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July 20, 2004 Link to this post

Halo and the Stars
Walshicus has updated his Halo Stellar Cartography submission to include data about every star on the map. Simply click on the map thumbnail to get started exploring. This, I think, is beginning to qualify as an obsession. (Louis Wu 10:36:10 UTC)

July 19, 2004 Link to this post

A comment about leaks
Many of you probably saw threads on various Halo or Xbox forums this weekend about leaked beta screenshots. Bungie has yet to make a public announcement about this (it's unlikely that they ever will, actually), but there are many clues that suggest that these aren't fakes; that they did, in fact, come from a beta version of Halo 2. I wanted to take a moment to state our official policy on leaks like this, and to explain why I think they're a problem. We will NOT allow links to these pictures to be posted to our forum - as we find them, we'll remove them, and if people persist, they'll be banned. As one of our admins posted last night, if you can't find them for yourself, that's YOUR problem. Many folks are asking what the big deal is - they're just screenshots, and not even very exciting ones... who cares? Putting aside the legal issues (which aren't actually minor), there's a really good reason to keep pics like this away from the public... many casual gamers don't realize that a beta version is NOT a final version. Often, there are elements that have been added specifically for beta testers - debugging information, or extra on-screen displays, so that testers can provide useful feedback to the creation team. (Beta testing isn't a game; that should have been made clear from the recent Bungie.net article. It's pretty serious business.) When beta shots hit the public, though, many people are oblivious to the fact that they're looking at a test image. We've already had folks griping on our forum about how cluttered the HUD looks, and how disappointed they are in Bungie for putting so much crap onscreen. Others read these comments, maybe without even looking at the pictures themselves, and the ideas spread... and before too long, there's buzz about how crappy the interface of Halo 2 is. Only... it's NOT the interface of Halo 2 - it's the interface for BETA TESTERS. Boiled down: the final product can NOT be judged by the appearance of an early beta - but because many people can't make distinctions like that, pictures of early betas do NOT belong in the public eye. (Louis Wu 11:20:13 UTC)

July 18, 2004 Link to this post

If you didn't see it coming...
Sector Seven Halo has put up another installment of its Marines comic. I'm not sure I get it... (Louis Wu 10:22:57 UTC)

July 16, 2004 Link to this post

Those guys are meanies
Top story at TeamXbox today is a Top Ten Villians article - and Halo's Elites come in at number 2, losing out only to Darth Malak, from KotOR.

Armored beasts that resemble what an Alien mother and a Predator father might pump out is a great pace to start when creating a player character nemesis.

Thanks, CuBaNo. (Louis Wu 11:56:05 UTC)

July 15, 2004 Link to this post

Applegeeks goes Halo
Today's Applegeeks comic is Halo-related; it's the second half of a story they started a couple of days ago. Thanks to Inky and Black Six for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 14:11:39 UTC)

July 14, 2004 Link to this post

MLG - Past, Present, Future
There's a great interview with the people behind Major League Gaming over at Bungie.net - how they got started, where Halo fits in, where they're going. If you're at all interested in the competitive Halo scene, you should check this out. First heads-up goes to Kyrceck. (Louis Wu 12:45:37 UTC)

July 13, 2004 Link to this post

Do NOT get between these guys.
Tina Leyk tried her hand at a Halo 2-themed pic; she started with information in recent magazine articles (the idea that Elites and Brutes aren't the best of friends) and ended up with what I consider to be one of her most stunning pieces to date. Check out 'Elite vs Brute' on her Fan Art page. (Louis Wu 11:10:26 UTC)

July 12, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshot Database updated
On June 30, several sites released a flood of Halo 2 screenshots and renders. These have finally been added to our Screenshots database, bringing the total collection size to a hair under 3000 screens (and the Halo 2-specific material to 200 shots). Wonga! (Louis Wu 10:46:34 UTC)

July 10, 2004 Link to this post

GNF - the start of Direct Downloads
In accordance with our plan, we've begun to make the first Going Nowhere Fast speedrun available via direct download. Over 1500 people have already grabbed the file via BitTorrent, so the load shouldn't be too heavy on our download mirrors... but there's still a LOT of bandwidth available, if it comes to that. The biggest surprise (for me, anyway) is the inclusion of archive.org, the folks who are basically attempting to archive the internet. They have an entire media section devoted to speedruns in video games, and have agreed to include the top 10 runs from this contest in their collection. On top of that, we have our normal mirrors (mythica.org, files.bungie.org, that weasel television) as well as ninjasonfire.com... and psyjnir.org is offering the speedruns via Hotline, for folks who don't like BitTorrent OR the web. All download links are being kept track of on the Status page we put up recently. The second level, Halo, will be made available via direct download on Monday. If you haven't gotten this yet, grab it now! (Louis Wu 19:02:12 UTC)

July 9, 2004 Link to this post

They're gonna start calling him MC Hammer
You gotta love stuff like this. wopkins made a vid of the Master Chief breakdancing. (Guy's pretty coordinated, you ask me. YOU try that in battle armor.) He explains how in this post. The movie's quite small (1.6 mb, WMP9 format), and I've added a QuickTime version for those that need it (same size). (Louis Wu 12:28:31 UTC)

July 9, 2004 Link to this post

In the past month or two, we've started seeing pictures of a maskless grunt... and suddenly, the lovable creature we all knew and loved (albeit to kill, more often than not) was suddenly the stuff of nightmares. I no longer wanted a Grunt plushy. Tina Leyk has restored my faith in the cuddlyness of grunts - her latest piece can be found in her Fan Art collection (look for the 'added July 9' tag). It's summer, so they're on the beach. Now if only they'd put those guns down... (Louis Wu 08:56:23 UTC)

July 8, 2004 Link to this post

Those Wacky Bungie Guys
gwdpto copied and pasted every single frame from the recently-released 3D screenshot... and discovered that there are exactly 117 of them. Will those guys NEVER stop? (We won't discuss the absolute insanity in copying and pasting 117 frames of a movie, just to count them...) Update: False alarm. Seems gwdpto can't count. 2 and 2 make 5, using a much better (automated) tool for the job, showed that there are actually 120 frames. Bah. So much for Bungie Day fidelity, Frankie. You couldn't have shaved off three lousy frames? (Louis Wu 11:37:04 UTC)

July 8, 2004 Link to this post

3D to the max
Holy moley. Bungie has released another 3D screenshot... and this one has a fourth dimension... time. Rotate it, you change the angle of view... but you also change the action. (They blew up a warthog, but good.) I'm way behind on Bungie news today... but this is one you gotta view now. Two versions, 2 mb and 8 mb. Both require QuickTime (for now). Go get it! (Louis Wu 02:16:47 UTC)

July 7, 2004 Link to this post

More Megabattle Pics
The technique pioneered by n00bles continues to inspire; J has posted a pair of screens - quite nice! Check 'em out. Update: and ANOTHER one, from n00bles again! This one is from Claustrophobia, a CE-only level. I've got to grab that... (Louis Wu 09:51:49 UTC)

July 6, 2004 Link to this post

Wallpaper contest coming to a close
SEspider wants to remind everyone that the Wallpaper contest he started a couple of weeks ago is ending this Saturday, July 10. If you're planning on getting an entry in... now's the time to do it! (The rules, once again, are here in our forum.) (Louis Wu 14:08:40 UTC)

July 5, 2004 Link to this post

Goldie does AotCR... Again
Ash and Doggie (his son) managed to entice the Gold Elite at the very end of Assault on the Control Room to follow them all the way back to the start of the level - amazing! Ducain did a fantastic job of condensing the experience down to a 3:37-long, 14.3 mb video (wmp9 format) - you can find a link, and comments, in this thread. For those who can't use WMP9, a QuickTime version has been placed on mythica, as well (13.1 mb). (Louis Wu 08:28:16 UTC)

July 5, 2004 Link to this post

More Megabattle pics
The Megabattle technique pioneered by n00bles last week has been played with by other fans - it looks like fun! BOLL got started recently (that's a 299k JPEG - I'm guessing it's only the beginning), and yesterday VALENCE posted some shots on our forum. If past experience is any indication, I'm guessing that a flood of new visual content will be pouring out of the community soon. Update: Looks like MereCatfish is getting into the act, as well. Very nice set piece on Fissure Falls! (Louis Wu 08:23:56 UTC)

July 5, 2004 Link to this post

Decoy and Kill Valley Winter
Mothergoat has posted another pair of maps, with descriptions, for Halo CE. For the curious, there are also a few screenshots. Nice! (Louis Wu 08:09:44 UTC)

July 3, 2004 Link to this post

New Mombasa Pics
Whoa, missed it. Mrs Doublefire updated his long-dormant New Mombasa thread on the Gearbox forum with seven new screens - take a look! (Thanks to HaloPlanet for noticing this.) (Louis Wu 19:24:16 UTC)

July 3, 2004 Link to this post

aotcr_b - a multiplayer map
Yesterday, nukedude posted notice that his AotCR to multiplayer map release was out of beta and ready for final release. I visited the download page, but there were no screenshots - so I asked. nuke delivered. Check it out - this is a gorgeous map! (Louis Wu 15:11:18 UTC)

July 2, 2004 Link to this post

Game Crossovers... over the top
A week ago, Ross Mills challenged our forum to come up with some Halo-related game crossovers - alter a picture of Halo by bringing in elements from another game. There were a number of entries - a couple quite funny - but BOLL, as usual, can't be satisfied with a simple picture - he has to make a PLAYABLE GAME. Starts easy, but it gets hellish around 100. (Louis Wu 15:42:28 UTC)

July 1, 2004 Link to this post

More on that Maskless Grunt
Nice find by munkeypantsman... in one of the new screens released yesterday, there's a cowering grunt covering his face. What nobody else noticed (or at least nobody else MENTIONED) was that this grunt is NOT wearing his rebreather apparatus... but clearly, the shot was taken in an oxygen atmosphere (there's a marine on the LAAG with no helmet or external breathing equipment). Can Grunts breathe oxygen (at least for a little while)... or was this guy doomed even WITHOUT the MC shooting at him? (Louis Wu 11:53:03 UTC)

July 1, 2004 Link to this post

A Plethora of HUDless Screens
Wow. Halo Boy has posted an entire collection of HUDless screenshots - and they're very, very good. The entire set is hosted at Photobucket; if the bandwidth runs out because of this news post, drop us a line, we'll see what we can do about mirroring the files. (Louis Wu 11:27:28 UTC)

July 1, 2004 Link to this post

The Library Gets New Tomes
Saint mentions that the Library has been updated with a bunch of new entries and screens. If you haven't looked over this treasure-trove of Halo information, you really should - it's chock-full of goodies. (Louis Wu 10:51:00 UTC)

July 1, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Content Flood
As expected, Bungie has released a great collection of new renders, new screenshots, a gorgeous new print art piece by Eddie Smith, and a great background piece on the technology behind the new shots. Go read, download, and otherwise revel in the new content! (Louis Wu 00:55:48 UTC)

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