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March 23, 2004 Link to this post

X-Shots, Edition IX
Yesterday was a day for screenshots, I guess. There were dozens (over a hundred, I think) posted to our forum. I hate to say it... but the whole HUDless thing is starting to feel commonplace - and that makes me sad. In the midst of the mess, though, XLNC posted his own batch (Number 9) - and he showed me that there's still room for beautiful composition. That's a good thing. (Louis Wu 10:12:32 UTC)

March 23, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Stunts
We got mail from Blake about a movie he'd made, and posted. It didn't meet our posting guidelines, but our general policy is that if someone's willing to host the movie themselves, we're willing to put up a news post about it - so here you go. It's called 'Halo Stunts', it's 3:29 long, in WMP9 format, and weighs in at 5.4 mb. It's a bunch of multiplayer footage (splitscreen and coop) filmed via digital camera off a TV screen (that is, the TV is visible in the picture). Some of it is totally incomprehensible. If you pride yourself on having that completely comprehensive Halo movie collection, grab this film. (Louis Wu 09:04:01 UTC)

March 22, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshot dissection continues
Yet another analysis of the multiplayer screens - this time over at Echo-413. Click on the 'Media Mintz Article 2' link in the Community News section of the navbar to read it. (Louis Wu 16:46:35 UTC)

March 22, 2004 Link to this post

Buried under screenshots
Okay, the flood of screenshots on our forum is simply too much for me to keep up with. I guess I was planning to post a daily 'roundup' - but there are well over 20 posts with screenshots in them since the last time I posted; some people post a few, then follow up their own post with more, or start a new thread and post the same ones again, or even follow up a post with a second post that contains a subset of the first post. If I had an extra couple of hours a day to sort it all out, I suppose I could keep track... but I don't, so if you're interested, just scan our forum for 'screenshots' in the subject line. (I'll continue to point out the posts containing what I consider to be outstanding pics; even in this flood, there are some that are head and shoulders above the rest, and I'll make a point of bringing them to your attention.) (Louis Wu 12:58:55 UTC)

March 22, 2004 Link to this post

The Reactor Room - now with 800% more Spartans
WOW. Gil27 and Devin Olsen have created a multiplayer version of the Maw's Reactor Room - there is a short (25 second, 2 mb) film as well as a few screenshots in this forum post; no map yet for downloading, but we can hope! (Louis Wu 12:29:48 UTC)

March 22, 2004 Link to this post

Madda Cheeb - Amateur Golfer!
Benny, from Xbox Ottawa (part of the team behind the FTC videos) has submitted a new Flash game - Madda Cheeb: Golfer. We're hosting a copy here, but there's also a copy up at Newgrounds, which probably has way more bandwidth than we could hope to have. (It's big - over 4 and a half megs.) Wherever you play it - you'll find it's pretty tough stuff, but quite rewarding when you actually do well. Andrew started a thread in our forum, if you want to comment. (Louis Wu 04:46:46 UTC)

March 21, 2004 Link to this post

New pics from the Homefront team
Homefront, the Battlefield 1942 mod, has put up new pics of an elite, their new AR (the MC looks BIZARRE without gloves on), and the scorpion tank. This picture is a joke - they'll have him holding plasma weapons soon. (Good thing, too - Covenant would rather die than use human weapons...) Thanks to Spartan-39 for the heads-up on our forum. (Louis Wu 15:17:28 UTC)

March 21, 2004 Link to this post

Another screenshot analysis
Promodo answered the screenshot analysis over at Sector 7 with his own comments; you can find them (and respond to them) on our forum. I must say it surprises me that this much evaluation is going into this single screenshot... it's FAR more than went into the first multiplayer shot, and that, in my opinion, was a more interesting picture. In fact, I haven't seen this sort of interest since the dry spell (which had lasted a full year) ended in 2001. You never can tell, with fans! (Louis Wu 02:43:02 UTC)

March 20, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshot Analyzed
Wolfy, over at Sector 7, has gone to the trouble of writing up a full article on the new screenshot. (Louis Wu 21:12:49 UTC)

March 20, 2004 Link to this post

Now THAT'S what I'M talkin' about.
There have been so many HUDless screenshots recently, I was going to implement a policy of a single update each day, with all the links in it. However, there are two posts tonight by CuBaNo which simply demand personal attention. The second batch, especially, contains some of the best shots posted on our forum to date, in my opinion. The first post was here - and it's pretty good. The second post... wow. (Warning - these pics are pretty big.) (Louis Wu 03:13:29 UTC)

March 20, 2004 Link to this post

Content, Content, Content
The Bungie Weekly Update this week went to... well, Bungie. (NEPOTISM!) You can find Frankie's musings on the Underground, Bungie's very own public forum. It's short - but it's tasty. The tidbit on realism on 'an Earth level' left me drooling for actual gameplay... the bit about Jaime fine-tuning Enemy AI got me intrigued, and the bit about Marty had me laughing. And oh, yeah, the Mister Chief artwork hits new edges of quality. And if the update weren't enough, there's also (finally) a new, hi-res screenshot, the one that's been floating around the net for a couple of weeks in illicit magazine scans. All the arguments about 'is that really a needler?' and 'wait, who's falling?' and the like seem rather silly now, with a 1600x1200 reference piece to look at... what? You're still here? Why aren't you at Bungie.net, reading? (Louis Wu 00:56:30 UTC)

March 19, 2004 Link to this post

E3 2003 pics at Halo Universe
Marc, from Halo Universe, writes to say that they've uploaded some screens from the E3 2003 Halo 2 Demo trailer. In his words "for all who doesn't know the movie a duty and for all others a nice reminder..." Go remember! (Louis Wu 17:23:27 UTC)

March 18, 2004 Link to this post

Pretty, Pretty Pictures
Forum newcomer Mills has tossed up his own collection of HUDless screenshots - and there are some doozies in there. Go look. They're cool. (Louis Wu 10:21:38 UTC)

March 18, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Solitaire
Dr. Nick has created a replacement deck for the standard Solitaire game that comes with Windows; you can see a screenshot of the installer, and have access to download links, in this forum post. (Louis Wu 09:54:32 UTC)

March 17, 2004 Link to this post

A thousand words... times a lot.
The HUDless screenfest goes on. zarrel40 put up a few (one with a pretty cool transposition of the Threshold hologram), and MereCatfish continues his own posting spree. Nice stuff! (Louis Wu 10:43:53 UTC)

March 17, 2004 Link to this post

Can Halo Take Quake
The next Halo-related round of the Gamespy Title Fight starts today at noon, PST; Halo goes up against Quake in The Abandoned Base bracket. (The winner faces TIE Fighter, Super Metroid, or GoldenEye 007 - that last a game beaten soundly by Halo in round 1, but back with an extra life.) Don't forget to vote! (Louis Wu 10:34:58 UTC)

March 17, 2004 Link to this post

Space Invader Halo
MC117- has posted a note in our forum about a 2D game he's working on. There's a screenshot up at Halomods, if you're interested in providing feedback. (Louis Wu 10:19:10 UTC)

March 16, 2004 Link to this post

Yet another reason to want that HEK
Mrs. Doublefire has posted new screens of his Halo 2 Battle Rifle, reproduced for Halo PC. Very, very nice. Thanks to Devin for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:52:35 UTC)

March 16, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Init Builder v1.0
Sedgr has posted a small app that can more easily build init.txt files for Halo PC dedicated servers. It requires .Net to run. A link is here, in our forum; some screenshots were put up on Gearbox's forum. I had some problems actually SAVING the file (apparently, my .Net configuration disabled that particular function in this app)... but it SEEMS useful. Take a look! Update: turns out my problem was due to the fact that I wasn't running it on a local drive. If you have a .NET-related problem, try ensuring that the application is running locally. Works very nicely! (Louis Wu 16:45:31 UTC)

March 15, 2004 Link to this post

Please - to the dozens of people sending us links to the hi-res scan of the latest OXM issue (with the new 'Snowblind' screenshot): our policy is exactly the same as it always was. We do NOT post images from, or links to, scans from magazine issues that are still on the newsstands. In this case, they're not even on the newsstands yet; the issue doesn't officially come out for a few days. Folks putting up scans are subscribers, who get the magazine early. Please don't take money out of the pockets of magazine creators; do it enough, and there won't BE any more magazines to scan. Bungie will be releasing a hi-res version of that picture on their website as soon as the latest issue of OXM is on the shelves... please, please be patient. (Louis Wu 20:35:58 UTC)

March 15, 2004 Link to this post

The Pics Don't Stop!
The HUDless Screen Parade goes on. MereCatfish has submitted his own collection (along with a short movie of a teamkilling Gold Elite, who eventually commits suicide in remorse) to our forum, here. (Louis Wu 19:06:10 UTC)

March 15, 2004 Link to this post

Multiplayer Death, Up Close
XLNC continues his mad HUDless screenshot posting rampage, this time focusing on multiplayer action. There are some GORGEOUS shots in here. Browse away. (Louis Wu 18:23:16 UTC)

March 15, 2004 Link to this post

Streaming Halo Goodness
synide is starting up a new venture: haloTV. He intends to stream Halo videos 24/7 via winamp, eventually including big Halo matches shown live. For now, he's looking for suggestions for movies to include in the rotation. Add your thoughts to this thread. (Louis Wu 17:38:59 UTC)

March 15, 2004 Link to this post

Like The Bit At The Start of Six Feet Under.
One One Se7en looks at the potential hazards of wielding more than one gun at a time. (Louis Wu 16:11:07 UTC)

March 14, 2004 Link to this post

The Master Chief Invades Texas
Want another look at that Nightmare Armor in action? Webshift jumped on to our forum to remind folks that they'll be in Austin, at the Alamo Drafthouse (with the RvB crew), starting at 6 this evening... stop by and see them in the BLUE armor! (Louis Wu 16:56:30 UTC)

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