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October 29, 2004 Link to this post

Big Screen Battle
Eep - I keep forgetting this one. In Great Britain, there's a Big Screen Battle tourney coming up on the 4th of December, in 5 Vue Cinemas around GB. Check the page for details. demonelite gets the first heads-up for this one, yesterday sometime. (Louis Wu 12:52:31 UTC)

October 29, 2004 Link to this post

TXB Wallpaper
TeamXbox has posted a new Halo 2 wallpaper, based on Zoe's fantastic parting gift, coupled with a screenshot. Lighting comes off as being a bit funny... but it's nice. Thanks, Dirty Dozen. (Louis Wu 11:02:23 UTC)

October 29, 2004 Link to this post

The Music Continues
There are two new musical clips from the Halo 2 soundtrack at nilerogers.com - Ancient Machine (snippet is 53 seconds, 830k) and the Second movement of Incubus' Odyssey (snippet is 1:16, 1.2 mb). The Listening Station on the site works quite well for broadband connections - easy to compare pieces. Plus, with these two new pieces, you get glimpses of two brand-new screenshots in the Flash presentation. First heads-up goes to Recoil. (Louis Wu 08:59:47 UTC)

October 29, 2004 Link to this post

Spread Zombie Love, Sputum Included
Aspyr has posted a press release for Stubbs the Zombie on their own site - now we know it's a 'stirring tale of one man's hunger for love, justice...and brains.' Publication date is summer 2005, on Xbox, PC, and Mac. There are plenty of other tasty tidbits in the press release - check it out! (Thanks, Andrew Lewis.) And with that... I'm off until tomorrow. Update: Kevin Goetz of Inside Mac Games points out that they've got 4 screenshots of the game on their site. Mmm... brains! Update2: Jonah points out ANOTHER article, this one at Gamespot, with a fifth image, and a video interview for Gamespot Complete members (QuickTime format, 3:23 86 mb). Lots of good info from Alex Seropian there. (Louis Wu 00:55:14 UTC)

October 28, 2004 Link to this post

Biggest Fan Ever
Mothergoat writes to say that his contest to find the Biggest Halo Fan Ever has ended - won by Conrad Tobias. Visit this forum thread for some pictures that might... well, scare you. (I'm hoping he set a lot of this stuff up just for the contest...) (Louis Wu 10:50:29 UTC)

October 28, 2004 Link to this post

Campaign or Multiplayer?
Another Countdown to Halo 2 article at IGN - a look at whether you should start with Campaign or Multiplayer when you get the game. Rather than answer the question themselves, they went to IGN message board readers. Lots of different views. (Louis Wu 10:45:15 UTC)

October 28, 2004 Link to this post

TWL Championships Live on haloTV
Been out all day, the Halo mail is PILING up - I'll get to it eventually, I hope. Wanted to post this now, though, because of the time factor. haloTV is broadcasting TWL's 5v5 CTF Pro League championships, starting just 90 minutes from now (8:30 cst). The stream will be capped at 250 viewers, so get in soon! (Louis Wu 00:04:05 UTC)

October 26, 2004 Link to this post

Map Management Simplified
Wonga - if you play Halo CE, and are tired of slow loading times when you start the program, check out Map Manager, which makes it easy to swap in and out maps for particular sessions. Heads-up goes to Rampancy.net. (Louis Wu 20:40:24 UTC)

October 26, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 on the radio
(sexy)Josh Britt wrote to tell us that the radio station he works for is starting a half-hour radio show devoted to Halo, hosted by SexyJosh himself. The first show is tomorrow at 9:30 pm EST, and can be found at www.gameshoutradio.com. (This will be followed at 10 pm by a community chat show, and one of the questions is 'How do YOU think Half-Life 2 will compare to Halo 2?' Since they used to be a Half-Life-only radio station, they're gonna need Halo defenders. Stop by. (Louis Wu 14:10:42 UTC)

October 26, 2004 Link to this post

This is getting sillier by the day.
IGN's latest article in their Countdown to Halo 2 (you gotta wonder if they're not thinking, about now, that it might have been better to start this countdown closer to November 9...) is called 'The 10 Things You Must Have to Play Halo 2'. On the list is a lot of food, some scantily clad women (not sure how that's gonna help the girl gamers), and a stereo system. Um... I'd have to say they missed a few important pieces - like Halo 2, an Xbox, and at least one controller. Oh, well. (Louis Wu 13:41:36 UTC)

October 26, 2004 Link to this post

What are they to say now?
The first recordings of the Halo 2 commercial that ran earlier today are starting to appear on the net. We're still gathering mirrors, but it's available for now from Mythica.org. This is, for the record, a direct-feed version of the video seen in the shakeycam EB "briefing" video from a few weeks back. Look for it on TV tonight! (Count Zero 01:49:39 UTC)

October 25, 2004 Link to this post

Coop is splitscreen only
It's official - multiscreen Coop is not part of Halo 2. IGN has confirmed this fact with Microsoft (and I've confirmed it with Bungie, as well). You can play Coop on a single screen - as you can in Halo - but one player per screen, whether via system link or XBL, is out. Sorry, folks! (Louis Wu 18:56:03 UTC)

October 25, 2004 Link to this post

The commercials have started
A number of reports have come in about Halo 2 commercials showing up on normal US channels (a wide range of them). We don't have any for download yet - but if anyone manages to save a good copy, let us know - we're happy to host it. (Louis Wu 18:02:13 UTC)

October 23, 2004 Link to this post

Home Front almost ready to go
This came in yesterday, but I managed to overlook it. The Home Front team has posted another update on the Junkyard forums - screenshots of a redone map, and a fixed release date (next Friday, actually). Go read. Thanks, Mhaddy. (Louis Wu 13:17:41 UTC)

October 22, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Xbox Live Starter Kit - again
I didn't really think this was news, since it existed in Germany a month ago - but loads upon loads of people are writing to us about it, so... looks like as of today, Microsoft has OFFICIALLY announced the Limited Edition Halo 2 Xbox Live Starter Kit in Europe - it comes with a copy of Halo 2 (but not, confusingly enough, the LIMITED EDITION copy), an Xbox Live Voice Communicator, and a 12 month subscription to Xbox Live, all for £59.99. There's a press release at Gamespot, among other places. (Louis Wu 21:42:14 UTC)

October 22, 2004 Link to this post

Two new video clips for you today, around the web; Xbox Central is hosting an MTV news clip showing the 'Halo 2 Council' (celebrities getting special Halo 2 goodies) and the Pelican case'd Xbox/screen that's among their loot: 8 mb, WMP9 format (thanks, Ben Bayes), and there's a higher-res version of the leaked EB Games commercial we saw a couple of weeks ago; unfortunately, the only place it's currently available is on a site hosting pirated information, so we're not going to pass out the URL. (It's also in French.) Thanks, Hikaru-119. Update: Gah, I should have passed on this news item altogether. Warbow points out that the MTV piece is no longer available, either. Sorry. (Louis Wu 14:41:19 UTC)

October 22, 2004 Link to this post

Answering Questions
Ryan McCaffrey, from OXM, stopped by the TeamXbox forums to answer specific, non-spoiling questions about OXM's review of Halo 2, out now to subscribers in the December issue of the magazine (and on newsstand shelves on November 2). As of right now, there aren't a lot of answers, but there sure are a lot of questions. Thanks, Myles Leadbetter. UPDATE: Be careful when following along here- spoilers are starting to show up. -CZ (Louis Wu 12:50:20 UTC)

October 22, 2004 Link to this post

Excuses? You're asking for a beatin'.
Today's IGN Countdown article gives you 5 excuses to try with your significant other in order to garner some screentime on November 9. I can't see any of them working, unless your significant other has the intellect of a small fern. (Louis Wu 12:19:13 UTC)

October 21, 2004 Link to this post

Now that's a lot of bots.
Mhaddy from the Junkyard writes to point out yet ANOTHER Homefront update on the Junkyard forums. (These guys are stepping up the pace.) There are 12 new screenshots of single player mode (which is just multiplayer mode - with up to 63 bots). There will be another update on Friday, with a release date announcement. (Louis Wu 13:28:28 UTC)

October 21, 2004 Link to this post

About those Gamespy art 'assets'
A number of people have written us about 'new screenshots' at Gamespy.com - these are neither new, nor screenshots. They simply extracted a bunch of the artwork from the newly remodeled halo2.com. Oh, yeah - and then they put their own watermark on it. (Louis Wu 13:10:55 UTC)

October 19, 2004 Link to this post

Circuit City with a new (mini) screen
Again, a number of people sent in links to this image at Circuit City - some wondered if it was a leaked shot. That seems unlikely, but the filename (and path) of the image would suggest that this came from an upcoming issue of PC Magazine. We'll have to wait and see if this is true. First props go to Samir Patel. (Here's a local version, in case that one disappears.) Update: Dr. Nick writes in to mention that "mag" in this case most likely refers to "Magnavox" and not "magazine." As evidence, he points to these other shots of televisions (Sony, Apex, etc.). (Louis Wu 05:04:58 UTC)

October 18, 2004 Link to this post

The Fate of the Forum - decided
I've turned off the Fate of the Forum poll - the 'Yes' percentage is almost exactly 77.7% of the total vote, and that was too good to pass up. ;) (It's been hovering around this point for the last 18 hours or so, but I wanted to give it a little longer last night.) Four thousand or so of you have weighed in on this - and 3/4 of you want the forum shut down, to avoid spoilers. We talked, behind the scenes, about opening the forum back up in a moderated form - you could post, but your post would be queued until a moderator approved it. This would eliminate the chance for spoilers on the forum - but would 1) slow down conversation dramatically, since posts wouldn't be viewable until a moderator got around to approving them, and 2) would guarantee spoilage for moderators. It was a narrow vote, but the 'keep the forum closed' voices won in the end. So - that's what we're going to do. The forum will reopen on November 11; if you're actually playing the game, we'd recommend you come back even later than that. (Once you've STARTED playing, it's totally up to you to keep your nose out of the forum; we can't be your willpower FOREVER, you know. :) ) In the meantime, we're going to try and upgrade the forum software; you may or may not notice the visual differences (depends on the viewing mode you use, I suppose), but hopefully you'll notice the under-the-hood tweaks by how much easier they make some things. And if you really miss community conversation, there's always our IRC channel; the moderators are pretty brutal when it comes to spoiler chat, so you're reasonably safe there. (Louis Wu 10:05:21 UTC)

October 17, 2004 Link to this post

The Halo 2 Council?
Gah. I wrote this up this morning - but forgot to post it. Credit goes to Rampancy.net, which is where I found it. Over on MTV.com, there's a story about "the Halo 2 Council", a group of '7' (if you count each of three bands as '1') who receive a specialized xbox/screen combination and a copy of Halo 2 before November 9. It's not at all clear 1) how this list was compiled, 2) WHY this list was compiled, or 3) why Bungie allowed these 7 discs out of their hands when nobody else is getting them... but that's the way celebrity is, I guess. (I'd be pretty unhappy if I were a member of Breaking Benjamin - I'm one of three popular bands to be featured in the game, and the OTHER TWO get Pelican cases? Ouch!) Thanks to the dozens of people who wrote pointing out that we missed this story. (Louis Wu 20:33:11 UTC)

October 16, 2004 Link to this post

Halo2.com translating simplified (for macs)
Very cool. Chappy has created a Konfabulator widget (138K) to ease translation of the code found on halo2.com. This requires Konfabulator, a MacOSX in-system javascript runtime engine that allows you to put cool functions on your desktop. This one is pretty useful, if you're trying to decode a message; simply click the appropriate symbols, and the message will be typed out in the text bar at the top. A sample screenshot is here (78K). Again - this works in MacOSX only. Update: I just noticed that there's a PC equivalent, of sorts - IWTPH2 created a small app that allows you to do the same thing. A tad harder to use - but it runs on a PC, which the widget does not. :) (Louis Wu 14:09:00 UTC)

October 16, 2004 Link to this post

Broken, glass filled, acid-ruined ruminations
While I took the night off, the Halo world went on - and Frankie posted another Bungie Weekly Update, this time over at Rampancy.net. He rants a bit about piracy, and then describes a weeklong Press event in San Francisco he just got back from, where journalists were allowed to play the game from start to finish, in order to write their reviews in time for the November deadlines. There's some nice imagery in his description of Legendary difficulty... Go read it, and feel sorry for the crying Mister Chief. We got lots of notes - earliest one was from 343. (Louis Wu 13:34:19 UTC)

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