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Search results for start screen

Showing results 3251 - 3275 of 4250 matches

February 16, 2004 Link to this post

Movie Starter Guide updated
c0ld vengeance has updated his Movie Starter Guide to include some basic information about recording Halo on a PC or a Mac. (He didn't just do this for a front-page mention... he actually felt that people might NEED this information. No, really.) If you're looking for tools to record Halo on your computer - check the guide! (Louis Wu 02:23:58 UTC)

February 15, 2004 Link to this post

Something old, something new
Matt Grap sent along a few screenshots of some work a friend is doing; he's in the process of porting the Halo weapons to Marathon. (Well, okay, Aleph One.) Right now, he's working on adding melee attacks as secondary fire for each weapon. The love just doesn't stop! Check these out:

I, for one, find this heartwarming. (Louis Wu 02:18:29 UTC)

February 14, 2004 Link to this post

Mac Halo 1.041 - now with movement!
Yesterday, we posted a note from MacSoft, that an updater for Mac Halo that would bring the application up to parity with its PC counterpart had been released. As many noticed, there was a problem with the updater; it introduced more glitches than it solved. Westlake has fixed the problems, though, and a new updater is now available. It will work to patch v1.03 or 1.04 to 1.041. (You cannot apply this patch to 1.02.) Some warnings, from MacSoft:

The updater may get confused if you have more than one copy of Halo installed on your machine. OSX 10.2.8 user may have to restart after applying the 1.041 patch for the get info (command-I) to refresh and show the proper version number.

That said... this 1.5 mb patch (currently available from nikon.bungie.org and files.bungie.org) should solve your movement woes, and get you back in the game! (Louis Wu 21:57:50 UTC)

February 14, 2004 Link to this post

Holy Moley - It's Armor Time!
I feel really bad, because some of this info has been waiting on ME for over a week now... but sometimes, things just get away from you. We've got a double-armor update for you; Chris Bryan has sent along a bunch of progress pictures of his solo effort (pretty amazing work - works so well with his gun!), and the Nightmare Armor team has put up a new website, with all-new full-body shots of their armor, being worn. Also pretty amazing work! (gotta love those green eyes...) Comments for the Nightmare guys can go in this forum thread, started by Webshift. (Louis Wu 10:24:46 UTC)

February 12, 2004 Link to this post

Who needs a debug kit, anyway?
XLNC dropped off another set of beautiful hudless screenshots on our forum recently; he's even trying his hand at reproducing existing Bungie shots (at much higher resolution, of course). Never ceases to amaze... (Louis Wu 09:24:19 UTC)

February 8, 2004 Link to this post

Randy Pitchford expresses Frustration
Wow. Randy Pitchford posted a note on the Gearbox forums a couple of days ago - he lays the blame for any delays on release of Halo PC content (new shaders, the Halo Editing Kit, bug fixes, and so on) completely at the feet of "Bungie/MGS". Homelan has asked for an official response from Microsoft on this one, so we'll have to wait and see what develops... but it's never a good thing when the dirty laundry starts coming out. If you gotta start pointing fingers, everybody loses - fans included. Thanks to Socrates, who picked this up over at Voodoo Extreme. (Louis Wu 00:15:26 UTC)

February 7, 2004 Link to this post

Hey, I think I know that guy...
Tyrian points out that a new screenshot from MechAssault 2, released recently at Gamespot, shows a helmet with a remarkable similarity to our favorite Master Chief... (Louis Wu 13:53:16 UTC)

February 7, 2004 Link to this post

Homelan Opens its doors for HPC server rentals
Ask for info... and ye shall receive. Serpentius, of Homelan, popped into our new IRC channel to point out that Homelan is now renting Halo PC servers through Homelan Xtreme. Private servers start at $90/month (with discounts for longer contracts), and public servers start at $125 a month. You're paying for premium servers... buy with confidence! (Louis Wu 02:23:37 UTC)

February 6, 2004 Link to this post

Poppy Seeds
Steve "Poppy" Cattell has started up a new comic on our forum - he says he'll be posting new ones every week or two. Nice beginning! (Louis Wu 11:21:31 UTC)

February 4, 2004 Link to this post

Laugh? I Thought I'd Never Start.
One One Se7en continues to bring in guest comedians. Improvement? You decide. (I'm waiting for Robin Williams to call.) (Louis Wu 11:41:39 UTC)

February 4, 2004 Link to this post

Erraticus Stupendicus Revisited
Oops - another lost one. Last week, we mentioned a comic that had been started (but never finished) by elmatto. It was hosted on Freewebs, though, and bandwidth ran out soon after we mentioned it. We've put up a local copy of the strips themselves, with the permission of the artist - if you didn't catch them then, go catch them now! (Louis Wu 11:30:37 UTC)

February 4, 2004 Link to this post

New Screen - No Fun?
3Suns points out a writeup of last week's Halo 2 announcement and new screenshot over at Computer and Video Games - there's no information there that hasn't been covered on a few dozen sites by now, but the last paragraph is interesting:

[...] Bungie has also dipped into its vault and pulled out the first ever screenshot from the sequel's multiplayer mode. We're, erm, sure it's a lot more interesting to play than it looks.

I guess they're unhappy that it's barren... (Louis Wu 10:50:29 UTC)

February 2, 2004 Link to this post

That Halo Screenshot - nosehairs and all
Sector 7 has written an entire article about the new Halo 2 multiplayer screenshot released last week - it's pretty clear that when a Halo site chooses to analyze a single screen so carefully, it feels the community is starved for content. If you agree, go check this out! (Louis Wu 16:32:58 UTC)

January 31, 2004 Link to this post

Halfway through...
Yeah, we had all sorts of plans; webcams from multiple places through the house, rotating Halo PC entrants, and on and on... everything fell by the wayside when the playing started. Offensive Tetraboxing kicked off last night; the first of almost 40 guests showed up a bit after midnight, and the first round of Halo gaming continued until 3 am. 4 hours later, folks rolled out of bed, munched through breakfast, and set up gear... and by 10:30, we had more than 30 people playing. Film Oasis, the house that made the DIscovery Channel Halo documentary last year (and that is making a Halo 2 documentary right now) is here, and filming the fans, the action, the food... it's a blast. We don't have a lot of content to pass along right now, because frankly, we're just playing too much... but we'll at least shoot along a group shot of a subset of the visitors. (They couldn't all fit in the frame.) There aren't any names yet - but we'll add 'em in the writeups. (You SHOULD notice KP standing up in the back - pretty neat, since he has only one knee.) (Louis Wu 22:58:02 UTC)

January 30, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2: Strike First? Halo 2: Flood The?
Sep7imus was the first to point out this news item on Truth and Reconciliation:

Halo 2 will ship in Fall, 2004.
The news item also includes a brand new multiplayer screenshot. Mmm, bumpmapping... (Note: A number of people have been confused by the title of this news item. The game is NOT named "Halo 2: In Reach of Fall". This is just a reference to the title of novel The Fall of Reach.) (Count Zero 18:43:07 UTC)

January 30, 2004 Link to this post

More Halo-related sketching
elmatto dropped by our forum to point out an old comic he started drawing about him and some friends playing Halo. It ends rather suddenly (he put it down to lack of interest), but the art style is pretty interesting to me. (Louis Wu 10:29:13 UTC)

January 26, 2004 Link to this post

Four kills a minute... forever
Wow. Rapture posted a screen from a Halo PC game last Friday... this was about 5 hours in. That's a LOT of kills. (Louis Wu 22:14:19 UTC)

January 25, 2004 Link to this post

Sniper in the hills
Wow. XLNC continues to make hudless screens - and this time, they're from a pretty amazing vantagepoint. Check 'em out on our forum! (Louis Wu 21:25:12 UTC)

January 24, 2004 Link to this post

Play Halo, walk away with $15K
The CPL has announced the cash prize distribution for the Cyberathlete Extreme World Championships 2004, a 4-title tournament taking place at the end of July. The Halo portion has a total purse of $50,000, with $15,000 going to the winner. The entrance fee is 25% off ($60/head vs $80) until January 30. More details can be found on the CPL website. Thanks for the heads-up from CobaltNova. (Louis Wu 11:39:24 UTC)

January 24, 2004 Link to this post

Didja ever wonder...?
Bren the n00b did some messing around with character swapping... came out with some interesting screenshots. (He also discovered that if you swap a Camo elite into Captain Keyes' body... he ends up behaving as though he's human. Weirdness.) (Louis Wu 11:15:22 UTC)

January 23, 2004 Link to this post

Pretty, pretty
Some very nice screenshots from XLNC - he's getting really good at the no HUD thing. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 17:53:03 UTC)

January 22, 2004 Link to this post

Can we put Hunters up there?
Wow. nukedude pointed out some screenshots of a multiplayer level he's working on (in gmax); it's a part of Assault in the Control Room, and looks to be pretty interesting when it's finished! Check it out, drop off your suggestions in the thread. (Louis Wu 08:52:40 UTC)

January 21, 2004 Link to this post

Aquaduct 2 - closer still
Hehe - PfhorSlayer tempts the Macheads in the audience with screenshots of Aquaduct 2 - even though you can't actually download the app yet. Looks like a dream... I might even have to try XboxConnect again. :) (Louis Wu 16:48:06 UTC)

January 20, 2004 Link to this post

The REAL Master Chief
Wow, very cool. DocOctavius started with a shot from the Halo 2 announcement trailer... and morphed into the Nightmare Armor. Electronic to real, in 16 seconds. Movie link is in the forum post. (1.4 mb, quicktime format.) (Louis Wu 11:07:31 UTC)

January 17, 2004 Link to this post

Of lightsabers, and snakes
And so it starts. Frankie has posted the very first Halo 2 Weekly Update on our forum - it's a little light on content, but it's HEAVY on attitude, and the artwork has to be seen to be believed. That man is a future Van Gogh. (Well, maybe just the ear part. Or the insanity thing.) Go read it... and look forward to this being a weekly event (though not always here; as he makes clear in his Bungie.net writeup, these (as was true with the Halo 1 Updates, back in the day) will be spread around to a collection of websites, to better acquaint the average Halo fan with the full Halo community. (Louis Wu 00:01:14 UTC)

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