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Search results for start screen

Showing results 3226 - 3250 of 4250 matches

March 14, 2004 Link to this post

Guest Stars.
We have a special Guest One One Se7en strip for you today; it was created by Stuntmutt himself, and it ushers in a new age of Guest Strips. By order of the Grand High Poobah (that would be Stuntmutt), there will no longer be any guest strips posted during the week. One One Se7en will come out 3 days a week, as it did when it started - all strips will be his. Once per month, all submitted strips will be added, via the Archive mechanism. There are other (relatively large) changes in the works... but no more on that until we're ready to announce them. In the meantime, enjoy this tribute to Guest Strippers everywhere from the man who inspired them. (Louis Wu 16:08:17 UTC)

March 12, 2004 Link to this post

Team Sexy - Your One-Stop Tourney Shop
TS.Films has decided to open a new section of their website; it will be devoted to Tournaments. They're hoping to provide a centralized location where folks can post information about upcoming tourneys in their area, or results and recaps from tournaments they participated in. They've started the ball rolling with recaps of a couple of their own tourneys. Swing on by and send 'em YOUR info! (Louis Wu 10:43:58 UTC)

March 9, 2004 Link to this post

zarrel40 has put up his own batch of HUDless screenshots - this might be the first batch we've seen from a less-than-top-of-the-line graphics card. They definitely have a unique flavor. Check 'em out! (Thanks, Pico, for the nomenclature...) (Louis Wu 09:38:01 UTC)

March 9, 2004 Link to this post

Sapien Screens at C.org
Cortana.org has put up a pair of screenshots of Sapien, pulled from the upcoming Halo Editing Kit tutorial - does the fact that Gearbox has given permission for release of these two shots mean that the HEK isn't far behind? We can only hope... Thanks to can of corn for the first heads-up. (Louis Wu 09:23:39 UTC)

March 7, 2004 Link to this post

That Halo 2 shot is real
Just a quick heads-up: the multiplayer screenshot that can be seen in the latest issue of XBN (and which is floating around the net, in various mediocre scans), is the real deal; another new multiplayer map. We can't release the scan here yet (our policy is that no scanned print media is posted before the issue leaves the shelves; we do NOT want to contribute to the loss of sales for magazines), but Bungie will be posting a full-sized version on their website in the not-too-distant future. This note is purely to squelch the speculation that the image is faked - it's a real shot, released to several print sources simultaneously; XBN simply seems to be the first out of the gate with it. (Louis Wu 17:20:02 UTC)

March 7, 2004 Link to this post

The Homefront team adds a great artist
Wow. Chris Bryan (search for his name in our news, you'll find some pretty cool stuff) has joined the Homefront team (the group bringing Halo to Battlefield 1942) - and his first job is a piece of work! Check out the renders of his newly skinned Warthog in their latest news post. He's looking to start work on the Phantom next. (While you're there, check out the new Plasma Rifle, Patrol Boat, and Blood Gulch Base models, too.) (Louis Wu 13:42:58 UTC)

March 7, 2004 Link to this post

Project Halo - 7th Update
SanchezTheLlama has posted the next Weekly Update for Project Halo on our forum (and over at Halo.Fropco, as well - apparently, our forums aren't pretty enough for him :) ). It covers such tidbits as progress on the Airport level (seen in early screens last week), new battle sounds, info on their AIM bot, and a request for beta testers. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 02:50:46 UTC)

March 5, 2004 Link to this post

HaloGT - Insane Modding
(GT)Juggler has posted Halo GT Video 7 over at their website; it's a modding vid, showing off lots and lots and lots of different mods. 35.8 mb, 4:49 long, DivX-encoded .mp4. He's started a thread on our forum, if you'd like to comment. (Louis Wu 09:36:15 UTC)

March 4, 2004 Link to this post

Ansel Adams for the Rest of Us
XLNC has posted a rather extensive guide to Halo PC Hacking for beginners. The main thrust is to help people take cool HUDless screens like the ones he's been releasing for the past few weeks... but it's a good basic guide to applying patches in general, and a summary of the tools available. It was originally posted last night on our forum, but it's useful enough that we've given it a permanent home in our Miscellaneous section. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:23:47 UTC)

March 3, 2004 Link to this post

Windows XP UNSC Edition
A couple of months ago, triBYTE_Digital_Img uploaded a Halo-related BootSkin (a Windows XP Startup screen) to WinCustomize - Deimos Fawkes just pointed it out. Boot your machine to the Master Chief! (Louis Wu 19:30:08 UTC)

March 2, 2004 Link to this post

Does the elevator work?
Stefander has posted some early screenshots (and a small movie) of a new map he's working - a conversion of 343 GS to multiplayer. Swing by Halomods.com and check it out! (Louis Wu 10:25:20 UTC)

March 1, 2004 Link to this post

It'll All Make Sense By Friday
One One Se7en starts another series - though I doubt the timing is accurate. Hold on tight, boys and girls... this one's gonna get ugly. (Louis Wu 18:44:15 UTC)

March 1, 2004 Link to this post

Bogus Screenshot Alert
We got mail this morning from Strato99, pointing out a bunch of purported Halo 2 screens. (The originals were housed on some student webspace in Sweden, but Strato said he found them in a forum somewhere.) These have been confirmed to be FAKES - please, if you see them around the web, don't perpetuate the myth! (Credit where credit is due - they're very good jobs.) You can see them here:

Congrats to the creator, whoever you are! Update: we got mail from Joakim Danung, the creator of these screens - seems they SHOULD have been an April Fools gag, but he was afraid they'd conflict with the rollout of the new Bungie.net. (I'd have to say he's being pretty pessimistic; I'm hoping the new and improved b.net will be comfortably worn in by the time April 1 rolls around...) In any case, some of these images will be resbumitted as miscellaneous art, in altered forms - so keep your eyes open! (Louis Wu 17:29:42 UTC)

March 1, 2004 Link to this post

Links, links, and more links
Wow. In the last month or so, a lot of links have been forwarded to us about Halo-related websites out there. I THINK I've culled all of them from our mail - but I might have missed one or two; apologies if that's true.

Whew! We're really sorry for the huge delay here. (Please don't write, asking us when we'll actually get these added to the Links page - I don't have an answer for that question.) (Louis Wu 12:53:51 UTC)

February 29, 2004 Link to this post

Homelan Strikes First
HomelanFed recently interviewed the First Strike mod team about their work - the result is an interesting read. How they got started, what their mod will cover, what we might be seeing in the future... check it out! (Louis Wu 00:51:39 UTC)

February 28, 2004 Link to this post

Goodbye, CN
John Kedrowski pointed out the sad news that CobaltNova is hanging it up. No more Halo for Emil... he's closing the doors. (Louis Wu 14:50:23 UTC)

February 28, 2004 Link to this post

My eyes are burning.
Geez - you don't update Fan Fiction for a few days, and suddenly you've got 29 entries to post.

Gah - I hope that's the last of it for the weekend... luckily, you've got two days to read all this. In the future, I'd appreciate it if folks would keep their handles to a minimum - post by your real name, or post by a nickname... but don't post by both, it makes a total mess of my front page. Thanks! (Louis Wu 11:28:02 UTC)

February 26, 2004 Link to this post

To Screen, or Not to Screen
Rampancy.net has gone screenshot-crazy. There is now a full gallery devoted to the shots that XLNC has posted on our forum - as well as a SEPARATE gallery with 8 as-yet-unseen shots (Grunt Justice ROCKS). He's also added a dolbex mini-gallery that includes the shots dolbex posted yesterday (but not yet including these shots, posted 2 days ago). While we're ON the subject of screenshots, there are a bunch MORE that folks are taking, using the HUDless methods pioneered by XLNC: MerecCatfish took a bunch a few weeks ago, JM posted some on our forum this morning, and even BOLL's getting into the act. Screens everywhere! (Louis Wu 13:01:33 UTC)

February 25, 2004 Link to this post

Dueling Screenshots
Dang. Dolbex has decided to get into the Screenshot act - 21 shots, containing tons of spoilers (for those keeping track). Some seem a little washed out... but all are pretty dang impressive. Mod city, baby! (Louis Wu 11:20:51 UTC)

February 25, 2004 Link to this post

Two Betrayals/AotCR screenies
Scimitarex tried his hand at Screenshot composition - and I must say, the results are pleasing. These are more sweeping visions of Halo's snow levels than other shots we've seen recently - I think they give a nice sense for the grandeur of Forerunner architecture. Take a look! (Louis Wu 11:03:42 UTC)

February 24, 2004 Link to this post

He's a master, that one
XLNC continues his Astounding Screenshots collection, this time with 10 shots that show off the breathtaking to the hilarious. They're not just HUDless - they're gorgeously composed. Wow. (Louis Wu 18:35:26 UTC)

February 24, 2004 Link to this post

Call me.
Rapture has added some pretty cool wallpaper to his cellphone... Update: Narcogen, unwilling to be outdone, added a Halo 2 screenshot as the background image of his Handspring Treo. w00t! Further Update: Narcogen has added a download link for his image, and BOLL has pointed out his own (much older) phone customization. (Louis Wu 09:33:01 UTC)

February 21, 2004 Link to this post

A Ghost Chick!
This week's Bungie Update can be found at 343GS.com - in their forum. Give it a look - lots of very cool little tidbits. For folks looking for new screenshots or a movie, this isn't for you... but for people who want to know where the team is, and how the development is going... check it out! (Louis Wu 01:09:11 UTC)

February 20, 2004 Link to this post

Miniature Halo - still coming, be patient
SESpider has been overwhelmed with emails asking when the next panel of his Miniature Halo series is coming out. He's started a thread in our forum; if you have questions, post them here, and he'll try to answer. There's an example of one of the panels that got tossed because of their new design, so you can see sort of where they're going. (Louis Wu 14:08:58 UTC)

February 19, 2004 Link to this post

Seventeen peices for you today in the Fan Fiction section...

Some people seem to be having trouble with the submission script - they get to the second screen, and their computer tells them it can't find the site. I can't explain why this mght be happening - we didn't make any changes at all to the script except to move it to a new server, but if you couldn't find the new server, you wouldn't be able to get to the FIRST screen, much less the second. If we figure out the mystery, we'll be sure to let you know. (Louis Wu 10:06:48 UTC)

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