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Showing results 2926 - 2950 of 4250 matches

November 7, 2004 Link to this post

More Nile Rogers at Gamespy
Gamespy extended their interview with Nile Rogers (the first part was listed Friday - you can read the new material starting on this page. It's all about what differentiates Halo's music - specifically the popular-band-generated music - from other video games. Good read. Of the dozen people who sent this in, Ross Mills was first. (Louis Wu 15:22:46 UTC)

November 6, 2004 Link to this post

1UP pours on the juice
1UP.com has two new Halo 2 pieces up for you to read - the electronic version of the December 2004 EGM article (with 10 new screenshots - top of the page, added Wednesday), and the 1UP Preview, an entirely NEW piece (as far as I can tell) with lots of good info but no new screens. Check 'em both out! (Thanks to Ben Vera for the heads-up on the 1UP piece.) (Louis Wu 13:00:46 UTC)

November 6, 2004 Link to this post

G4TV - Content Overload
Tons and tons and tons of new Halo content at G4TV today:

In addition to that, there are streaming versions of all four Halo 2 Day Red vs Blue commercials (Flash and WMP formats) - and if you can't stand those, you can grab 320x240 downloadable QuickTimes of the two we hadn't already posted: Sick Day (1.8 mb) and Back From the Future (1.1 mb). Wonga. Is that enough? Thanks to Ben Vear for starting off the search. (Louis Wu 02:34:28 UTC)

November 5, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshots to Die For
XLNC is saying goodbye to Halo HUDless screens - with a pretty darn impressive sendoff. Check out his 11th, and final, batch of screens - the man has an eye for this stuff. Awesome. (Louis Wu 17:51:13 UTC)

November 5, 2004 Link to this post

Clan Linkage appears at B.net
Bungie.net has begun the upgrade process to prepare for Halo 2 - well, they began it a long time ago, but we're starting to see the new features. If you have a 7th Column Chapter, you'll notice a new sidebar - Halo 2 Clans. You can now link up to 7 clans to your chapter. (Of course, you have to CREATE and register your clan first - which means you have to get Halo 2. Still... it's lookin' good!) Thanks to Narcogen at Rampancy.net, who found this on cookedgamers.net. (Louis Wu 16:34:47 UTC)

November 5, 2004 Link to this post

Steve Vai Recording Sessions - on tape
New content at Nilerogers.com - they've put up video recorded during the Steve Vai sessions. Streaming vid (Flash format) - a great look behind the scenes! Check it out. Update: Oops! In my haste to mention the video piece, I neglected the new audio snippet also available - Connected, by Hoobastank. The snippet is 1:20 long, and 1.3 mb large, and sounds very different from everything that's come before it. Go listen (and check out the new mini-screen on the Listening Station Flash page!). (Louis Wu 15:36:50 UTC)

November 5, 2004 Link to this post

Next Stop: New Mombasa
Halo Babies has posted the final episode in the 30-strip series that started in April. The door's open, though... the news post makes it clear that Gruntsbane is taking a break for a bit - the site will continue with fan art and contests, but new 'official' strips will be a little bit down the road. (Louis Wu 14:55:42 UTC)

November 4, 2004 Link to this post

High Charity
8 million people noticed that nilerogers.com put up a new clip from the Halo 2 soundtrack - this one's called High Charity, and the snippet 1:19 long, 1.2 mb large. A little spooky, too. Great screen in the Listening Station flash presentation for it. someboy was first - but thanks, all! (5 to go!) (Louis Wu 16:02:32 UTC)

November 4, 2004 Link to this post

XBN Halo 2 article online - now
Rocketwidget noticed that last month's XBN Halo 2 spread (one of two Halo-related articles in the magazine) is now online - full text is here, and all the new screenshots that are part of the story start here. We'll still be putting the press scans up in the next week or two - but you cna get all the goodies (for this article, anyway) online right now! (Louis Wu 15:59:09 UTC)

November 4, 2004 Link to this post

More new miniscreens
Once again, Adam Daniel has extracted the latest four images from the nilerodgers.com Listening Station interface. You can grab them here, here, here, and here. Don't let that stop you from visiting Nile's site, though. (mnemesis 01:02:30 UTC)

November 3, 2004 Link to this post

More w00tness
NiceMissMayonnaise found an older Halo-based series at w00tness, the comic we mentioned yesterday. It starts on January 6 and runs for about a month and a half. (While we're at it, the next panel of the CURRENT series is up.) (Louis Wu 11:29:07 UTC)

November 3, 2004 Link to this post

Exit Polling Covenant Aliens
Just a few minutes ago, during Jon Stewart's LIVE Daily Show covering the USA Election Day shenanigans, when Jon turned to Rob Cordry to discuss some large projection screen graphics, Rob was actually playing HALO. And not as some anonymous 'console shoot-em-up game' but as the ACTUAL game of Halo. Jon surprises Rob and asks him in shock if he's playing HALO. Rob sez he's just exit polling... covenant aliens! What did Rob say to the screen before realizing he was caught? "Yah, suck it! Suck it! Where's your alien plasma rifle now, bitch!"

Truly, the folks at the Daily Show, know their Halo! (Ding 03:40:12 UTC)

November 3, 2004 Link to this post

Someone sent in a note about a webcomic called w00tness - apparently, a Halo-based storyline is just starting. Nice artwork - keep your eyes open for the next pieces! (Louis Wu 00:52:15 UTC)

November 2, 2004 Link to this post

The Second Coming
Lawrence.com has posted an article about Halo 2, and the road that led to it (starting way back in the 70's with Pong). Nice read! (Thanks, Mothergoat.) (Louis Wu 20:59:26 UTC)

November 2, 2004 Link to this post

Heavy Price Paid
Another snippet from nilerogers.com today - Heavy Price Paid (1:30 long, 1.4 mb for the music itself). Great screenshot to look at in the Flash presentation, as well. Looks like Richard Heerey was first this time. (Louis Wu 19:39:20 UTC)

November 2, 2004 Link to this post

Pumpkin Voting
Whew! After a lot of messing around, we're finally ready to accept votes for the 343 Guilt O' Lantern contest! Now, keep in mind, there are 85 separate entries - and you're only allowed to vote once. Therefore, you should put it off until you have a few minutes to peruse the choices - it would be no fun if you only got through half of them! (Voting is open for a full week - through next Tuesday - so don't feel you have to rush to get it done.) The entry page should give you an idea of the best way to navigate through the entries - PLEASE READ IT. (I know a lot of people just want to get started, but if we start getting mail like 'OMG I messed up can you let me try again?' we're gonna be ignoring it.) Limits - you can only vote once per IP address. This stinks for families sharing a single address - but them's the breaks. So: Go read the instructions, then browse through the pumpkins and pick your favorite 5. (That's how many votes you get.) We'll be tallying points to find the top 3 - with a runoff vote if necessary down the road. And thanks to BOLL for his invaluable help in the last 12 hours! (Louis Wu 16:51:19 UTC)

November 2, 2004 Link to this post

Halo2.com goodies
Hehe - Bomber of doom found a nice little egg on the Halo2.com site. It was noticed a few days ago that if, after viewing the console and contents, you closed down the holo link (pressed the purple button below the screen), you'd see a pair of covenant craft take down a human battlestation. When it first appeared on the site, it was marred by the absence of the Earth graphic in the background (once the battle started, the earth went solid white). That's been fixed, and you can watch the station be destroyed, and then burn up in the atmosphere. If you click the top covenant craft after the destruction, though, before the pieces hit the atmosphere, you hear Joe Staten taunting... well, humans, in this case, I guess. (Turning the console on and off again at this point will produce one more small animation - that of a Pelican burning up in the atmosphere.) Lots of nice work there! (Louis Wu 11:39:16 UTC)

November 1, 2004 Link to this post

Flawed Legacy and more Odyssey
Two new snippets at Nilerogers.com today - Flawed Legacy (the actual snippet is 1:50, 1.7 mb) and 4th Movement of the Odyssey (snippet is 2:10 long, 2.2 mb, with a nice screenshot). Thanks to all who wrote in - akba was first. (Louis Wu 22:31:24 UTC)

November 1, 2004 Link to this post

New... something at MSN Entertainment
M3XGhost39 found some odd 'screenshots' over at MSN Entertainment. They're pretty tiny, and they're a mishmash of already-released shots, shots that WILL be released in the next few days (but are currently under embargo), and shots I've never seen before. To top it off, they're in the 'Celebrity Photos' section (I guess there's no 'screenshots' section there). Go look. (No spoilers - at least none you'll recognize as such.) (Louis Wu 15:07:42 UTC)

October 30, 2004 Link to this post

Commercial Screen Grabs
A couple of Halo community regulars have pulled screenshots out of the hi-res 60-second commercial - you can find rapture's faves over at cookedgamers.net and BOLL's picks on 7708.net. Speculation will have to be amongst friends, or on other forums - ours is still offline, for another week and a half. Sorry! (Louis Wu 13:30:53 UTC)

October 30, 2004 Link to this post

Dre'al takes a spill
Tina Leyk dropped by last night with another incredible piece of artwork - this one's called 'Close Call' - she says it started out as a random doodle (unrelated to Halo), ended up as that. You can find it on her art collection page here (last picture). All I can say is... wow. (Louis Wu 12:27:33 UTC)

October 30, 2004 Link to this post

New (mini)screens - now without overlaying
Adam Daniel extracted the new screenshot snippets from the nilerogers.com Listening Station interface (we mentioned them yesterday - you can see them here, here, here, and here. He also composited them into one image, if you'd rather grab that. Thanks, Adam! (Louis Wu 11:51:34 UTC)

October 30, 2004 Link to this post

Halo2.com new content
Owm points out that Halo2.com has been updated again - the previously off-limits sections (password-protected) are now open. You can find screensavers (mac and pc), a short (15-second) new promo movie (wmp9 format), and more. Go look! (Scroll around the middle ring until you see the prophets - they're behind that.) (Louis Wu 11:45:24 UTC)

October 30, 2004 Link to this post

Featurette Availability
For folks who want direct downloads of the large QuickTime version of the featurette we posted last night, community members have come to your rescue. Nick has posted a copy on HaloDev (though you'll ONLY be able to access it through that link - pasting that anywhere else will lead to a redirect), and Coylter has put up a copy on Gamingmatrix (rar format, right-click or option-click to download). There's also, now, a smaller version (320x240, 25 mb) hosted by us. The WMV links in Sketch's Bungie.net post are still valid, for folks who DON'T want QuickTime. And yes, about a million people noticed the small clip that has Chris Butcher talking about XBL has a Blood Gulch evolution on the screens behind him. (Starts about 5:16 into the movie.) Enjoy! (Louis Wu 11:35:22 UTC)

October 30, 2004 Link to this post

Charity Drive in danger of fragmenting
Small update on the Halo for Charity drive... I think some care needs to be taken here. We got mail from KilaOne (the person who started the idea on the Bungie.net forums) saying that talks were underway with ESA, but that a little time would be needed to straighten things out - and then we got more mail from Richie McKee, who said that over on the IGN boards, they've already decided to go with a different charity, and they're pushing for direct donations. It's laudable to want to help... but unless you don't care whether one BIG push is made or lots of LITTLE ones (less effective, in my opinion), you shouldn't try to take over setup of this process... it looks like KilaOne and the Electronic Software Association has it under control at the moment. Thanks! More news when we know it. (Louis Wu 11:28:52 UTC)

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