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Search results for start screen

Showing results 3301 - 3325 of 4250 matches

December 18, 2003 Link to this post

Bungie, eat your heart out.
XLNC once again rocks the Casbah with some spectacular screenshots; he got somewhat creative with the hacking, and the end results are simply stunning. Check 'em out. (Who needs dev tools, anyway?) (Louis Wu 00:39:10 UTC)

December 16, 2003 Link to this post

Massive Wallpaper update, part 1
Okay, I want to apologize. The Wallpaper backlog was getting ridiculous. In fact, it's so big (in terms of number of images) that I can't post them all at once. Every time I started to put together an update, I'd check the uploads folders and my email, and find another handful... and suddenly, I'd find something else to do. Well, it's not going to get smaller unless I actually POST some of them, so I'm going to put up the first batch of 20. Submission dates range from November 20 through December 1. Some are awesome. There'll be more tomorrow. Again, apologies. (Louis Wu 20:39:40 UTC)

December 15, 2003 Link to this post

Start the week with words
Little bit o' Fanfic this Monday - 19 in all, actually:

Read, Read, Read! Stop makin' love! (Wait...) (Louis Wu 19:13:20 UTC)

December 15, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Basics movie at CPL
In preparation for Tuesday's opening of the CPL Winter Event, MFA Video Productions has released a new 47 mb video showing the basics of Halo (weapons, vehicles, basic strategy). It's aimed at folks who've never played before. It's 47 mb, in WMP9 format, with a screensize of 512x384. You can find it on CPL's home page at the moment. (Louis Wu 14:45:51 UTC)

December 14, 2003 Link to this post

Santa Claws - moist.
Wow. Yesterday was spent at a Halo lanfest in New York, hosted by the gracious Miguel Chavez at the Selkirk Gallery in Manhattan. I'm sure there'll be some writeups soon, and nukedude got some pretty good video... but there's a game I want to point out: it was team oddball, rockets, on Hang em High, with one ball and 15 minutes needed to win. The kill numbers were ASTOUNDING. Here was the screen I was playing on (40k) - and I'm adding this one because Jynx, the high kills guy, didn't have enough balltime to make the first one. I'll be slowly working my way through piled-up mail and forum stuff over the course of the day, in between Christmas preparations and dealing with the new snow... but I wanted to say that even though I didn't get home until after 3:30... it was a blast. An absolute blast. (Louis Wu 15:24:51 UTC)

December 12, 2003 Link to this post

IMG reviews Mac Halo
Gossip sent in another IMG link - this time, they've reviewed Mac Halo. They gave it a 9.25/10 - higher than most sites have been reviewing Halo PC. The reviewer was playing on a Dual 2GHz G5, so it's not gonna be of a lot of use to folks with computers closer to the minimum specs, in terms of judging how it'll run for them... but overall, it looks like Westlake did a fantastic job with the port. 12 screenshots, with framerates listed in the corners. (Louis Wu 22:28:13 UTC)

December 12, 2003 Link to this post

Halo50K Finals - Downloadable, finally
Back in September, we pointed out a pretty cool film over at Video CD Productions; it was the final round of the Halo50K tournament, TDT vs DM, 3-cap CTF on Battle Creek. It showed the entire match from the Dream Team's screen, complete with audio commentary by the players. The only problem was... it was streaming, and it was in WMV format. Well, thanks to the kind folks over at Video CD Productions, we're happy to be able to bring you this video in downloadable form; there are two flavors. Both are 400x300 (larger than the original), and both weigh in at a bit over 30 mb. There's a 33.5 mb QuickTime, and a 31 mb WMP7 version, with downloads at both files.bungie.org and mythica.org. If you want to watch truly coordinated team play (a seven second flag capture, start to finish, for example), check this movie out.

QuickTime: mythica | files.bungie.org
WMV:mythica | files.bungie.org
(Louis Wu 03:03:40 UTC)

December 11, 2003 Link to this post

More pretty pictures
SketchFactor spread a little love on the fans, in the form of three HUGE (1920x1440) screenshots, in tif format; you can find 'em in this forum post. The first two are 6 and 8 mb, respectively, and uncompressed; the last one is a bit banded, but only 1.4 mb. All three are worth grabbing, if you want some gorgeous screenshots to turn into Wallpaper, or something. (Louis Wu 19:19:17 UTC)

December 11, 2003 Link to this post

AYBE II - It's On, Baby.
I can't say I'm thrilled with the subtitle, but the event itself has me all aflutter. Blackstar has put up a news post (and a trailer) for Are You Big Enough II, a lanfest planned for Summer 2004 in Andover, MA. Are You Big Enough (the original) was held LAST summer, and featured an enormous 40 foot projection screen for playing Halo on. The trailer is 22.4 mb, in mpeg-4 format (divx-encoded), and shows off Blackstar's mad moviemaking skillz... Thanks to Alexis for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:07:11 UTC)

December 11, 2003 Link to this post

IceTeks reviews Halo PC
There's a review for Halo PC at IceTeks, as mentioned by Blue's News. (Thanks, Ash.) Notable for the pretty low-res screenshots... (Louis Wu 09:07:18 UTC)

December 10, 2003 Link to this post

Performance Tweaks begin appearing
One of the 'under the hood' changes in the 1.03 Halo PC patch is that Anisotropic filtering is enabled by default. This is a function of higher-end video cards, and it makes the graphics crisper... at a pretty big price, performance-wise. If you've got a good graphics card, and saw a huge framerate drop when you started playing 1.03, you might want to check out this post by Gearbox programmer vatoloco, over on the Gearbox forums. It'll walk you through disabling the feature. (Louis Wu 21:41:04 UTC)

December 10, 2003 Link to this post

Now THAT'S grandeur.
XLNC posted three spectacular screenshots today - 1600x1200, no HUD, no weapons. (He explained how he did it in this post, if you want to make your own.) Wow. (Louis Wu 15:39:00 UTC)

December 9, 2003 Link to this post

Halo PC 1.03 - Server now available!
The Halo PC 1.03 patch is now available for the Halo Dedicated Server; grab it from Bungie.net. (That article also contains links to the full 1.02 server, if you don't already have it (this patch is not standalone; it requires 1.02), and the mapfiles, if you don't have those.) The client patch will be available starting at 1 pm PST (9 pm UTC). The readme for the server is available in RTF format from Bungie.net, or in HTML format here at HBO. The wait is over! (Louis Wu 19:06:57 UTC)

December 8, 2003 Link to this post

Homefront nearing completion
Whoa. The Battlefield 1942 mod 'Homefront' (mentioned a few times in our news) is almost ready for release... and it's looking pretty good! There's a 36 mb movie (encoded with XVid) available for download, and some hi-res screenshots, all over at the Homefront site. (Thanks to Ross Mills for pointing it out on our forum.) (Louis Wu 17:02:30 UTC)

December 8, 2003 Link to this post

Halo in 2D
sir_zyn posted a note on our forum this weekend about a 2d Halo project he and some friends have started. A screenshot is linked at the bottom of the post. Take a look, leave them input! (Louis Wu 14:39:28 UTC)

December 8, 2003 Link to this post

Articular Consideration
Rams, from Battleground: Halo, writes to say that they'll be adding two new feature articles each week, on Mondays and Thursdays. They start off with Two Betrayals, dealing with the team-killing problem in Halo PC. They've also organized the existing collection of articles already on the site. Finally, they're accepting guest articles if anyone would like to share their views on Halo, the Halo community, or any fan creations. (Louis Wu 14:08:40 UTC)

December 4, 2003 Link to this post

KORHAL's vids - online, together
Nukedude pointed out that he has hosted all 5 of KORHAL's movies, in one place. If you're interested in what KORHAL's been up to, here's a decent place to start. (If you don't know who KORHAL is, you can just watch the movies; it doesn't really matter.) (Louis Wu 10:30:47 UTC)

December 1, 2003 Link to this post

HaloSpy updated
progamerz stopped by our forum to point out that a new version of HaloSpy has been released; this build adds screenshot viewing capabilities and autojoin and game autolaunch functions. Check it out! (Louis Wu 03:22:23 UTC)

December 1, 2003 Link to this post

Master Chief... in UT2
Ross Mills found a Master Chief model for Unreal Tournament 2; you can find download links (and a screenshot of the model) in this thread on the Atari forums. His feet look a little funny... but maybe that's just the angle. (Louis Wu 03:19:37 UTC)

November 25, 2003 Link to this post

Apple using Halo to sell G5s
We mentioned the new MacSoft Halo page a couple of days ago, and others have pointed out the Games page over at Apple... but travis brought to our attention that Halo is not confined to gaming pages any more. On a page devoted to extolling the virtues of the G5's video capabilities, the screenshot at the top of the page is (once again - remember 1999?) a shot from Halo. We've archived it here, in case it gets switched at some point. Yep - when you wanna show how powerful the new G5 really is... Halo is the testbed of choice. (Louis Wu 12:15:40 UTC)

November 21, 2003 Link to this post

Halo - on GBA
Nick and leftfb show what might be the best use of the Gameboy Advance SP screen... ever. (Two small vids, linked in this post and this one; wmp9 format.) (Louis Wu 11:17:00 UTC)

November 19, 2003 Link to this post

One One Se7en - A Solution?
So here's the thing. A few months back, we started receiving Guest strips for One One Se7en, created by fans of the Stuntmutt creation. We filled in the days of the week not covered by the main strip - but they were coming in faster than we could post them. Today, the wait time for new submissions is well over two months - and this has begun to cause problems. (Many of the submitted strips are topical, and the jokes are somewhat muted if shown past their expiration dates.) We've decided to open a One One Se7en Archive.

What is this? Well, think of it as overflow space. The Archive will be updated once a month or so - guaranteeing that no strip languishes longer than a month before being presented to the public. Strips will be identified by author, submission date, and a thumbnail... but archived strips will NOT make it into the normal One One Se7en (daily) queue. Whether your submission goes into the Guest rotation or the Archive is up to you; the trade-offs are a front-page mention and 'official' standing, versus (potentially) faster post times. Some strips will be placed in the Archive automatically; any strip posted on our forum from this point forward will be archived, instead of Guest-queued. If the Guest queue is longer than the next archive date, a topical strip will be placed in the archive. If a strip is submitted on a topic that's already been over-mined (in Stuntmutt's words), we'll archive it, instead of queueing it. And the submitter can CHOOSE to be placed in the archive, by specifying it when they submit.

We'd like to offer all currently-queued Guest strip submitters the chance to be posted in the first Archive posting, which will happen this Monday, November 24. (After that, Archive updates will happen on the 7th of the month, or thereabouts.) If you've submitted a strip that hasn't been posted, and would like the opportunity to enter this new section instead of waiting for the Guest queue to reach you, drop us a line (yes, we've created a new email address for this). (Louis Wu 21:14:55 UTC)

November 12, 2003 Link to this post

So Far Behind He's Ahead
Today's One One Se7en continue's the thread started on Monday - how many shots do we need to take at Halo PC's framerate, anyway? (I mean... it's not like it's a fast-moving target...) We've also added a Guest Queue approximate wait time, to let strip creators know what they're in for when they submit a strip. It's not an exact science, because it depends on special strip submissions by Stuntmutt (Sundays, holidays) - but it should give you a rough idea. (Hmm... looks like they're coming about as fast as Halo PC MC... I'm here all week.) (Louis Wu 11:21:39 UTC)

November 11, 2003 Link to this post

Pretty Pics for your screen
Seven desktop images for you today on the Wallpaper page, clearing out the queue. Better than last time! A word of warning - a couple of these come dangerously close to failing to meet our image posting guidelines... please, if you're submitting artwork, read the guidelines. Thanks! (Louis Wu 20:38:40 UTC)

November 11, 2003 Link to this post

To Screen or Not To Screen
241 new screenshots have been added to the Screenshots Database, covering all reviews listed to date and bringing us to the present. This brings the total number of Halo PC shots (1279) to within striking distance of all the Xbox Halo shots to date (1312) - wow. (Louis Wu 17:29:42 UTC)

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