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Showing results 3176 - 3200 of 4250 matches

April 15, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 in GI
CENOBITE points out that the new Game Informer (out to subscribers now, should be on store shelves soon) contains a 10-page article on Halo 2, filled with new info and screenshots. Keep your eyes peeled! (Louis Wu 09:48:08 UTC)

April 14, 2004 Link to this post

Sector 7 looks at the new screenie
Wolfy, from Sector 7, points out that they've posted the third in a continuing series; they've analyzed the latest Halo 2 Multiplayer screenshot. When you're done reading this, you can check out one of the many threads on our forum devoted to the same topic... (Louis Wu 10:50:58 UTC)

April 13, 2004 Link to this post

Dual Wep Goodness
Whoa - missed it; thanks to Ape Man for the heads-up. There's a brand-new Halo 2 multiplayer shot over at Bungie.net... Wow. I'm lovin' it. Go look! (Louis Wu 18:08:34 UTC)

April 13, 2004 Link to this post

And still MORE Bungie.net stuff
Bungie.net is going crazy with new content right now... There is a new music piece (it's been included on the bonus DVD that comes with the Halo Soundtrack, but has never been released officially on the internet before), and a HUGE contest starting up, with prizes ranging from a trip to Bungie Studios to a Halo-branded Xbox to Halo toys and collectibles. (So that you don't get your hopes up, this contest is open to US residents only.) At the moment, the actual entry form seems to be a little... off, but give it a few minutes; I'm sure they'll get it straightened out. (You have until the 25th to register.) (Louis Wu 17:37:40 UTC)

April 13, 2004 Link to this post

I think I want Clippy back
Hehe - seems some people have had trouble with the new bungie.net... Preston the Cyberdog discovered a hard-to-find secret feature of the new site, and took a screen (203K). Only from Microsoft... (Louis Wu 12:33:09 UTC)

April 13, 2004 Link to this post

The NEW Bungie.net
You've been waiting for it... the day has come. The new Bungie.net has launched... and it's beautiful. Totally new navigation... new content, new forums, and not one, but TWO new top stories: one details the new tidbits available on Bungie.net, the other takes a serious stroll down memory lane, looking at pre-Xbox Halo (with tons and tons and TONS of high-quality versions of older screenshots, and some NEW older screenshots). (This was originally written many hours ago... as many of you noticed, it's been up and down all afternoon; it seems, finally, to be solidly up. Explore! (Louis Wu 01:26:12 UTC)

April 9, 2004 Link to this post

Frankie and the Snorers... ain't that a band?
This week's Bungie Update is over at Sector 7... and it's a tasty one. No screenshots... but some tantalizing info. Go read! (Louis Wu 23:19:10 UTC)

April 8, 2004 Link to this post

Dancin' MC
Gutupio did some playing with green-screen effects; the end result is a movie he calls 'Halo 2: DDR Remix'. Not ever having played DDR, the joke is mostly lost on me... but reaction seems to be positive. Hosting has been handled by COERCE.net. The vid is 3:32 long, 14.1 mb big, and is a DivX-encoded AVI. Check it out! (A comment thread is here.) (Louis Wu 13:08:19 UTC)

April 8, 2004 Link to this post

Get on the Grid
Once upon a time, HBO participated actively in the distributed search for extraterrestrial intelligence - and the Halo SETI Marines continue today, though at a much slower pace than when they were front-page news here every day. A year or so ago, Ross Mills started the HBO Researcher team at grid.org, aimed at using distributed computing to help find a cure for cancer. Today, P_71W has started a NEW team, this one ALSO at grid.org; they're called 'Team H.B.O.'. If you have extra CPU cycles going unused in your home or workplace, you can put them to use fighting cancer, or helping with smallpox research, or combating bioterrorism... and do so banded together with other HBO fans. Grab a client, and get crunching! (Louis Wu 09:20:07 UTC)

April 7, 2004 Link to this post

...he couldn't go...
...they all would know, he'd lose all his street cred. This is getting totally out of hand. I blame Sep7imus for starting it... and Stuntmutt for making it much, much worse. (Louis Wu 21:03:31 UTC)

April 6, 2004 Link to this post

Eat Needles!
The dialogue man himself, Captain Spark, turned in a huge collection of Stacker quotes a couple of weeks ago. Using HaloPC, turning off extra sounds, and carefully planning who was onscreen during the filming allowed him to get pretty amazingly clean recordings of almost 200 new quotes, including some really funny ones I've never heard before. Go check 'em all out in our Dialogue Databank! (There are still quite a number of queued sounds to be added; this isn't all there is.) (Louis Wu 17:04:09 UTC)

April 2, 2004 Link to this post

A Day at the Beach
Halo Babies has a new comic up... and it's the start of an actual SERIES (with a plot, and everything). Go take a look! (Louis Wu 20:22:38 UTC)

April 2, 2004 Link to this post

Friday Fiction
20 pieces of Fan Fiction today - sorry they didn't get out earlier.

Read. (Louis Wu 20:06:08 UTC)

April 1, 2004 Link to this post

The Foundry - Ready to Release?
Shiska, sister of forum regular Shishka, has posted a link to a number of screenshots of a work in progress over at The Silent Cartographers - and she may have made a mistake. Let's see how long it takes them to notice (go quick!). (Louis Wu 19:16:35 UTC)

April 1, 2004 Link to this post

Ducain continues his pretty awesome experimentation with Warthog-assisted flying; the latest movie is just under 10 mb, 2:48 long, in WMP9 format. The forum post contains a pair of links to find it at. I'm amazed that there are STILL ways to blow things up that produce results I've never seen before... Update: Ducain added a small movie (2.3 mb) showing a pretty slick final cliff jump. It's similar to one done by Frogblast oh so long ago... except that 1) it's in single player, and 2) he STARTS at the top, so grenades are a bit... scarcer. Very nicely done! (Louis Wu 11:20:35 UTC)

March 31, 2004 Link to this post

Wow. Wraith has managed to add a working Fuel Rod Gun to Two Betrayals; the graphics are a tad blocky, but the functionality rocks. (I'm not sure WHY the graphics are blocky; you're using the gun that the Spec-Ops Grunts use on that level.) It was originally available as a PC mod, but he also found a way to make it work for Xbox (NTSC). Update: Wraith explains the blockiness here. (Louis Wu 18:10:51 UTC)

March 28, 2004 Link to this post

Halo: Blood Covenant
Wow. A new 2d sidescroller looks to be in the works; Halo: Blood Covenant, from an Italian team. The site is in Italian, but you can get a decent sense for what it's looking like so far by following the screens link. _ib noticed this over at Battleground: Halo. Coolness! (Louis Wu 21:05:00 UTC)

March 28, 2004 Link to this post

FBO offline for a bit
Before the emails start pouring in... files.bungie.org has been turned off for the next 4 days. We hit our bandwidth limit, and rather than incur a several-hundred-dollar overage fee, I've decided to simply take it down until April 1. Almost all the files available there are also available at mythica.org, and even the ones that aren't will be back on Thursday... so please be patient. Thanks! (Louis Wu 16:59:40 UTC)

March 26, 2004 Link to this post

Lanfest in MA Boonies
Trickster and longtime forum resident vshields ash has posted information about an upcoming Halo LAN at his local EB; if you live within driving distance of Lanesboro, MA (near the confluence of the Massachusetts, Vermont, and New York borders), you should consider stopping by the Berkshire Mall on April 17 to join in - you'd get to meet one of the most persistent Halo stuntmen out there. First prize is an Xbox and a Halo 2 coupon. (Fest starts around noon.) Comments can go in this thread. (Louis Wu 15:33:15 UTC)

March 26, 2004 Link to this post

A plate of writing, with a side of corn
Twenty Three pieces for you today in the Fan Fiction section... but remember, 7 of them are Stuntmutt's Oh Thirteen series. It's not as overwhelming as it looks.

You WILL have to get started, though, if you want to be finished before the next batch... (Louis Wu 13:22:16 UTC)

March 25, 2004 Link to this post

I want backup from Foehammer
Wow, icanttype is converting the Truth and Reconciliation hangar to netmap; screenshots can be found here, on Halo mods. Looks fantastic! Thanks to Devin Olsen for pointing it out on our forum. (Louis Wu 01:56:04 UTC)

March 25, 2004 Link to this post

The Beauty of Halo - at 1600x1200
HUDless screens - there are lots, but some stand out. And CuBaNo is one of those who make the stand-out kind. His latest batch (17 shots) can be found here. There are a few doozys. (Louis Wu 01:40:05 UTC)

March 23, 2004 Link to this post

Lethal Rage 3
Pico has submitted Lethal Rage 3, a massive (10:11 long, 35.7 mb) tale of heroism and courage, of finding the strength within to carry on when all hope is lost... and, well, to act like an idiot when you win. Cinematography is awesome, storyline is great, and there are some very nice stunts. VERY nice. Watch this one. (And mirror it for us, if you've got the bandwidth - it's gonna be popular.) It's currently available in QuickTime format from Mythica.org and files.bungie.org, but if you want to put up a copy, send us a link, and we'll announce it. A DivX version will be coming at some point. Update: DOH! Pico had asked me to link to a thread he started last week about this, for discussion. I forgot. Luckily, he started a new one today; comments can go here. Update 2: Another couple of mirrors - enough to warrant a mirror page. We'll add more as they come in. Thanks, folks! (Louis Wu 17:54:20 UTC)

March 23, 2004 Link to this post

Caskey has posted a new no-weapons mod over at HaloMods; the heads-up for us was the teaser screenshot he posted on our forum. Very cool! (Louis Wu 17:20:05 UTC)

March 23, 2004 Link to this post

Gutupio has taken the honor of producing the very first HUDless Halo movie; it's called 'Chronicles', and a 20.5 mb version is being hosted by Coerce.net right now. There's no dialogue, but it's not needed; the action tells the story. (Greens kill one innocent Red and kidnap another, a third Red vows revenge and wipes out most of the greens before rescuing his buddy... with some added twists, of course.) Overall, pretty well done. The current version is a 640x480 DivX-encoded AVI - when there's time (and bandwidth), I'll add a QuickTime version to the mix. Update: Gutupio clarified that 'Chronicles' simply describes the work, and the closest thing it has to a title is 'Entry 1'... and Narcogen has mirrored a copy over at Rampancy.net. Update2: a number of people have pointed out that the FTC vids are, for all intents and purposes, HUDless, and have been for months. While it's true that there is no HUD onscreen (and they've done an amazing job overall), the fact remains that the FTC vids are cropped, ever so slightly (64 pixels off the large versions); Gutupio's vid is the first to be released at full 4:3 resolution with no HUD. (Louis Wu 10:21:28 UTC)

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