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October 15, 2004 Link to this post

Halo2.com - in progress
For folks working on the decoding of the various pages at halo2.com, there's a great thread over at the Unfiction forums; you'll find a really useful decoder based on shape, rather than alphabetical order. (If you want alphabetical order, there's also this one, posted over in the Bungie.net forums - but the signal to noise ratio is much higher over there.) Pretty much all of the text has been decoded at this point. (I even know it's right, because BOLL cheated, and extracted the XML file that's being used to GENERATE the text - and it's in English. No, I'm not gonna show you what he found, because it's not particularly sporting.) The only things that are not yet decoded are the three password-protected screens in the Prophet subring. And according to one person on the Unfiction forums, those will not BE decoded until the Flash asset involved is actually updated with a real password. So for now, enjoy the site, and the new glimpses into the wonder of Halo 2... and try not to stumble over any major spoilers on other sites. Update: for the lazy among you, NK has decoded the entire site, graphically. It removes the enjoyment of doing it yourself... but hey, nobody's forcing you. Because it's far too much work right now to set up a page where you can see these one at a time, I've packaged them all up (43 images in all) - you can grab them here (1.8 mb). Thanks, NK! (Louis Wu 23:41:21 UTC)

October 15, 2004 Link to this post

Halo2.com has relaunched
The overhaul of halo2.com is complete - sort of. It's pretty much unviewable on a mac - it works well on XP/Firefox and XP/IE (though the IE version takes over your screen; there's no way to get to the desktop any more, without closing the window). The outbound link is also busted, though I'm sure they'll fix that at some point. All text is in the same code as the teaser stuff we mentioned last night. It's fun to explore - though there ARE vehicles, weapons, and buildings (and maybe aliens - I haven't fully explored it) that you've never seen before... that's your spoiler warning. There are at least 3 downloadables - I found some wallpaper. Thanks to Elite TAR, who pointed it out first. Update: I was wrong - the site IS viewable on a mac; OSX/IE5 seems to be a useable combination. (I didn't even test IE before, since Microsoft abandoned development on it over a year ago.) Thanks, -Nash--housewares. Update 2: w00t! BOLL managed to find a direct link that lets you view the main part of the site (at least the North American version) in a window - it's now watchable on Macs (any browser)! (It'll also respond better for PCs that aren't the top of the line...) Thanks, BOLL! (Louis Wu 18:06:33 UTC)

October 15, 2004 Link to this post

More eBay Halo action
pOgO points out an auction on eBay.co.uk for a pop art Halo 2 painting. I sort of wish the artist had chosen a pose that DIDN'T come straight from a screenshot... but it's a nice work, anyway. (Me, I wouldn't be selling stuff like this when Microsoft Legal's in such a tizzy... but then, I'm a coward.) Speaking of eBay, the full action figure auction we mentioned recently has heated up; current bid is over $1,000, and the number of visits has turned the counter over. It's still a deal - you're getting stuff you can't actually buy ANYWHERE - but man, that's a lot of dough. (Louis Wu 15:38:21 UTC)

October 14, 2004 Link to this post

Piracy Sucks - Still
Wow. Some scumbag uploaded a Halo attract movie to our ftp space; we served a lot of copies before someone was kind enough to tell me about it. I've shut down our ftp space for the time being - I don't have time to monitor it minute by minute, I'd rather it were offline than being used like this. Folks who need to upload files to us - feel free to email me, I'll give you a private, temporary link (use it or lose it). [Update: This does NOT mean you should mail me asking to see the video - it's people who do that make me wish I could reach through the internet and smack you upside your head.] It sucks that the majority end up suffering for the idiocy of a few... but that's the way it goes. In a similar vein, SketchFactor over at Bungie.net has asked for the community's help in shutting down sources of this leak; yeah, they'll keep coming back up, but the hope is, the number of people outraged will actually exceed the number breaking the law. Also, Deimos Fawkes, of Subnova, has posted an address where you can send mail; he'll do the job of weeding through duplicates and the like before forwarding to Bungie. Update: Apparently, the term 'attract movie' isn't as common as I thought. If you leave your Xbox idling on the start screen for Halo (or Halo 2), it will eventually cycle through several movies - showing solo, coop, and multiplayer gameplay. One of these movies, for Halo 2, was what was uploaded. (The name goes back to arcade games, I think, when 'attract mode' was the gameplay that would show on the screen to entice you to drop your quarter in the slot.) (Louis Wu 20:29:57 UTC)

October 14, 2004 Link to this post

Multiplayer Mudslide Madness!
Old-schooler xzzy drops into the forum to mention a Halo CE multiplayer map he's finished, available now (and at an old-time hard-core url, to boot ;-)). He's also got a few screens showing it off. It looks great, so come on! Help keep HaloCE alive! (mnemesis 19:43:28 UTC)

October 14, 2004 Link to this post

Piracy sucks.
As many of you already know, there is a cracked copy of the French PAL version of Halo 2 out there on the net. I suppose it was inevitable - but that doesn't mean it's okay with us. Leaked screens, descriptions of not-already-released areas of the game (both single and multiplayer), links to downloads - all of these will get you permanently banned from our forum, so don't put them there. Please understand our position; we started this site in 1999 to pay homage to Bungie - we really felt they were the best gaming company out there, bar none, and we wanted to create a place where people could appreciate their work. When that work is stolen and released without permission, everybody loses. Bungie loses revenue, and control over their own intellectual property. Fans who choose NOT to download the product (and it's rather large, and in a format most Americans don't have the capability to read) lose, because information about the game will begin circulating weeks before they can get their hands on it. Folks downloading the pirated game lose because it's nearly certain that Microsoft will get a copy, as well, and once they have a fingerprint for this, your chances of getting on XBL are nonexistent. (Yeah, sure, you can use it for LAN games, and on networks like XBC and Xlink Kai - but it's possible someone will be monitoring those networks as well.) I'm sad today. (Louis Wu 10:21:34 UTC)

October 13, 2004 Link to this post

After War - A Halo 2 Comic
Red Leader points out After War, a comic (more of a graphic story) drawn by Kevin Ryan. They start here, and the latest episodes were posted today. (I'd never seen them before - they're pretty good.) (Louis Wu 22:14:24 UTC)

October 13, 2004 Link to this post

Multimedia Blitz - this Friday
Gaming Horizon has a story on the relaunch of Halo2.com, the official Halo 2 website; new screenshots, new movies, 3 brand-new wallpapers. Wonga! (Remember, we already mentioned the teaser wallpaper - you can get a sense for what it looks like by tossing it into an image processing app (like Photoshop) and fiddling with the levels.) (Louis Wu 21:45:49 UTC)

October 12, 2004 Link to this post

The Best Laid Plans...
Red vs Blue Episode 39, kicking off Season 3, is now available for download. It's 8:45 long, and currently only available in Lo-Res formats (they haven't started the sponsorship stuff yet). QuickTime is 49 mb, DivX is 48 mb, WMP9 is 36 mb - and whatever format you grab, the whole thing is pretty durn funny. Go watch! (Louis Wu 11:12:48 UTC)

October 11, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2: Gold.
Sketch sends word that Halo 2 is Gold. This means it's done, certified, in the box; time to start duplicating. There are far more details, if you're into that kind of thing, over at B.net. The critical piece, though, is that it's DONE. (Louis Wu 16:49:00 UTC)

October 11, 2004 Link to this post

Team Complete almost ready to kick off
Missed this yesterday - there was a story at TeamXbox about Team Compete, a group which is firing up a couple of leagues for Halo 2 competitive play. There's an Open League, free to everyone with a XBL account, that will have a $2500 cach prize purse for their inaugural season... and a Pro League, which will require a fee for membership, but will have a $25,000 cash prize purse for the season. More details will be forthcoming, as the season gets closer (play will start on November 9). Thanks to HaloPlanet for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:13:03 UTC)

October 11, 2004 Link to this post

Stories to start the week
We'll start you off this Monday morning with 11 new pieces in the Fan Fiction section. Read with your coffee... (Louis Wu 10:42:27 UTC)

October 10, 2004 Link to this post

New images begin to appear
Rocketwidget pointed out a couple of new images; one is a small screenshot that can be seen on the EB Games page devoted to Halo 2 LE (it's a shot of the MC boarding a ghost being driven by a White Elite), and the second is over at GameWallpapers.com; it's an 'Exclusive for Registered Users' image ($14.95/year), a preview can be seen here. He found both of these over at the Xbox365 forum. (Louis Wu 20:19:49 UTC)

October 9, 2004 Link to this post

That Webmaster... ooohhh...
The weekly update isn't what folks expected - but it will be... just a few days later than we thought. Look for it on Monday. In the meantime, enjoy a rockin' new screenshot and an entertaining explanation from Frankie on our forum. (Louis Wu 01:51:46 UTC)

October 8, 2004 Link to this post

Pretty pics for a Friday
Well, the Wallpaper section has now been moved over to nikon, as well; there are still a couple of minor display glitches, but nothing that will really affect your viewing pleasure. This means I can finally start clearing out some of the desktop images sent to us in the past couple of weeks; you'll find 10 new ones up and posted. There are some really nice ones this time around! (Louis Wu 19:28:23 UTC)

October 8, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Fan Art - up for auction
Here's one I've never seen before - a Halo fan has whipped up a watercolor (seems to be inspired by this screenshot), framed it, and put it up on eBay. Starting bid is £5. (The artist is in the UK.) Makes you wonder... you think Microsoft might step in at some point? Comments can be left for the artist in this forum thread. (Louis Wu 17:40:05 UTC)

October 8, 2004 Link to this post

To the Bottom of Truth and Reconciliation
c0ld 'Sisyphus' vengeance has started a new contest; if you can get to the bottom of Truth and Reconciliation, on Xbox and with no modding, you can win a copy of the mosaic poster (97k) recently displayed at the Crisp Death lanfest here, plus a copy of Halo 2. Good luck! (Louis Wu 13:35:59 UTC)

October 8, 2004 Link to this post

Incubus - in the news
We got a couple of notes about Incubus yesterday - they're another of the mainstream bands whose work is being used in Halo 2, you might remember. The first comes from uberblue, whose friend saw them in concert in Charlotte, NC a few days ago - apparently, they played the first 20 seconds or so of the Halo theme, and then their DJ somehow morphed that into Pistola, one of their more popular songs. (You can listen to various small clips of it on the Media page of their web site. What's even odder, however, is this news report, which suggests that the lead singer might not have even MADE it to that concert - he was arrested in New York, on the way down, for having a switchblade in his carryon bag. (Not Halo-related at all, except that had he not cleared it all up in time, uberblue's friend wouldn't have heard anything.) Don't worry - we're not going to start covering bands with ties to Halo 2, I just thought it was interesting that we got two separate Incubus-related tidbits on the same day (heck, they're even related to the same EVENT), and one showed that they've clearly got Halo 2 on their minds. (Thanks, John.) (Louis Wu 12:35:39 UTC)

October 7, 2004 Link to this post

Zanzibar - before November 9?
NiTrOuSoXiDe sends word that the Halo CE Zanzibar mod is far enough along to release screenshots - and you can find 3 of them in this thread on the Gearbox forums. Dang, that looks nice! (Louis Wu 12:14:31 UTC)

October 6, 2004 Link to this post

Bungie Interview at GBase
GBase, a Swiss gaming site, has posted an interview with Bungie (it's not clear who was actually interviewed, but I'd guess it was Cam Payne or Pete Parsons). It's a decent read; most of the information inside has been said before, but there's always a new twist or spin, or a question that hasn't been asked yet. (It was clearly originally written in German, and then translated to English, but it's quite understandable.) The screenshot on the second page looks new to me, too. Thanks, ash. (Louis Wu 17:54:09 UTC)

October 6, 2004 Link to this post

Hey! I want some of that!
Hehe - Koolice sent us a screenshot (108K) of his MSN Messenger client from last night - looks like Anim8rJB (John Butkus, one of the Bungie Cananimators) was on XBL, playing... what? How could that be? Is it done? (Louis Wu 16:21:50 UTC)

October 4, 2004 Link to this post

At least shipping is only a penny...
Big-O found a pretty funny error on the CompUSA Halo 2 page; somehow the date and the price got melded, so Halo 2 costs $1,109.04. Ouch! (If it gets fixed, look farther down in the thread; Brian Towne snagged a screenshot for posterity. It's still that way now, though, 2 days later...) (Louis Wu 14:42:21 UTC)

October 4, 2004 Link to this post

More LAN pics
More Crisp Death pics - clarksbrother put up all the pics he took (137 of them), and Konrad posted a bunch, with comments. KP wrote up his experience (an astounding amount od driving for the cause), including a scan of the original Mister Chief Blueprint, a one-of-a-kind piece showing where Frankie started, and Dan Chosich added a teaser for the footage he collected (sounds cool!). Dizzy seems to have spent the majority of the lanfest chatting on AIM or IRC. More writeups might on the way. (Louis Wu 14:01:44 UTC)

October 3, 2004 Link to this post

The Carnage has ended?
Well, I don't know for sure, but when I left last night around 3AM, the festivities were winding down. We all had a blast and if you check out the forum, you'll see that some photos are starting to show up. Special thanks to all of you that spent greenbacks to fly in. Especially CYBRFRK and Shishka from the west coast. You guys are cool! Update: Sorry, there didn't actually seem to be a link there. Fixed, now. (Ding 15:27:14 UTC)

October 2, 2004 Link to this post

Let the Carnage Begin
Okay, it's time to start waking up the slugabeds lying all over my house; we've got furniture to move, and Xboxes to wire together, and Halo multiplayer to... well, play. Crisp Death kicks off in a couple of hours, and that means no more news posts for a little bit. Enjoy your Saturday! (Louis Wu 12:19:44 UTC)

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