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Showing results 3401 - 3425 of 4250 matches

September 9, 2003 Link to this post

Older maps, newer weapons
Very nice new screen over at Gearbox's Projects page - The MC with a flamethrower, on Boarding Action. Burn, baby... (Louis Wu 15:29:19 UTC)

September 8, 2003 Link to this post

Preparing for Halo PC Filmz
One last offsite vid for you: Dinky, of HaloJuggaloProductions, has put up a large (31 mb, DivX-encoded AVI) movie showing how to get video footage from your PC onto a DV camera. If that sounds like a lot to download for something you could explain in, say, a text-based FAQ... check out botman's suggestion for straight-to-disk recording. Supports up to 1024x768 resolution (better than the DV camera's 720x480) - though you'll need a LOT of disk space for the movies... roughly 1 gb/minute. Also, framerate drops more than 50% (on my system, with reasonable action on the screen, average framerate went from ~45 fps to ~20 fps when recording was turned on.) Still, it's easy to implement, and makes pretty high-quality movies... (Louis Wu 19:06:54 UTC)

September 8, 2003 Link to this post

Gamers Depot looks at Halo PC
Another Halo PC preview over at Gamers Depot - again, it's single-player only (Beta 1.5 had only LAN networking), but they took a few nice screenshots. Thanks to Nick Danger for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:55:25 UTC)

September 8, 2003 Link to this post

The Longest Short
A few weeks ago, we mentioned a CGI Halo movie being worked on by Mic Fedusenko. He's popped back into our forum with word of another few screenshots of his progress. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 15:35:49 UTC)

September 7, 2003 Link to this post

FiringSquad looks at SP Halo PC
Halo PC Preview at FiringSquad. It's a look at Single-player only, and brings up several points that have been addressed on various messageboards by Bungie and Gearbox employees (so don't bother sending us outraged emails about how this or that problem is already fixed - we know)... but it's a view from a PC FPS player, which is how Halo PC SHOULD be judged. 32 screenshots, as well. Thanks to AlStrong for the heads-up on our forum. (Louis Wu 16:16:50 UTC)

September 6, 2003 Link to this post

The Halo Timeline - official again
Whoa - I've got no idea when this was (re)posted... but the Halo Storyline, originally posted on the now-defunct Xbox.com Flash Halo site, has RESURFACED at Xbox.com. (It was orginally posted in mid-September 2001 - in a hidden format. Once a Bungie fan found it, it was yanked. It reappeared - in an altered format - a couple of months later... and then was yanked again. It was offline for a very, very long time; I'm pretty sure it wasn't up on the Xbox.com site, say, a month ago.) Nice to see - maybe this can kickstart the dormant Halo Story page, which has been waiting for its maintainers to return from their summer activities... (Louis Wu 12:30:18 UTC)

September 5, 2003 Link to this post

It's all about the ice, baby
Woohoo! New screens at Microsoft's Halo PC site - this time it's Ice Fields. There haven't been a lot of views of this level up to now... you get 5 decent ones here, and can get a good feel for level layout. Thanks to spesalfred for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 21:02:31 UTC)

September 5, 2003 Link to this post

Gearbox posts Sapien shot
Gearbox has put up another new screenie - this time, it's a shot of Sapien, the tool used to populate maps after creation. Get a feel for what sort of options are available... (The work items list is down to 48, as well... not long now!) Thanks to Satesh, on our forum, for noticing. (Louis Wu 15:36:53 UTC)

September 5, 2003 Link to this post

The Preview Parade Continues
Two new Halo PC previews: Warcry, put up Tuesday, and The Armchair Empire, put up Wednesday. The Warcry preview is a bit strange; it focuses entirely on the campaign mode, and was written by someone who never even bothered to read old Xbox summaries. (The screenshots are of such degraded quality that we're not even going to include them in our Screenshots database.) The Armchair Empire believes that the game will be a hard sell to Xbox owners, because "what little that is new to Halo just won't be enough to justify paying full price for a second, slightly more robust version of the game." (These guys obviously haven't been playing internet multiplayer every night...) Both links come from Blue's News, by way of ash. (Louis Wu 12:40:06 UTC)

September 4, 2003 Link to this post

Gearbox Update
For the first time in almost a week, Gearbox has updated its top Exclusive Screenshot - this one shows a lot of firepower being unleashed on a few Blue guys by a pair of Reds... (And while your ON the Projects page, note that the remaining work items for Halo PC (things that must be completed before the game can be sent to manufacturing) is down to 57. When the countdown was first noted (6 days ago), the total was 146; not a bad week's work! Thanks to Brad Griswold for the first heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:11:36 UTC)

September 4, 2003 Link to this post

Games Domain looks over Halo PC
Games Domain has put up a Halo PC Preview; not a lot new (well, they're apparently MUCH better with a sniper rifle than I am), but 10 additional screens (added to the Screenshots database, as well). Thanks to ash, who noticed it at Blue's News. (Louis Wu 07:48:35 UTC)

September 2, 2003 Link to this post

Entertainment Depot previews Halo
A brief Halo PC preview was published (along with 25 screenshots) over at the Entertainment Depot yesterday. Thanks to Cash, on the Gearbox forums, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 14:49:40 UTC)

September 2, 2003 Link to this post

Homelan Fed looks at Halo PC - again
Last Friday, Homelan Fed put up a followup article to their Fanstock Impressions article we mentioned a bit ago. (I blame our missing it on the Labor Day weekend. Yeah, that's it.) A few new screenshots (now in our Screenshots database as well), and some comments about the beta version they've been playing with... worth a look! (Louis Wu 13:25:45 UTC)

August 31, 2003 Link to this post

Long-overdue egg update
Wow. It's taken a LOONNG time, but the Easter Eggs page is finally up-to-date; two eggs (the Megg, and the Chinese seven on the pistol) have been added, and one egg (the Gametypes screen, as corrected by ZechsGX recently) has been updated. Dunno why I hadn't done this before... (Louis Wu 16:15:44 UTC)

August 31, 2003 Link to this post

Serious Tactics.
Every once in a while, Serious Sam comes up in a discussion of what Halo is missing (due to its more-than-two-player full-screen coop play). Stuntmutt looks at what it DOESN'T have, in comparison to Halo, in today's One One Se7en. Ouch. (Louis Wu 02:00:07 UTC)

August 29, 2003 Link to this post

Danger Canyon Shots at MS site
Continuing on their one-new-map-a-week schedule, Microsoft's Official Halo PC site has put up 5 new screenshots in the Multiplayer section, this time of Danger Canyon. You can get a good sense for the scale of the map, if you didn't have it already... take a look! Thanks to quickfire for pointing it out. We've gone ahead and added these to our Screenshots database, simply because we just brought it up to date yesterday, and I'd hate to begin getting behind so soon... (Louis Wu 19:56:20 UTC)

August 29, 2003 Link to this post

The Countdown is on!
Gearbox's Project page, which was offline for a while this morning, is back up with a new screenshot (feel sorry for the Blue Base)... and a countdown of remaining work items left on Halo PC (before it can go gold). Total at the moment: 146. (That's not very much; I remember Oni's bug tracker had over 3000 items in it a week before it went gold. They weren't all bugs... but they were things that needed to be addressed.) Woohoo! Thanks to Sedgr for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:58:13 UTC)

August 28, 2003 Link to this post

Screenshots DB made current; 133 pics added
Whoa. Our Screenshots database has been updated with the screens released thus far in August - and the total number of Halo PC screens shot up from 70 on August 1... to 203 today. That's a lotta shots. (Louis Wu 21:34:04 UTC)

August 28, 2003 Link to this post

Action Trip looks at Halo PC
Action Trip has posted a preview of Halo PC; not a huge amount of new info (and actually the hardcore among you will probably give them a hard time for some of their facts), but the screens are quite nice. 1600x1200, no watermark; there are 10 with the preview, and an additional 17 if you're an Action Trip Plus subscriber. Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:07:45 UTC)

August 28, 2003 Link to this post

Gamers Depot talks to Gearbox Honcho
Another Pitchford interview - and more screenshots - can be found over at Gamers Depot. Randy's pretty upbeat about wowing PC gamers, even though the Xbox version's been out for a while. He's also confident that the work Westlake is doing will allow Macs and PCs to play together... thanks to ash, who found it at Blue's News. (Louis Wu 00:00:20 UTC)

August 27, 2003 Link to this post

New movie series starts at UNSC.net
Rgamer, a site we mentioned recently, has changed its name (and URL) to UNSC.net. They currently have an introduction to a new series from Ctrl Alt Delete Productions - it's called The Beginning of the End - Intro, and it's about 9 mb, in WMP9 format. If you want it, UNSC.net is the only place to get it. (Louis Wu 01:47:57 UTC)

August 26, 2003 Link to this post

Don't Try This At Home
Master Chief looks like he made a little mess in Blood Gulch... new screenie over at Gearbox's site. No modding needed - that's stuff you can get right from the configure multiplayer dialogues. Whoa. Thanks to spesalfred for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:08:38 UTC)

August 25, 2003 Link to this post

UO looks at the Fanstock event
Tycho, from Unreal Ops (an Unreal fansite), came along on the Halo PC Fanstock event last week. He's posted his own impressions of the game (as well as three new screenshots, snapped from a beta build we were given) over at the Unreal Ops site. A nicely non-Halo perspective... go read it! (Louis Wu 12:10:18 UTC)

August 25, 2003 Link to this post

My eyes are still burning.
Blackstar has put up a nice little photo gallery of yesterday's Summer Slaying lanfest here at HBO HQ. This screen says an awful lot about the skill of Geeoff; give him a pistol, you die. That simple. (I'm having trouble figuring out why SAAACK is 12th, though... I'm not 100% sure what they were playing there.) Comments can be found in this forum thread. (Louis Wu 03:26:59 UTC)

August 24, 2003 Link to this post

CPL breaks down $30K
Beginning to scrape the sleep out of my eyes - last night ended at 3:30, and started at... hmm, about 9 pm the night before. Decent lanfest, except for melting the wiring in my garage... There's quite a bit of stuff to get to, but it's going to take most of the day to get to it. First up: CPL has announced its prize distribution for the Halo PC tournament at the CPL Winter Event; first prize is $9,000. More numbers and lots of links can be found in CobaltNova's forum post. Good money, if you're skilled enough... (Louis Wu 15:09:12 UTC)

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