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August 8, 2003 Link to this post

German Halo PC Preview (with new screens)
3DCenter, a German gaming site, put up a Halo PC preview last week; Kooky Bastard found it for us today. It contains 15 new screenshots (serious spoilers, for anyone keeping track), and shows what I think are the first shots we've seen that demonstrate how the graphics scale down on lower-end graphics cards. The shots are at 800x600, and are missing some bumpmapping/reflection mapping that we've come to expect - but they still look pretty good! (The cards used in the testing PCs are all decent... but not DirectX9 cards, and now you can see what that'll mean for you.) The preview, unfortunately, is in German, which means I have no idea what it says. If you read German, though - check it out! (Louis Wu 18:51:08 UTC)

August 8, 2003 Link to this post

I think I feel an aneurysm coming on
Red vs Blue has released Episode 15 for Sponsors - go grab your copy now. And don't adjust your monitor when it starts... it's supposed to be that way. If you're not a sponsor, you'll need to wait until Sunday... (Louis Wu 14:47:53 UTC)

August 7, 2003 Link to this post

Fer the luv o' Pete...
A long time ago, some screenshots of the Halo Flamethrower (in the Xbox version) floated around the net - speculation from Bungie employees at the time revolved around someone with access to an XDK (Xbox Development Kit), and the willingness to break their Non-Disclosure Agreements. When pushed, the producer of the shots in question backed off - and the matter was dropped. Well, this morning, PfhorSlayer (programmer behind Aquaduct, the Macintosh tunneling app) popped into our forum with some surprising pictures. A couple of hours later, Nick posted more of his own. Nobody in the thread was willing to answer HOW this all happened... and speculation raged about whether this was a hoax or not. This afternoon, BOLL got some info from Phforslayer, and recorded a movie that would be very, very hard to fake. You can't hurt anyone with this (since the code was yanked, there's no damage information), and it looks... unfinished (as well it might be), but it's certainly real. And it was accomplished with just a modded off-the-shelf Xbox (NOT a Dev Kit), and a bit of ingenuity. Wow. (If you have a modded Xbox, Macegac has written up a short tutorial on how to get this for yourself. If you don't have a modded Xbox... please don't ask us how you get one.) Update: BOLL points out that you CAN kill people with the flamethrower... but only if they're in a ghost. (Well, other vehicles might be possible, as well; he and Macegac only tested a ghost.) Oddness continues... (Louis Wu 19:44:05 UTC)

August 7, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Vehicles in a North African desert...
Ross Mills pointed out some new screenshots over at the Home Front website (a Halo total conversion for Battlefield 1942 - we mentioned this about a month and a half ago). Models look a bit flat in their desert environments... but that's probably gonna change. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 18:48:11 UTC)

August 3, 2003 Link to this post

Auto-aim - not QUITE as helpful as all that
An update on yesterday's Auto-Aim demonstration: Followup posts have shown this effect to be due to a slightly defective controller; auto-aim requires that the player is MOVING before it kicks in. (It's still pretty strong, at times... but the auto-tracking you saw at the start of the movie was actually induced by a slight movement on the part of the controller, coupled with auto-aim.) BOLL doesn't want anyone to believe he tried to trick the Halo community on purpose. (Louis Wu 13:57:08 UTC)

August 2, 2003 Link to this post

Flame On.
Busy Friday becomes Saturday (at least in UTCland) - and two items that SHOULD have been posted earlier today get belated screentime today. First up: Friday's One One Se7en. Cortana nails it again. (Louis Wu 00:58:23 UTC)

August 1, 2003 Link to this post

The new site list continues
Still more new Halo sites - UNSC HQ and Dock Command. (Totally unrelated to each other - just starting out at the same general time.) I feel like I'm back in 1999, with Halo sites popping up at the rate of 5+/week... (Louis Wu 19:31:38 UTC)

August 1, 2003 Link to this post

Screenshots Database updated
Took a little while... but we finally got around to adding the 6 new batches of screenshots found on the web over the past few weeks. You'll find them in our Screenshots database (new material begins on July 9). (Louis Wu 15:35:55 UTC)

July 31, 2003 Link to this post

E3 Trailer on TechTV
James DeWitt points out that TechTV will be broadcasting the full 8 minute E3 Demo Trailer this Monday at 11:30 pm (also twice on Tuesday - see TechTV's schedule for details). If you haven't had an opportunity to see this in full-screen glory, this is your chance! (Louis Wu 10:23:53 UTC)

July 31, 2003 Link to this post

Guess that release date!
Ryan 'Mhaddy' Matthews of the Junkyard reminds everyone that a contest started over a year ago is drawing to a close... the Halo: Guess the Release Date Contest! You've got 5 more days to guess the date at which Halo PC goes Gold... (Louis Wu 10:00:51 UTC)

July 30, 2003 Link to this post

Ninjas on Ice
Another Halo board has started up - Ninjas on Ice is a spinoff of Ninjas on Fire, apparently. This came in Monday, but I lost it in the rush. (Louis Wu 15:26:31 UTC)

July 30, 2003 Link to this post

Homelan looks at shooters
Homelan Fed recently started a series called the '10 Most Important First Person Shooters' - number 9, posted today, is Halo. (They're listed in Chronological order - there's one more coming.) Take a look at why they think it's important! (Louis Wu 14:28:10 UTC)

July 29, 2003 Link to this post

The sequel to Halo Babies: Halo Gradeschoolers?
Pallor sends in another Halo sighting:

The latest movie to hit theaters for kids has the cards stacked in favor of Bungie's Halo. The stars in the movie Ryan Pinkston and Robert Vito have come out publically to state its their favorite game. That carries over to the movie itself: Inside the game they are playin in the movie, Juni meets a quartet of beta testers (Ryan James Pinkston, Robert Vito, Bobby Edner and Courtney Jines). They join his quest to find Carmen, who is stuck on level four. When Juni discovers a river of molten lava, he asks, "How come every video game has lava in it?" "Technically that isn't true," another player says. " 'Halo' doesn't have lava." So Halo is now a pop culture icon garnering references in childrens films. I suppose its decent to say they have started to invade Hollywood.
Halo fans... They're everywhere. (Count Zero 20:46:15 UTC)

July 28, 2003 Link to this post

WorthPlaying looks at Halo PC
WorthPlaying.com put up a Halo PC preview on Friday - they got in on the gameplay we saw at IGN and GameSpot last week. 10 new screenshots, all at 1024x768 size... nice! Pretty PC-oriented (as in, anti-Xbox)... but then, it IS a PC preview, so what the heck. Heads-up came from Konrad9, on our forum. (Louis Wu 14:04:22 UTC)

July 23, 2003 Link to this post

Text... overload... Can't... hold out... much...
What do you get when you double the excitement and mystery of seven pieces of Fan Fiction? A whole mess of stories to read, that's what! Sheesh, people, your fecundity is startling. :-)

Remember, use the Fan Fiction comments section for constructive criticism. Read on! (mnemesis 17:57:46 UTC)

July 22, 2003 Link to this post

And the Rocket goes to...
Emil of the CobaltNova Halo League would like to announce the first annual Rockets On Prisoner awards:

"With approximately 240 to 300 Halo movies having been developed since the game's release it was time that the community begin to recognize the very best among them. This year the "Rockets on Prisoner" award will be accorded to the winner in each of the following categories: Best Movie, Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, Best Editing Sound and Visual Effects, Best Musical Score, and Best Documentary."
They've already got quite a few well-known (and not so well-known) films up on the lists of potential nominees. Head over and check out the talent. If you don't see a film you think should be entered, let them know. The deadline for nominations is Sunday, July 27th, so get going! (mnemesis 06:49:08 UTC)

July 19, 2003 Link to this post

haloevents needs your help
Derek Brown is starting up a new site called haloevents - he's hoping to create a database of upcoming Halo events around the nation. Visitors will be able to search this database for events near them. This requires input from you; the more events submitted to this site, the more people who will come to search it for information relevant to them, which will make the pool of event-submitters larger, which will help the database grow, and so on, and so on. In addition to events, there will be reviews of multiplayer gear, suggestions for LAN party hosting, and multiplayer setups. Go visit, and submit content! (Louis Wu 09:47:57 UTC)

July 19, 2003 Link to this post

NoFF tourney trailer
Never got a movie up at Mythica yesterday, and dang, if the bandwidth usage didn't drop below 7 Mbit/sec. The inside of the pipe's gonna start feeling lonely - not enough bits passing through! Next up is a movie we should have posted a while ago; it seems to have gotten slightly lost. This film is a trailer for the Ninjas on Fire Forum Exclusive XBC Tournament. Nothing in the documentation sent with the movie (or at the NoFF Tournament website) gives an actual date (or dates) for this gathering... but the vid is nicely put together. It's only 6.4 mb, in WMP7 format. I'm a little surprised at some of the misses... but hey, everybody's got off days, right? This was submitted by zhakahunterDARK, and more information can be found at the Ninja Tournament website. (Louis Wu 03:58:02 UTC)

July 17, 2003 Link to this post

Looks like we're not the only ones here...
Halogamers has put up Episode one of its Sidewinder Saga. 2:39 long, in QuickTime format, it's available in two resolutions: 640x480 (23.5 mb) and 320x240 (7.2 mb). Nice filming! The story's off to a rollicking start. (Louis Wu 19:07:38 UTC)

July 17, 2003 Link to this post

Requiem for Halo: new movie
Athol Productions has put together an artistic look at Halo 2; snippets of existing movies, interspersed with stills, all nicely composited. Nice soundtrack, too. 'Requiem for Halo' is available in both QuickTime 5 (19.6 mb) and WMP 9 (21.4 mb) formats. It's 4:55 long, and has a screensize of 320x240. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:33:46 UTC)

July 15, 2003 Link to this post

Halo PC preview at Gamespot - with new screenies
Gamespot has put up a Halo PC preview, with 11 new screens (heavy on the Banshees in multiplayer) - this game is looking mighty impressive! Go read the details. Thanks to KP on our forum, and an anonymous emailer for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 23:28:36 UTC)

July 15, 2003 Link to this post

New screenies at IGN
IGN has posted 11 new Halo PC screens (mostly multiplayer) - they're only 800x600, but they're still beautiful. (Nobody over there has Dave Candland's setup skills, though...) They're available to everyone - check 'em out! Thanks to strato99l for the first heads-up. Update: There's an article that goes with these, available to all. Thanks to Infininja for noticing. (Louis Wu 14:21:40 UTC)

July 14, 2003 Link to this post

This is like the gun I used in 'nam.
Six months ago, Mike Miller put together a film called 'In Too Deep'. It rocked. Well, he's back - the new one's called 'Winning isn't Everything', and it rocks, too. 19.2 mb of QuickTime goodness - it's just over 4 and a half minutes long, and it's filled with a combination of tricks (most of which have been documented right here on this site), cool sequences, and fantastic audio choices. Timing (probably the most critical feature of a Halo vid) is spot-on... and there are some sequences that simply have to be seen to be believed. (Check out the Elite Wraith driver kill that starts around 1:07.) If you're looking to make a Halo video, and you want to figure out what works... watch this. 20 mb is big... so any mirror offers will be greatly appreciated. Update: Blade, who's in the process of building Team Ice, a Halo/Starcraft gaming website (with updates coming soon), has agreed to mirror BOTH of Mike Miller's movies - you can grab In Too Deep and Winning isn't Everything off his site. Thanks, Blade! (Louis Wu 16:49:33 UTC)

July 13, 2003 Link to this post

Home again - it was definitely big enough
Just got home from Brian Josselyn's Are You Big enough lanfest - here's a shot (68K) of some of the folks present, set against the backdrop of the largest screen we used. (No, we didn't play on this surface - there was a real screen that had been stored by the time this picture was taken.) Twelve hours of hi-def Halo goodness - and even though a bunch of the players won't actually be home for a few more hours, it was absolutely, positively worth the drive. More soon, I hope. For now, bed. (Louis Wu 05:07:43 UTC)

July 11, 2003 Link to this post

Gamespot says Look! Us too!
Continuing the trend of posting 3-month-old screenshots, Gamespot put up 12 new pics yesterday, as well. They've all been seen before - but some of the Prophet variants they put up are larger than any alternatives posted to date. Worth a look, if you're an avid collector. Ross Mills was the first to notice on our forum. (Louis Wu 09:51:43 UTC)

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