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October 15, 2003 Link to this post

New screenshots at Bungie.net
Seven new screens over at Bungie.net - they were all taken by beta testers, and the filenames include the submitter. Most should be familiar to you, if you've been around here for any length of time. These are the top 7 screens of a much larger pool submitted to Bungie during the beta test, and are all worth checking out! (Louis Wu 19:35:36 UTC)

October 15, 2003 Link to this post

Because we hate to see goodies go to waste...
Wow. It looks like folks have pretty much given up on the Great Halo Scavenger Hunt... and that makes me sad. There's a post on our forum that MIGHT summarize what the problem is - but I know that the puzzle is solveable, since several people have solved it already. So here's the deal: we're gonna give you one of the trinkets. This was the first one found, and it was posted on our forum at least twice, so I don't feel too bad giving it away. If you visit Battleground: Halo, and stop by their FAQ, a text search on the page will turn up a question that isn't linked at the top. It's down in the last section, and it asks 'What is the fifth trinket?' and the answer is 'East'. They're not all in plain sight like that - but (with a couple of exceptions) they all mention 'trinket', which should make things a bit simpler. Remember - you're looking for 10 of these, and you're looking on Halo-related websites for them. In the process of finding them, you should ALSO find clues about what to do with them. (At the start, don't worry about what to do with them - just keep track of them. It really will become clearer.) Only 3 of the 28 prizes have been claimed at this point... there is still a LOT of schwag to grab! (Louis Wu 10:05:47 UTC)

October 14, 2003 Link to this post

Free Dedicated Server on SeeMePlayMe
Got a note from the folks at SeeMePlayMe, a gaming/chat solution which now covers Halo (along with other games). Pretty cool stuff; The software is free (though there are advantages to subscribing), and one of the new features with respect to Halo is that you can set up your own dedicated server for free. You and your friends meet in a 'room', where you can chat, view each others' webcams, whatever... when you're ready, you can set up a private Halo server, with your own parameters (map, options, number of players, etc.) and get to playing. A screenshot of the interface is here. As the service becomes more popular, the number of days that non-paying members can create servers every week may decrease... but you'll ALWAYS be able to JOIN a game. (You also have access to the standard servers out there; SeeMeePlayMe can act as an alternative to the Gamespy server browser built into Halo, an alternative with a built-in chat option, for the 'we need a lobby' folks.) If your clan needs a place to meet, but doesn't want to deal with the hassle of collecting money from all members to pay for a dedicated server, this is an option you should definitely check out! Update: This page at SeeMePlayMe should explain what they're about, and what they offer. (Louis Wu 17:44:31 UTC)

October 13, 2003 Link to this post

BBC says Halo has problems
There's an article on the BBC News website called 'PC bugs undermine Halo shooter' which laments the problems in Halo PC. Most of the complaints have been heard before (high requirements, weaker weapons), but a couple are new - including one rather surprising one:

But the most serious problem comes with the multi-player option. The computer is prone to crash during gameplay when you change maps, even on a machine using Windows XP. In one case, the crash led to the so-called "blue screen of death", something that simply does not happen with XP.

I'd love to see corroboration of this - I was under the impression that that screen no longer even existed under XP. (For the record, I've never seen Halo crash while changing maps, either.) Thanks to Beats for the heads-up on this one. Update: looks like I haven't been doing my homework. Plenty of folks wrote in to tell me about BSODs in XP (I'm not a huge PC user, so I don't feel so bad about this), but others wrote to tell me that the phenomenon is NOT limited to a small group; there are many messages about BSOD crashes over on the Gearbox Technical forum. Before Halo PC was released, I was completely up-to-date on this forum... but in the last couple of weeks, I've been falling behind. After doing some searches, it seems that the majority of (though by no means ALL) the problems are with people who have ATI 8500/9000/9200 cards; many were able to make them go away by installing the latest Catalyst drivers (and ensuring that OLDER drivers were cleared out), but some were not. (Many problems seem to be tied to the ati3d2ag.dll file - specifically, multiple instances of it.) I haven't run across an official Gearbox response to the problem, but I'd guess they're working hard on it. (Louis Wu 11:00:38 UTC)

October 12, 2003 Link to this post

Hack me, baby.
As usual, BOLL rocks. HHHT, the Helpful Halo Hacking Tool, provides an easy way to apply ppf files to modify maps (and lets you backup your originals, in case you forget!). Screenshot here, to show you the interface. Hacking was never easier. (Louis Wu 19:34:28 UTC)

October 12, 2003 Link to this post

Flamethrower... in Campaign
Wraith has discovered that the flamethrower IS available on a couple of Campaign levels in Halo PC; he's taken a few screenshots on the Library, and created ppfs for both the Library and Keyes, the two levels he found it on. You can see the screens in this forum post, or download a zip file containing all 6 screens, the two ppfs, and a readme from THIS post. Try it out on the covenant! (Louis Wu 15:08:09 UTC)

October 11, 2003 Link to this post

A thought about PC mods
Small note for uploaders: there are a number of folks who've uploaded mods of existing maps to us, all (at this stage) involving simple hex editing of the mapfile to change weapons, or effects. It's great that folks are modding Halo PC before the official tools even get released... but we're having trouble justifying the bandwidth needs for such basic modifications. For example: someone recreated BOLL's 'Wheels on Fire' mod - except only the wheels part (and projectile impacts). The resultant zip file is over 5 megs... don't get me wrong, it's cool and all, but I'd rather wait until there are tools that can create a 5k patcher than house a 5 mb full map for a change this small. There are plenty of Halo mod sites on the net that can house these; we're going to wait until more complicated mods are available before we start our collection. Thanks! (Louis Wu 14:10:46 UTC)

October 10, 2003 Link to this post

Skavenger Hunt Update
I've seen a couple of disturbing posts on our forum (and there are likely similar ones in other places) to the effect of 'now that the Scavenger Hunt has been solved...' Folks, there are 28 prizes to be won in the main hunt. As of this moment, 3 of them have been claimed. We'll probably start dropping hints this weekend, to get people back on track... but there is still a mountain of schwag to take home, so don't stop looking! (Louis Wu 13:57:10 UTC)

October 9, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Reviews - lots of 'em.
A plethora of Halo reviews since our last roundup:

There are 70 new screens (beautiful) at Computer Games Romania, and 15 (with HORRIBLE colors) at CVG. Thanks, Blues News, for keeping up while I was playing Halo PC! (Louis Wu 11:17:43 UTC)

October 8, 2003 Link to this post

GameDaemons-HBO now running Halo Server 1.02
Just a heads-up... the HBO Halo PC server is now running v1.02. You'll need to upgrade your Halo client in order to see it. To do this, simply quit out of Halo, then restart it. The next time you try to connect to internet multiplayer, you'll be given the option to update. See you online! (Louis Wu 17:09:16 UTC)

October 7, 2003 Link to this post

More Management tools for HaloPC DS
More Halo PC Server management options: Nocsole is a Win32 app that runs on the server box, and allows RCON commands to be sent to it. You can see screenshots of it (and download it) on the Halo PC Beta board. (Thanks, tHe cLeanER.) There's also a Game Query Module for PHPNuke; you can see it in use here, drab it from disgruntledtech here. (Thanks, trampi3 on the Gearbox forums.) The options increase... (Louis Wu 22:32:52 UTC)

October 7, 2003 Link to this post

An unofficial scavenger hunt FAQ
Yayap the grunt has taken it upon himself to write up a short FAQ about the Great Halo Scavenger Hunt. Yayap has no affiliation with bungie.org, and no inside knowledge about the Hunt... but he did mostly get the details right. If you're confused about where to start, you might want to read this. (Louis Wu 17:45:19 UTC)

October 6, 2003 Link to this post

The Great Halo Scavenger Hunt
And so it begins... The Great Halo Scavenger Hunt is on! It's been a long time in the making; this is a contest that involves many different websites in the Halo/Bungie community. Part of the fun is actually going to be figuring out what you're supposed to be doing, so we're not going to give you all that much to go on, to start with... but you should stop by TGHSH Rules page for an overview, basic rules, and a prize list. (It's a hell of a prize list. Bungie rocks.) There are two interwoven parts to this hunt; there's the main scavenger hunt (which is convoluted, and requires collecting a LOT of information, but has some pretty slick schwag for those who make it to the finish line), and the 'Instant Win' category, which provides bonus gifts for the first 7 people to discover the IW doodads. Through it all, we'll be here, moderating, helping out with occasional clues, doing our best to keep folks from cheating their way to the end. And for those around during the Glyph contest we held a couple of years ago, a familiar name will be back to egg you on. In fact, she's already popped her head up... Enough of this - go read the Rules page, and start searching! (Louis Wu 18:25:19 UTC)

October 6, 2003 Link to this post

Tools to admin your dedicated server
Two more Halo PC server admin tools, straight from the Gearbox forums. (Thanks to programerz for a kickass summary, btw). First up is Halo Query, a tool for Win32/Linux platforms (BSD coming soon) that will show some very pretty stats of the server. Second up is stang's Halo Server Admin, a small app that runs on the server and allows easy access to 6 basic commands (show players, kick player, ban player, next map, restart map, shutdown server). All of this stuff, btw, is before Gearbox has even released the final version of the Dedicated Server... (Louis Wu 16:18:19 UTC)

October 6, 2003 Link to this post

Image Gallery opens
Break Point has created an Image Gallery, where community members can upload pictures of tricks and score screens for free hosting. Comments can go in this forum thread. (To date, Stuntmutt hasn't uploaded any pictures there.) (Louis Wu 10:34:14 UTC)

October 6, 2003 Link to this post

Bad hair day. Really bad.
Stuntmutt found a hilariously mislabeled picture over at the Wizard Entertainment site - check the caption on the top picture. In case someone gets on the ball and fixes it before you read it, here's a screenshot (165K). (Louis Wu 09:49:46 UTC)

October 5, 2003 Link to this post

So you wanna start a clan...
Viper, over at Battleground: Halo, has written up an article about starting up a gaming clan. Pretty topical, given the number of new Halo PC clans springing up these days... go check it out! (Louis Wu 00:33:35 UTC)

October 4, 2003 Link to this post

Xbox tourney in Texas - now
Oops - another tournament, this one Xbox-based, and starting today. The 'Master Chief Mayhem' Xbox tournament takes place in Cyclone Skatepark in McKinney, Texas. A pre-party happens today until 11 pm (about 2 hours from now), then registration for the full tourney ends tomorrow morning at 10 am. $40 early registration, $50 at the door, with a top prize of $600. They sent a flyer. (Louis Wu 01:50:12 UTC)

October 4, 2003 Link to this post

Online Halo PC Tourneys at SeeMePlayMe
SeeMePlayMe is running a series of online tournaments, starting this Monday. Visit their Halo Tournaments page for times and server names... and see what's what! (Louis Wu 01:29:38 UTC)

October 2, 2003 Link to this post

Free copy of (German) Halo PC
Halo Universe (in Germany) is giving away a free copy of Halo PC (German version). All you need to do is count the number of Halo screenshots at Amazon.de and then email your results (along with name, address and halouniverse.de username, if you have one) to a special email address. Check their main page for more details! (Louis Wu 08:37:31 UTC)

October 1, 2003 Link to this post

Reviews out the yin-yang
The next round of reviews have come out: Games Domain, ActionTrip, Gaming Nexus, Homelan Fed, and PC Arena. Lots of screenies. Lots of 'it's fun', lots of 'it needs big iron'. Thanks to Blue's News for the links. (Louis Wu 00:18:23 UTC)

October 1, 2003 Link to this post

Wednesday's Words
17 new stories for you in the Fan Fiction section:

Read Read Read... (Louis Wu 00:06:15 UTC)

September 30, 2003 Link to this post

Screenies at WorthPlaying, too
While I was over at WorthPlaying, I found a whole bunch of screenshots (54 of 'em) posted about a week and a half ago. They're interesting, because they've got lots of graphic features turned off; you can see what the game looks like with no specular reflections, low textures, etc. Warning to those who haven't played yet - they're full of spoilers. (Louis Wu 15:29:43 UTC)

September 30, 2003 Link to this post

It's Official.
The official Halo PC Press Release has hit the wires; get ready to start fragging. (Louis Wu 13:39:16 UTC)

September 30, 2003 Link to this post

Flaming Love
Very nice. Gearbox has put up a new screenshot - this one shows Dave Mertz getting toasted crisply with the flamethrower. Thanks to comcipher for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 08:33:22 UTC)

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