast machine... but degrades significantly on older machines, and isn't even playable on some operating systems.) So for you, we're making alternate versions. First up - a hi-res QuickTime5-compatible version, weighing in at 106 mb. This one is close to the quality of Bungie's hi-res QuickTime version - but it will play nicely on many, many more machines. Later today, there'll be a slightly smaller (screensize of 436x320) MPEG1 version - there were very few compromises made on quality, so it weighs in at almost 87 mb. (Again, if you have a larger version that works for you, do not download this - leave the bandwidth for those who need it.) Currently being processed: A 400x270 WMP7-encoded .wmv that should weigh in at under 50 mb. Last up will be another Sorenson3-encoded quicktime, in a smaller screen resolution and smaller disk footprint. Hopefully, between these, and the REALLY small versions released by a couple of sites last night, those without the resources to see the 'official' versions will still be able to appreciate this trailer. (Again: one of the reasons it's taken so long to get these alternate versions to you is because we're doing our best to maximize quality. These ain't cheap knockoffs; we understand that one of the reasons Bungie asked you not to download the shakeycam versions is because presentation matters.) Mirrors for these files are more than welcome - grab a copy, post it somewhere, send us the link. We'll add it. Thanks! (Louis Wu 14:53:04 UTC)

June 14, 2003 Link to this post

Timberland Warthogs
Don't they ever stop? Bungie has put up yet another desktop for you - this time, it's a pretty straightforward screenshot adaptation, using material from Halo PC. Check it out on the Halo PC Wallpapers page at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation. Thanks to nukedude for the heads-up. (This was actually announced, along with the Ghost Chase II image we mentioned yesterday... but somehow I missed the reference. Busy, or something. Not sure.) (Louis Wu 10:30:36 UTC)

June 14, 2003 Link to this post

Another Screenshot for ya
Geez, almost missed it... SketchFactor, thinking that maybe you didn't have ENOUGH media to look at today, tossed up another screenshot for the Tru7h and Reconciliation website. You'll find it on the bottom of the page. (Louis Wu 00:09:36 UTC)

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