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November 10, 2003 Link to this post

It's All In Your Head
So what do you do when the AI in your head starts making you hear voices? (Well, her voice, anyway...) Check today's Halo: Resolution. (Louis Wu 11:15:58 UTC)

November 8, 2003 Link to this post

Mac geeks take heed!
Lots of good tech info from the Westlake programmers on the IMG forum - if that goes offline, Madscientist transcribed a bunch of it in this forum post. Not long now! (Louis Wu 20:15:40 UTC)

November 8, 2003 Link to this post

B.net interviews AGP
Yesterday, Bungie.net posted an interview with Jay Ubroh, the president of the Associates of Gaming Professionals, an organization devoted to professional Halo Xbox gaming. How AGP started, why Halo, and what's next were all on the table. Check it out! (Louis Wu 10:29:21 UTC)

November 6, 2003 Link to this post

Apple posts system reqs for Mac Halo
The Apple Store is listing some system requirements for Mac Halo (you'll have to search for the item; there's no way I know of to link directly to it), and they're relatively steep: 700 MHz G4, 256/512 MB RAM, Radeon 8500 or GeForce 2 MX with 32 MB VRAM. These aren't final requirements, as far as I know - Al Schilling just said yesterday (to IMG) that they hadn't been pinned down yet - but it's a starting point. Thanks to Toxicoman, via email, and Howie, on our forum, for noticing. (Louis Wu 14:24:05 UTC)

November 5, 2003 Link to this post

Party Hardy with Marty's Army!
Bungie's very own Marty O'Donnell has posted on his Chapter page that an announcement is coming soon about a large Marty Army get-together in honor of Halo's 2 year anniversary. More to come on Bungie.net's front page!

Those of you that live near the Maestro will have quite an opportunity to pump him for info on Halo 2 (the man never breaks though) as well as touch his golden mane! And then raid his fridge! And then flop a grenade on him as he runs from your base! (OK, I'll stop now)

UPDATE: Oops, I missed the link to the actual event page. November 15, at 4PM is when the craziness starts! Update 2: SketchFactor pointed out that the B.net clock is a little screwy; the festivities actually begin at 1 pm PST. (Ding 19:39:57 UTC)

November 4, 2003 Link to this post

Australian Halo Tourney starts this week
Cyber Slam is an Australian Halo tournament starting this Friday, November 7th. 16 national finalists will be flown to Sydney to compete in the finals on December 6 - and the winner will pocket $1000 in cash and be flown to the US to play in the International Halo Championship tourney in January 2004. You must be 18 or over to participate. Unfortunately, registration closed at midnight on the 3rd of November; we received this note a day or two before that, but it was sent to a hidden address (we were bcc'd), and my junk filter didn't let it through. Note to folks with time-critical info - in these days of heavy spam filtering, you're better off taking the extra time to actually mail the announcement to individual addresses. (There are even apps for this.) Good luck to all who entered! (Louis Wu 12:21:24 UTC)

November 4, 2003 Link to this post

Halo PC Vehicles Guide up at Halo Ops
Halo Ops has put up a Halo PC Vehicles Guide - and though the screenshots are quite nice, some of the info is a bit questionable. (I thought 'Phade' was a typo, at first, as the name of the Shade - but it's used more than half a dozen times.) As a discussion-starter, this article is worth a read. (Louis Wu 10:08:55 UTC)

November 4, 2003 Link to this post

Blood Gulch for UT2K3
Titanium Designs, a modding group for Unreal Tournament 2003, has released CTF - Bloodgulch 2, a map design based on Halo's Blood Gulch. You can see screenshots on this page, or grab a 17 mb WMP9 vid of the level from their Videos section. (Personally, I'm having trouble seeing the resemblance...) The 3 mb map download can be snagged off FilePlanet. Thanks to Alex Bilas for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 09:53:52 UTC)

November 2, 2003 Link to this post

Reviews out the wazoo
Thanks to Hamid Djangi, who pointed out a couple of review sites with lots of links we haven't reported yet - all of the following came from GameRankings and Metacritic.

Whew! That's a lot. (Louis Wu 19:40:51 UTC)

November 1, 2003 Link to this post

Err, what is it?
One of my favorite Miscellaneous Art submitters is ZZoMBiE13 - he makes some incredible stuff. Well, he's now submitted a Guest One One Se7en strip... and brought is inimitable style to that arena. (He gets away a bit from the normal visual style of the comic... but he's spot on with content.) If you're confused, it's to do with the X03 screenshot released a few weeks ago - you can see it here. (Louis Wu 10:09:04 UTC)

October 30, 2003 Link to this post

CPL Chat posted around the net
A number of sites have put up transcripts of last night's IRC chat on the #CPL channel of Gamesnet with Gearbox, Bungie, and MS - we haven't had time to format our own yet (I wasn't around last night, but I logged it anyway :) ). In the meantime, you can check out

Some really good info in there! Update: Oops, missed a couple; Ross Mills posted to our own forum! And so did BOLL... (Louis Wu 09:07:32 UTC)

October 28, 2003 Link to this post

What's a FAQ, anyway?
Back in April, we started hosting a comic strip called One One Se7en. Its simple artwork and clever writing caught on - it's become one of our most popular features. So much so, in fact, that many people have submitted their OWN One One Se7en strips, which are now posted on days when Stuntmutt's official strips are not. Still, though, there is some confusion about how to go about creating and submitting strips, and what's really acceptable. To that end, Stuntmutt (in his own inimitable style) has written a FAQ, of sorts, to cover the basics. Check it out. (Louis Wu 09:52:47 UTC)

October 27, 2003 Link to this post

Worthplaying says it's worth playing
Quiet weekend for Halo reviews. The only one listed at Blue's News was the one at Worthplaying. It was written by someone who actually never played the Xbox version (or at least, never played it all the way through, campaign). Disappointment at system specs, disappointment about lack of Coop... but he was impressed by the solo AI, and enjoyed the immersion. There are 40 screenshots (though they're at 1024x768, not the listed 1600x1200), as well. (Louis Wu 16:16:08 UTC)

October 27, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Ops opens its doors
Tycho, from Unreal Ops, dropped us a note about a new site he's started up called (not surprisingly) Halo Ops. It's a slick-looking site, and it starts off with a bang - an interview with Randy Pitchford, put together during the Halo PC Fanstock event that took place a couple of months ago. Some very nice background info in there - go check it out! (And keep an eye on the site; if he's anywhere near as devoted to it as he is to Unreal Ops, it's gonna be a serious player in the Halo scene.) (Louis Wu 02:26:11 UTC)

October 25, 2003 Link to this post

Misc Art - finally
Once again, we've let the user-submitted artwork sections fall by the wayside because of the madness surrounding Halo PC (and now Mac Halo). Apologies to creators and viewers alike. We've got 5 Miscellaneous Art pieces for you today, including a modified screenshot, two comics, and a pair of awesome drawings. (ZZoMBiE13 continues to blow me away.) Go look! (Louis Wu 15:08:47 UTC)

October 25, 2003 Link to this post

Preview of HaloSpy
funky wrote to point out a new Halo PC browser app - it's called HaloSpy, and it lets you query specific servers for detailed info (before joining the game). You can read about it (and see screenshots) in this thread at Halocity. It's not available for download yet. (Louis Wu 11:00:46 UTC)

October 25, 2003 Link to this post

Bonus stuff for Halo PC buyers
Okay, this never got posted on the front page because it was sort of a cool bonus for folks with Halo PC to find on their own... but it's starting to clutter our forum, so I'm putting it here. On the Halo PC CD is a Goodies folder. (Most people never see it, because the disc is set to Autorun; there's no reason to open it.) Inside the Goodies folder is a file called 'Preview.pdf' - it contains previews of all three Halo novels, including 8 pages devoted to 'Halo: First Strike', due out in early December. It's chock-full of spoilers, so if you want to read the story without preconceptions, pass on this... but if you are curious, there it is. (And before anyone writes to us screaming about how they found this first, and should get credit for it... we knew it was there in mid-September, a couple of weeks before the game was actually out. If you told us about it BEFORE that, we're happy to listen to your claim. If you mentioned it after... congratulations for finding it on your own, but there ain't no public credit for ya. :) ) (Louis Wu 09:22:23 UTC)

October 24, 2003 Link to this post

The Devil's game - or something you can't live without?
Hehe - Konrad9 points out a pair of print articles mentioning Halo; one is in Ladies' Home Journal, and discusses the damage games do to kids, and the other is in Popular Science (or Mechanics - he's not sure), and looks at LCD screens for consoles (so that you can 'take Halo on the road'). It's all in your perspective... (Louis Wu 16:50:26 UTC)

October 21, 2003 Link to this post

The reviews continue
Two more reviews - this time from Rampancy.net (who got 'em from Blue's News, hehe): LoadedInc and deadalfs. LoadedInc was pretty disappointed, deadalfs enjoyed it, mostly. More screenshots in the queue... it never ends. (Louis Wu 21:05:05 UTC)

October 21, 2003 Link to this post

October Screens added
Gah. All these Halo reviews... the Screenshots database was out of date. I've just added 18 collections (334 shots) to bring us up to the weekend. It never ends... (Louis Wu 17:00:59 UTC)

October 20, 2003 Link to this post

Game Guide at GameSpot
GameSpot has posted a Halo Game Guide; it requires basic registration (free) for the web version, and paid registration for the downloadable Acrobat version. Lots of interesting information for Halo newcomers, and 27 new screenshots. Thanks to Scimitarex for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:35:00 UTC)

October 19, 2003 Link to this post

Halo GT video 2 posted
(GT)Juggler created another Halo GT video - this one's 5:18 long, and available in two sizes; a high-res version at 56.5 mb, and a lower-res version at 12.7 mb. (They're both 320x240 screen res; one just has less compression.) It's full of tricks, funky places to go, weird camera angles... fun stuff to watch. Almost all of it has been seen in other vids, but the synchronization with the audio is quite good. He's hosting both versions on the HaloGT website; check the Halo Media page. (This news was originally submitted a couple of weeks ago, but I managed to lose it.) (Louis Wu 20:38:39 UTC)

October 18, 2003 Link to this post

Mac Halo Info... tantalizing
Oops - almost missed this one. SketchFactor posted a mini-update on Mac Halo over at bungie.net; the official beta testing starts next week. That's rockin' news... (Louis Wu 04:10:25 UTC)

October 17, 2003 Link to this post

Review Roundup
It must be Friday - time for another roundup of Halo reviews (thanks again to Blue's News). Lessee... we got GamerDad, Gamer's Hell, Gameguru Mania (with 60 screenshots), and Wicked Toast. The first three thought it was okay, the last one hated it. Well, 'hated' might be too strong a term; the final summation was 'an overall good game with some hideously disappointing bits'. (They lamented the 'Doom-level' AI and the 'now-standard assortment of Deathmatches, CTFs and Assaults' in multiplayer - two criticisms that tell me they didn't put very much time into their test.) Go check 'em all out; new perspectives are always an okay thing. Update: Whoops, missed one; Christ Centered Game Reviews looked at Halo, and gave it a 90%. I'm not sure I see the 'Christ centered' part of the review, except the note that swearing is almost nonexistent... there was a review last year from a Christian site that seemed to hold the game to a much higher standard. I guess you just never know. Thanks, Narcogen, at R.net (who noticed it at Battleground: Halo.) (Louis Wu 10:27:25 UTC)

October 16, 2003 Link to this post

An inside look at a Bungie employee
Holy moley. Mat Noguchi, Tools and Sounds programmer for Halo, dropped a small note in our forum, pointing to a new blog he's started up... the relevant entry (for now, and for this community) is here. He's explained WHY Object Overload is allowed to happen in the game. For those who don't pay attention to glitch discussions, object overload is term given to the phenomenon where the Halo engine stops being able to keep track of all the objects in the game... and stops rendering ALL of them. (The limit's pretty high, and it's hard to reach unless you're trying.) It's a glitch that was exploited for one of the coolest tricks in the game; snagging a Banshee on the Maw. And now we know WHY it happens. (And now there's one MORE site to keep an eye on for interesting Halo news, from time to time...) (Louis Wu 11:26:51 UTC)

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