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Search results for start screen

Showing results 3101 - 3125 of 4250 matches

June 30, 2004 Link to this post

More Halo 2 Screenshots from Kikizo.com
Kikizo.com has put up a massive collection of screens - it's all content that's been seen in recent print articles, but it's in digital form. Very nice stuff. Thanks to Zero Flaw for noticing. Update: Higher-resolution versions of some of the renders can also be found at Eurogamer.net (thanks, R.net). You know, of course, that the appearance of all this content on various websites means we'll be seeing higher-res versions from Bungie themselves in the forseeable future... (Louis Wu 19:31:23 UTC)

June 30, 2004 Link to this post

I Screen, You Screen, We All Screen for HUDless Screens
It's been a couple of months since the last batch... but XLNC is back with 10 new HUDless screenshots. These were taken using the detachable camera in Halo CE - which, unfortunately, only works when you're alone. (It's not networkable.) (Louis Wu 18:02:38 UTC)

June 30, 2004 Link to this post

One Entry That Won't Be Winning GNF...
Today's One One Se7en looks at our Going Nowhere Fast competition, and how Stuntmutt's run stacked up. (In truth, he's in third place, and had some pretty l337 moves near the start... as far as I can tell, he's still in the running for the grand prize.) That said, visual manipulation of photos of me automatically disqualify you from any meaningful compensation, so he's probably right. (Louis Wu 13:04:07 UTC)

June 29, 2004 Link to this post

Waldo ain't got nothing on the MC
Recently, Saint's been running some fun mini-contests on our forum, called 'Where's The Master Chief?' An invisible MC is placed somewhere in a screenshot of a Halo level, and it becomes your job to find them. (We haven't been front-paging these because the files are pretty huge (a front-page link might swamp psyjnir.org, the host), and because they're being solved fast enough just with forum regulars participating.) Yesterday, he upped the stakes a bit; instead of just the warm glow of knowing you found him fastest, Saint offered to make custom screenshots for the winners of a 6-image contest. The contest is here (with an extra screen here, to fix a mixup) - the 6 winning images are here. A nice change of pace! (Louis Wu 16:10:35 UTC)

June 27, 2004 Link to this post

New Mombasa Update
NiTrOuSoXiDe posted an update for the New Mombasa mod for Halo CE over on Halo Revolution - DHalo reposted it on Halomods, and scottisonfire found it there and posted it on OUR forum. (Viral marketing at its best.) Very sexy screenshot, and some drool-inducing text. Check it out! (Louis Wu 19:11:17 UTC)

June 26, 2004 Link to this post

Saturday Reading
18 new pieces for you in the Fan Fiction section today - go read. That's the end of the news posts, I think - UCDI: Special Forces starts pretty soon. (Louis Wu 14:50:32 UTC)

June 22, 2004 Link to this post

Racing Times
A couple of new times have been added to the Going Nowhere Fast leaderboard - Truth and Reconciliation is now down below 25 minutes, and AotCR is less than 7 minutes. A reminder: The contest ends in a little over a week! That means if you're mailing a tape, it needs to get mailed SOON. (Rule 77 states specifically that the entry 'must be in the hands of a judge' - we're not talking postmarked, we're talking here.) At the moment, the cumulative time for the entire game, start to finish, is 2:46:11... can we get that down to 2:30? Come on, people! (Louis Wu 21:47:41 UTC)

June 22, 2004 Link to this post

Halo - on an IMAX screen
The third annual Maxgames tournament will take place in the IMAX theater in San Jose next month - a short article about it can be found on 1Up.com. The first iteration of this event was attended by vector40, who wrote up his experience for our audience. Thanks to Fuzion, this time around, for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 14:17:54 UTC)

June 21, 2004 Link to this post

It's coming...
smeginfrell has put together a Halo 2 teaser ad, using footage he's created himself using some 3D rendering/animation software. It's short (1:15) but sort of large (9.2 mb in WMP9 format, 9.6 mb in QuickTime format) because of its large screensize: 856x480 pixels. Very nice work, overall. Take a look! (Louis Wu 15:55:02 UTC)

June 19, 2004 Link to this post

Halo2.com gets updated
Microsoft's Halo 2 splash site (Halo2.com) has been updated - all the new Game Informer screenshots have been added, as well as that amazing Eddie Smith artwork that showed up in the Swedish SuperPlay print article. (It can be found under 'Screenshots', which is sort of silly... but I guess they don't have a 'Wallpaper' section.) There's also a new section on awards and press accolades. Thanks to Fuzion for pointing out the wallpaper (and getting me to look through the site again). Update: there's a higher-res version of the Eddie Smith art (1600x844, with no black border) in the Bungie.net Halo 2 Print Art section. Thanks, Tocki (of Halo Orbit) and Deimos (of Subnova)! (Louis Wu 14:24:12 UTC)

June 18, 2004 Link to this post

My eyes hurt
moddedcyborg has put together a few 3D screenshots - the kind that need those cheesy red and blue glasses to see properly. Reaction is good, and I'm sure I'll enjoy 'em as soon as I can find my kids' copy of Spy Kids 3D... (Louis Wu 08:42:10 UTC)

June 17, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshots - the lifeblood of he who waits
The recent release of new hi-res screenshots from Bungie finally got me off my duff to update our Screenshots database; it's finally up-to-date. 193 shots were added today... not a bad day's work! (Louis Wu 16:23:37 UTC)

June 17, 2004 Link to this post

Behind the scenes - Magazine Pimpage
Wow. Frankie has posted an awesome interview/picture cornucopia over on Bungie.net; a discussion with Jeremy Zoss, Associate Editor of Game Informer magazine (about GI's visit to Bungie in preparation of last month's article), and a collection of more than a dozen VERY high resolution images (screenshots and concept art) that were eventually used in the story. If you've read the magazine (or our press scan), you've seen the pictures... but not like this. Go read! First heads-up seems to be from Wolfy, of Sector 7. (Louis Wu 02:38:50 UTC)

June 15, 2004 Link to this post

The Zanzibar Project
A new modding team has started up - the Zanzibar Project has posted its first weekly update on both the Halomods forum and the Gearbox forum. (It's pretty interesting reading the comments on the two sites - totally different feel to the communities.) They're reproducing the Zanzibar map for Halo CE. No word yet on a timeline. Thanks to Stefander for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:21:42 UTC)

June 15, 2004 Link to this post

Sarge went 404
Sector 7 has put up a new episode of Marines, their local comic strip. It pokes fun at their server's flakey connection. Thanks to Wolfy for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:20:48 UTC)

June 13, 2004 Link to this post

Dolbex, of Halo50K fame, has put together a nice retrospective of his local group, Been Mawed. It's mostly interviews of group members, with some screenshots and a tiny bit of gameplay thrown in; if this sounds boring, don't bother downloading it. It is, however, a great view into how groups like this get together, and what the cameraderie can bring to each member - and the composition is quite nice, as well. (These guys are quite good, overall. Not your average clan.) It's sort of long (11:43), and big (64.1 mb, even though I've compressed the hell out of it), in QuickTime format. Some of the visual artifacts were there when I got the film, others were added by the heavy crunching. None of it takes away from the value of the retrospective. We've put up a pair of mirrors, to decrease bandwidth strain - you can find a copy on Mythica.org and another on files.bungie.org. If you decide you can host this as well, send us a link! (Louis Wu 15:24:25 UTC)

June 11, 2004 Link to this post

But does it SOUND annoying?
Nasa may have discovered how something like Guilty Spark came about; their prototype is red, not blue, but it's an answer to the need for environment sensor/webcam/intercom/PDA that doesn't pose a safety risk in free fall. It's cute, to boot. Thanks to Peter M. for pointing it out... should make you think a bit. (Peter adds, "If they start experimenting with that super-mold from MIR I'll have to invest in getting some NightMare armor fitted...") (Louis Wu 01:23:36 UTC)

June 9, 2004 Link to this post

What Consoles Lack - Massive Multiplayer
There's an editorial over at Gamespot that faults consoles for supporting only 16 players per game, max - it argues that PC games are going past this by an order of magnitude, and the reason is dedicated servers. There are some decent counter-arguments in the forum thread started by 3Suns that brought this to our attention... but the red flags for me went up when I read this line:

The reason PC games can handle so many simultaneous players is because publishers release dedicated server software.

Actually, the reason some PC games can handle so many simultaneous players is because they keep track of fewer variables than Halo does, and therefore require less bandwidth per player. (Compare bandwidth requirements for Battlefield 1942 and the PC version of Halo - which HAS dedicated servers - for a clear example of this.) Right or wrong, though, the article gives folks something to discuss - and that's never a bad thing. (Louis Wu 09:35:41 UTC)

June 4, 2004 Link to this post

The man is out of control.
Spideroptics might have said it best - "It's Bungie vs. BOLL. Who will win? Stay tuned." BOLL's latest shot over the bow is a custom 3d screenshot... and all I can say is WOW. (Hit left or right arrow, and watch the large plasma bolt's leading edge crackle.) Because BOLL's ISP sharply throttles traffic outside Scandinavian countries, you might want to look at our local mirror of this file (6.1 mb, Flash format), rather than the links in BOLL's forum post. (Louis Wu 02:13:35 UTC)

June 4, 2004 Link to this post

HCE/HEK update at B.net
Longtime Bungie fan Cunbelin has written a massive summary of the state of Halo Custom Edition and the Halo Editing Kit (though it's missing some of the coolest new creations - you'll have to follow his resource links at the end to find them), and SketchFactor has posted it over at Bungie.net. If you're wondering what's available, this is a great place to start. (Louis Wu 00:08:58 UTC)

June 3, 2004 Link to this post

Kikizo films EVERYTHING
Kikizo Games has put over 5 hours of video from E3 online (including about 20 minutes of Halo 2-related footage). Most of it has already been available from other sources for a while now - but there IS a new file; the 68 mb, 640x480 shakeycam version of the Press briefing, filmed off a Widescreen TV, narrated by SketchFactor, hasn't been seen before. It's the standard demonstration - but for folks who want to watch as many different takes as they can (all are slightly different, of course), this is worth grabbing. Everything is WMP9 format. Thanks to eddie_m for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:17:29 UTC)

June 1, 2004 Link to this post

Halo: Blood Covenant - again
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned that the 2D sidescroller, Halo: Blood Covenant, had a downloadable demo to play - but their bandwidth ran out pretty quickly, and a lot of people missed it. I grabbed a copy - but I couldn't get it to run properly on my Radeon 9600 (the screen was black). Today, Darker Industries pointed out that the site is back online, and there's a download link at Fileplanet - which should remove the bandwidth problems. I took the opportunity to update my Catalyst drivers to 4.5 - and now I can actually play the game! It's pretty hard - but a lot of fun. At only 6.7 mb to download, what are you waiting for? (Louis Wu 17:35:38 UTC)

June 1, 2004 Link to this post

CheatCodes looks at Halo 2
CheatCodes.com went to E3 - and posted their discussion of the Halo 2 material on Friday. Bunch of nice photos of the widescreen plasma screen they played on. Thanks, Cortanas_Brother. (Louis Wu 16:49:21 UTC)

May 31, 2004 Link to this post

How to be stupid, in public
Yesterday, we got word from haloruler33 that a rather bizarre auction was going on over at eBay. Someone who'd registered on Thursday had started an auction for a Halo 2 pre-release playable game. There was a bit of discussion in our forum about this - many people warned the bidders that this was likely not real. By yesterday evening, things had gotten out of hand; the bidding, which had been creeping up by $50s and $100s all day, suddenly started jumping by thousands. At 11:38 pm (PST), the bid had reached $100,000. By 15 minutes after midnight, it peaked - at $99,999,999.00. And that's where it closed, at 7:15 this morning. It's quite possible this page will be yanked by eBay - there's fraud on all sides, more than enough to go around - so we've put up a static (no working links) local copy. The exception is the Bids link - that works, and points to another local page. Bungie's been alerted - but I'm really doubting this is anything but a scam, in any case. (Louis Wu 20:37:01 UTC)

May 30, 2004 Link to this post

3D screenshot for folks who hate QuickTime
Yesterday, Rip-Saw posted a note about an option to view the 3D screenshot Bungie posted Friday for those without QuickTime - he created a 2.1 mb, 320x240 animated gif. Viewing it took a little work; there's no .gif extension on it, so many browsers don't know what to do with it. BOLL came to the rescue, with a more elegant (though quite a bit larger) solution: a 7.4 mb Flash version (640x480) that reproduced the rotational options of the 3D QuickTime VR version. There is a problem with that version, though - it's a really, really, REALLY slow download outside of Scandinavia. He's uploaded an updated version to our servers; this one remembers your starting point (multiple rotations aren't quite so jarring any more), and he's added an auto-rotate feature (left and right arrows, down arrow to stop). View it in our Miscellaneous section. (Again, if you've got the hi-res QuickTime version, and it works for you, you don't really need this - it's for the QuickTime-impaired.) (Louis Wu 13:23:51 UTC)

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