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Search results for start screen

Showing results 3276 - 3300 of 4250 matches

January 16, 2004 Link to this post

Screensaver, info about 343GS.com
Bluestone posted a bunch of info about 343GS.com on our forum; most of it is 'this is coming in the future', but for right now, there 's a new screensaver for download on their site. Go visit and see. (And read the forum post for the rest.) (Louis Wu 21:07:42 UTC)

January 16, 2004 Link to this post

Biggest Screen... Ever
As we mentioned yesterday, Halo Babies is offline for another week or so, due to bandwidth excesses. However, Gruntsbane had actually finished the week's strip, and felt that their audience deserved to see it... and we're happy to help out. You can read the weekly strip here (112K). (Louis Wu 12:15:53 UTC)

January 16, 2004 Link to this post

A contest - to find a contest
A Red vs Blue fan has started up a two-phase contest over on the RvB forums. Chris Short is offering one Season 2 Super Sponsorship ($20) to the best idea for a contest... and then the winner's idea will become phase two, with another super sponsorship (and one standard sponsorship) on the line for the winners. Pretty interesting way to hold a contest when you don't know what the contest should be... rules and stuff can be found in this RvB forum thread. (Louis Wu 12:06:42 UTC)

January 14, 2004 Link to this post

Oooh... Weekly Updates
Cool news from SketchFactor in our forum today; looks like Frankie will be starting Halo 2 Weekly Updates, a la Matt Soell's Halo 1 Updates in 2001. I'm getting goosebumps! (Louis Wu 22:38:08 UTC)

January 14, 2004 Link to this post

New Mombassa - impressive map in progress
The buzz around Halo sites this morning (besides the egg on my face) is a mod being created by Mrs_Doublefire, over at the Gearbox Forums. The thread's been going for quite some time... but recently, there have been some very impressive screenshots posted. An easy place to see them (without wading through dozens of forum pages) is over at CobaltNova. Thanks to Murdoc517, who pointed out the thread in our forum, and Rams, of Battleground: Halo, who pointed out the CN writeup. (Louis Wu 16:31:18 UTC)

January 13, 2004 Link to this post

Fries steps down
Wonga. Ed Fries, Microsoft's VP of Game Publishing, and a huge Xbox promoter (and Halo advocate) from the very start, resigned today. What will this mean for Microsoft in general, and Bungie in specific, in the future? Too soon to tell... Thanks to Lophan for sending in the Bloomberg update. (I couldn't find a web version at Bloomberg's site, so here's a story at TeamXbox.com. (Louis Wu 20:01:51 UTC)

January 13, 2004 Link to this post

I want him on MY team.
Synide has put together a rambling, 6+ minute long film showing... well, lots of stuff. It's called 'WTF LAG', and even starts out showing a few clips explaining this expression in humorous fashion... but quickly moves on to gameplay tricks, funny situations, and downright awesome skillz on the battlefield. (There's a 20 second segment where synide takes out two full jeeploads of enemies AND returns the flag, while under continuous attack from the other two members of the opposing team... and he does it alone.) Some of this will make you wonder why you're watching it. Other chunks you'll want to watch again. It's huge (82 mb, for a 640x480 film; some segments are in 4-player splitscreen mode, so I didn't feel comfortable shrinking it down), and as I said, it rambles... but if you've got the patience, it's a lot of fun. Mythica's hosting it, though if things get ugly we'll toss up some other mirrors. (If you've got space, feel free to grab a copy and send us the link...) Update: That Weasel writes to say that not only has he mirrored this movie, but he's made a 320x240 QT6 version of it (22.1 mb), and mirrored Blackstar's Marvin movie. Check his HBO Mirror page for details. Update 2: Thanks to KP, who took time out from his busy schedule of waxing his legs to put up another mirror on his website. (Louis Wu 10:25:43 UTC)

January 12, 2004 Link to this post

Xbox Addict - looking for questions (soon)
nof points out that XboxAddict has been given the go-ahead to interview Bungie, and has decided to collect questions from the Xbox Addict forum members. They're not accepting questions yet - but the final interview (25 questions) will be submitted by February 1, so they'll have to start pretty soon. Keep an eye on the forum thread to know when to submit. (Louis Wu 19:27:50 UTC)

January 9, 2004 Link to this post

A pacifist? Season two of RedvsBlue begins!

The mirrors have started pouring in!

The folks at RedvsBlue are still working on going live with a new season of wacky RvB episodes. They did premiere the first two episodes over at Lincoln Center here in New York City. Armed with my trusty camcorder, I recorded them and now offer them in my patented 'shaky-cam' version. Faithful viewers will be sure to check out the official release that is sure to come soon, but for now click below to check out the goodies!

The folks at mythica, omnight, blackstarproductions, coerce, subnova, and cybrfrk have offered space on their servers for the movie! Kisses them on both cheeks, euro-style

It's a 20MB .mp4 file, at quarter-screen size, playable on both PCs and Macs. When the Wu returns, we'll have more movies, in different formats and sizes, at least until the the official movie is released.

Right-click on any of the links above and "Save as..." to your hard drive. Then sit back and bask in the yuks!

And yes, there is more actual content to come. The whole RvB crew stuck around for a very funny and interesting Q&A session. So stay tuned!

(Ding 02:57:18 UTC)

January 5, 2004 Link to this post

First Strike - via Halo PC
Running Riot has started a website devoted to a mod for Halo PC based on the novel First Strike. He's looking for lots of enthusiastic people to help out; visit the site, check out the project details, and see if you fit into the 'How Can I Help?' page! (There's also a forum thread on our forum where you can chime in.) (Louis Wu 09:46:46 UTC)

January 5, 2004 Link to this post

HPC update info - from the source
A few days ago, Randy Pitchford posted a note on the Gearbox forums, saying that he'd answer as many questions as possible before the new year. Read the whole thread for questions, or start with Randy's first answer. Lots and lots and LOTS of good info in there. Thanks to progamerz for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 01:36:22 UTC)

January 2, 2004 Link to this post

No Wonder They Need Help
What better way to start off the new year than with Halo: Resolution. They might need more than just help. (mnemesis 06:07:12 UTC)

December 29, 2003 Link to this post

Down On Your Luck
Apparently, "comics," inspired by Halo, are all the rage right now. Here's a new Halo: Resolution to start your day off with a smile. A tiny, pixelated smile. I think. (mnemesis 06:53:15 UTC)

December 27, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Review at xlr8yourmac
Accelerate Your Mac has reviewed Mac Halo - the single-player part of it, anyway. Again, one of the biggest complaints is system requirements... but this reviewer was also unhappy about the speed with which he mastered the game. (I'd guess he ran through on Normal, and hasn't figured out yet that Legendary is an entirely different ball of wax...) There'll be an update for this when the 1.03 patch for multiplayer is released, but in the meantime, check out a linked page of screenshots; they do a fantastic job of showing the advantage of Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (something that actually isn't available on the PC version; this is Mac-only). My recommendation is to load all three shots in a given series, to get your browser to cache them... and THEN cycle through them, looking at differences. (Louis Wu 10:51:26 UTC)

December 26, 2003 Link to this post

Miscellaneous Art - lots of it
In an effort to stave off overload when vacation ends, I'm attempting to clear out some of the queues right now. First up is the Miscellaneous Art queue; there were 16 items built up. They range from simple sketches to modified screenshots to very funny jokes. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 17:01:11 UTC)

December 24, 2003 Link to this post

THAT took a long time.
Finally. rapture completed the absurdly long-threaded contest started by Gutupio a week ago... I'm guessing the answer's gonna tick off some of the contestants. Reasoning coming later today (keep an eye on the thread, if you're curious). Company arrives in an hour; I'm offline for a while. (Louis Wu 15:40:47 UTC)

December 24, 2003 Link to this post

Mac Halo Review at MacGamer
Holy missed opportunities, Batman! Somehow, I managed to overlook a massive review of Mac Halo over at MacGamer about a week ago. Corey Tamas gave it a 99% when all was said and done. PC reviewers have almost universally complained about performance, and have downgraded the PC version accordingly. MacGamer claims that the Mac version runs up to 25% faster than its Windows counterpart (I'm not sure how this was measured, given that it's hard to find reference platforms to compare) - so a much higher rating for the Mac version seems reasonable. There are also 60 (count 'em, 60) new screenshots to look at; some of the multiplayer ones show the difference between how chat is shown on the two platforms. Worth a read... sorry I missed it! (And where were the REST of you macheads, anyway?) (Louis Wu 12:26:25 UTC)

December 24, 2003 Link to this post

The Bungie Factor - now on the web
Back in June, The Discovery Channel aired a special called 'The X Factor' (we posted a press release for it on June 16). Since then, it's aired a number of times (and, indeed, will air again, on Discovery Times, this morning, at 2 am, and again tomorrow, Christmas Day, at 10 am and 6 pm) - but a web version has been elusive... until now. (Dan Chosich created a beautiful one when it first aired, but yanked it because of legal concerns, and since then, we've had some difficulty contacting the legal department of the Discovery Channel.) Thanks to the great help of Jim McQuillan, the filmmaker behind the special itself, we can finally bring you a hi-res, gorgeous version of the Bungie portion of this special. It's a 6 minute clip, in QuickTime format, with a DV-quality screensize of 720x480, and a filesize of about 92 mb. We currently have mirrors up on Mythica.org and files.bungie.org, and Two Degrees has once again seeded their P2P network, for those looking for the fastest downloads. For people who might be slightly more bandwidth-challenged, we've also created a 360x240 version that weighs in at just over 27 mb, which is also mirrored at Mythica and files, and has a Two Degrees peer-to-peer seed. We're happily adding any mirrors we can find, so if you've got the bandwidth, grab a copy, post it, and send us a link; we'll add it to the Bungie Factor Mirror List. Again - this gives behind-the-scenes info on the making of Halo, and the ideas behind Halo 2... definitely worth a viewing by any Halo fan. Update: Rockin'; our first mirror is up already. Thanks to That Weasel! (Link is on the Mirror page.) (Louis Wu 00:11:50 UTC)

December 23, 2003 Link to this post

SparkEdit 2.5 - now with flames!
Wonga. SparkEdit 2.5 has been released; it now supports model viewing, object property viewing, BSP mesh property viewing, object rotation, and more. Grenadiac posted a screenshot on our forum - looks great! (Supports Xbox and Halo PC.) (Louis Wu 02:13:15 UTC)

December 22, 2003 Link to this post

MC on the Big Screen... sort of
Lotus222 reminded us that MacGamer's Giveaway from last week (3 copies of Halo to the best three 'Master Chief goes to Hollywood' photoshop jobs) has been completed. After seeing the winners, I'm wishing I'd finished my 'Enter the Master Chief' pic... (Louis Wu 20:07:55 UTC)

December 22, 2003 Link to this post

RvB interview at machinima.com
Geoff Fink (gfunk) and Gus Sorola (guS) , of Red vs Blue, have been interviewed over at machinima.com today; if you're interested about how they got their start, and where they're going, go read this! Thanks to Hugh Hancock for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 14:56:06 UTC)

December 22, 2003 Link to this post

New Game at Halo Universe
Halo Universe has a fun puzzle posted right now; It's Flash-based, and takes 10 screenshots and breaks them up into smaller squares. You have to put them back together in the right order. The game is timed, and I think this may be part of the problem; I tried to finish it, but got stuck on level 8. There were several levels where I didn't even have access to the pieces until more than half the time was off the timer... and this happened with that level, twice. Nonetheless, it's quite enjoyable, and if you're closer to Germany than I am, you may not have any trouble like this at all. The text is all in German, but you really don't need to understand German to figure out what to do. (Louis Wu 14:50:35 UTC)

December 20, 2003 Link to this post

Want another Halo league?
T3muJin wrote to us to ask us to get the word out; apparently, The Stronger Than All League stated if enough interest was shown in Halo PC, they would start a league for the game. If you're interested in a league where you can play on set nights and times (as opposed to the random environment of the ladder sites), you should post a note in this forum thread. (Louis Wu 11:18:59 UTC)

December 20, 2003 Link to this post

Homefront update
News on the Battlefield 1942 mod Homefront, for those keeping track of this stuff; there are new screenshots posted (some are rather bizarre, if you ask me), and a release set - Christmas Eve at 6 pm EST. Thanks to MADDA CHEEB for making me look. (Louis Wu 11:06:14 UTC)

December 18, 2003 Link to this post

Wow. Just... wow.
Okay, so this one's WEIRD. Late last week, we got mail from Billy Oliva, talking about a bizarre glitch in Truth and Reconciliation (the third campaign level). Right after entering the ship, he came across a stack (literally) of covenant, piled up against a door, waiting to attack. he sent screenshots... but they were small, and not great, quality-wise. I held off, because I wanted to see if I could reproduce this. 24 hours later, we received ANOTHER mail, this time from AfroRyan, claiming to have found the same thing, in the same place. I was really suspicious, because not only did he send similar pictures, but they were the same (non-standard) size, and with the same filenames as those sent by Billy. (Afro, I apologize for not believing you. :) ) Then, 24 hours later, Ben Roth posted pictures he found on the Gearbox forums, showing THE SAME THING. Both Billy and AfroRyan sent in saved games... but it took me until today to find time to reinstall 1.03 (1.031 hosed saved games, so I couldn't use them). I made films from both saves - but the one you'll see came from AfroRyan's save, because he had TWO piles of baddies, not just one. I took much more footage than can be seen in this film... but most of it is useless; if you get too close to the piles, framerates drop into the low single digits, you can't tell you've thrown grenades until they explode (usually ON you), and there's no way to manouver. The save I was given was on Easy - you'll see why that's a GOOD thing after you watch the movie. Here's the movie; 45 seconds worth, enough to show you some out-there piles o' baddies. It's QuickTime format, 640x480 (so you have a good view), and weighs in at just over 10 mb. You can also grab AfroRyan's profile (with the savepoint inside) - 2.1 mb - if you want to play with it yourself. (You MUST work with HPC 1.03, not 1.031, to use this. Drop the unzipped folder into your savegames folder, and you're set to go.) Thanks to both these guys - Billy was first with the notice, but again, his bucket-o-covies was smaller, so I didn't use it. I'm guessing something was accidentally changed during the 1.03 patch development process... because I saw no reports of ANYTHING like this before now. (Louis Wu 00:57:05 UTC)

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