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November 18, 2004 Link to this post

Of Halo 2, and Halo
Some folks have noticed I haven't written a Halo 2 review yet. Some folks have wondered why. Part of the reason is that my only complete experience with the game was a marathon run-through in October - I had been given a single day to finish the campaign mode, and I wasn't sure how long that was going to take; I didn't 'stop to smell the roses', so when all was said and done, I didn't feel comfortable writing an entire review based on this experience. I've been slowly making my way through the game again on Heroic - I don't have that much time for doing this, so I'm only about halfway through. When I'm finished, THEN I'll write a review. In the meantime, though, there are some interesting thoughts from pretty respected community members - Ducain started a thread this morning discussing his unhappiness with his own feelings toward the game. There's some thought-provoking stuff in there. (Please - do NOT turn this into a flamefest. You're welcome to disagree, agree, whatever... but keep the discussion civil. Thanks!) (Louis Wu 17:11:44 UTC)

November 18, 2004 Link to this post

Learning to Fly
We've said, over and over again, that we're in the process of building a rather feature-complete Halo 2 Tricks site, as a joint project with High Impact Halo. Because of that, until it's actually finished, we're generally sending folks to HIH with their tricks (anything collected there will be added to the new site once it's finished)... but Dark Helmet posted a trick so cool recently I COULDN'T pass it up. Many folks have been playing around with the Energy Sword glitch; it's been known for almost a week that if you start a lunge attack you can't finish, your sword will allow you to 'fly' to the target - WHEREVER that target is, whenever you get the chance to attack. There are a bunch of multiplayer movies showing this already (a nice one was made by Ducain and crew yesterday)... but Dark Helmet has gone them one better - he's done it in Campaign mode, solo. The first vid was a teaser; it was 3:12 long, 13.7 mb large, and didn't explain ANYTHING. Yesterday, he released a how-to vid, showing exactly how to do this at home. The video is 8:38 long, 41.1 mb, and pretty amazing to watch. Because it's WMP9 format, I've gone ahead and whipped out a QuickTime version for folks who need it - this one needs to be seen. (QT is 27.9 mb.) People complained that destructible vehicles would lessen the jumping you could do in Halo 2... Dark Helmet proves they're all full of hot air. (Louis Wu 15:51:57 UTC)

November 18, 2004 Link to this post

Clan HBO (well, a ragtag collection of us, anyway) just played Bungie in the second weekly Halo Humpday Challenge... and got toasted. We were doing okay, actually, after a rocky start, on our favorite gametype (Beaver Creek Shotties-only CTF), but Sketch decided it had been running too long, and ended the game. Our second and third attempts were dismal failures, and we'll be headed home with our tails between our legs. I'm sure there'll be some suitably humiliating writeup by morning over on B.net. I'm going to bed now, to avoid thinking about it. (Louis Wu 03:34:21 UTC)

November 17, 2004 Link to this post

A Grand Don't Come For Free
Interesting - Mike Scott found a suit of Halo armor on eBay - starting bid is $1000 (considerably cheaper than Nightmare Armor's offerings). There's a bunch of info about how it was made on the page, as well. Auction ends in a bit under a week... take a look! (Louis Wu 18:36:06 UTC)

November 16, 2004 Link to this post

Sentinel Released
We don't normally post submitted press stuff as-is, but after looking over Grenadiac's summary of Sentinel, there wasn't anything I wanted to pull, so here's the announcement in his words:

After several months in development, Kaptain Kommie and Grenadiac have released Sentinel, an advanced server browser/manager for HaloPC and HaloCE. Some of its advanced features include: mapfile and bitmap verfication to prevent cheating, mod registration, automated downloading/installation of new maps, server hammering for full servers, buddy list, player search, easier dedicated server setup, support for mIRC commands when joining/quitting or while playing on a server.

(Louis Wu 16:55:42 UTC)

November 16, 2004 Link to this post

Life on the Edge
Shadow, of Sector 7 Halo, wrote up his Midnight Halo 2 experience - go read. Thanks, Wolfy. (Louis Wu 14:42:14 UTC)

November 16, 2004 Link to this post

Games that Should Have Been
Team Overkill sent in a forum thread from a Nintendo forum - you really gotta wonder about the people who take this stuff at face value. (This is being posted for its humor value, not to incite people to start a platform war - go look, laugh, leave. Try not to be annoying.) (Louis Wu 14:39:14 UTC)

November 15, 2004 Link to this post

February 9?
Whoa. This is FIRMLY in the rumor category, until I see some evidence, but Slashdot is reporting that there's a note at the very end of the credits screen that states 'Coming February 9th' - if you finish on Legendary. Utopian Gamers, where /. got their info, suggests that it's a heads-up for Halo 3 in 3 months... I have trouble believing that. What it DOES mean (if it's even really there), though, is anybody's guess at this point. More if and when we learn something. (Louis Wu 18:50:16 UTC)

November 15, 2004 Link to this post

Halo/XBL egg
Hehe - we're holding off on most tricks/glitches/eggs until the joint HIH/HBO site is up and running (in the meantime, remember to submit your stuff to High Impact Halo!), but this one was too good to let go. Mike Basus was looking at his HDTV screen, waiting for matches to start in Live, and noticed that one of the lines of what looks like alien text is actually the lower half of text in the Halo font. He's decoded this much so far:

[then there are 13 characters he doesn't understand:] "LIVEINTREEISI"

I gotta wonder - did Dave put this in, or was someone yanking his chain? Nice find, Mike! Update: Confirmation from a close relative of Dave's clears up that this was, in fact, added by Dave, and as late as October, had not been noticed by the majority of Bungie employees. The best kind of egg! (Louis Wu 10:25:55 UTC)

November 15, 2004 Link to this post

Glitching for fun and profit
Halo GT has put together another film - GT #11 starts out with some tank launching off shields, and gets to the top of the world. There are also a bunch of funny glitches on the second half of the film. Some stuff I haven't read about yet. 30 mb, QuickTime format, available from HaloGT.com. (Louis Wu 10:04:40 UTC)

November 13, 2004 Link to this post

Spoilers, and cookies.
Man... you guys are hardcore. I had a small problem with the spoiler system today - took me about 15 minutes to fix it. In that time, I received 10 notes - a couple were just confused, 3 were angry, the rest were giving me a heads-up... our spoiler system was broken, and was showing weird stuff. Remember, this is a low-budget operation; I don't have a development server, so fixes happen on the live server, in real time; sometimes, I have to put some debugging code in to see what's going wrong. If you see odd stuff, how about you wait 10 minutes and then look again, before you start mailing me that it's broken? Thanks.

While we're on the spoiler system - there are a number of you that continue to have trouble setting a spoiler cookie on your computer. With one exception, every single problem that I've heard about involves Windows XP with SP2 installed. I've done as much testing as I possibly can without an actual SP2 machine (I've had more than a dozen people with this combination playing with settings to see what works and what doesn't) - without exception, all of my testers were able to set cookies successfully. If you can't, it's more than likely that you have something blocking cookies - something in your privacy settings, or a software firewall (like Norton Internet Security), or something similar. There's nothing at all I can do about that. That's your computer. You need to accept first-party cookies, and (I think) accept session cookies. Beyond that, any blockage is on your computer; I can't tell you what's wrong, because I'm not there. Sorry. (Louis Wu 19:36:38 UTC)

November 12, 2004 Link to this post

Problems... and their fixes
Bungie has acknowledged a few of the outstanding problems with Halo 2 - widescreen HUD display, long wait times for matchmade games on live, and "dirty disc" problems - and has said they're working on solutions. More when we know about it! (Louis Wu 16:40:55 UTC)

November 11, 2004 Link to this post

Small delay on forum opening
Apologies. The plan was to reopen the HBO forum this evening - but I can't be around to supervise it, and I'm a little afraid of the starting explosion. We're going to hold off until tomorrow morning (Eastern time). You should spend the interim period playing Halo 2, soldier! (Louis Wu 23:19:48 UTC)

November 11, 2004 Link to this post

Gamers - a demographic to be reckoned with
We got a note from William Vitka - who's started a new column about gaming at CBSNews.com. His choice for topic for his first column? Guess. Feel the love. Gamers are on the move! [Note - CBSNews.com seems to have moved this article - the original URL points to a piece on LEGO Star Wars. You can find the original Halo piece here. -lwu] (Louis Wu 02:32:39 UTC)

November 10, 2004 Link to this post

Eggs, Tricks, and Spoilers (oh my!)
We've already received more than half-a-dozen egg reports, or Halo 2 tricks - here's the policy on those. I haven't figured out how we're going to handle Halo 2 tricks yet - but we WILL start posting news about them beginning on Friday. (This way, the European contingent won't be TEMPTED to look before they at least have a chance to buy Halo 2.) Spoiler-laden material will not be posted before Friday, either; yes, there's a new spoiler system in place to block it if you don't want to see it... but sometimes the simple presence is enough for folks to give in. Speaking of the spoiler system - there seems to be an issue with machines that use Windows XP with SP2 installed - something in this configuration is blocking the acceptance of the cookies. I don't have an SP2-equipped machine here, so I can't test it (the cookie system works fine on my XP/SP1 box), so if anyone has any suggestions about WHY SP2 might be keeping the system from working, I'm all ears. Thanks! (Louis Wu 15:15:31 UTC)

November 10, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Widescreen problems?
A large number of threads over at the Bungie.net and TeamXbox forums have sprung up in complaint at the way Widescreen mode works in Halo 2. Apparently, multiplayer, vertical-splitscreen mode is great... but in regular campaign mode, many parts of the HUD are offscreen to some degree. I don't have time to check all the threads, but if you're interested in this subject, you can find them here, here, here, here, here, here, and here (thanks, Joseph Bat). If we get any official word on this, we'll be sure to pass it along. (Louis Wu 14:54:59 UTC)

November 10, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Tribute vid
Btcc22, of TouringNet.co.uk, wrote to tell us that a Halo Tribute Video is online at his site. 61 mb, WMP9 format. 1:30 of screenshots, followed by 10+ minutes of single and multiplay footage. (Louis Wu 14:50:14 UTC)

November 9, 2004 Link to this post

Speaking of Halo CE, MasterGrief pointed out a post on the Gearbox forums announcing the first Halo CE Single-Player map download. It's a remake of Truth and Reconciliation - at least the ground part. (I didn't have time to go farther than the bottom of the grav lift.) Lots of invisiElites, and you have a flamethrower instead of a sniper rifle. Interesting. Be sure to read the post about how to start - and stop - the game, or you'll be pretty frustrated. (Louis Wu 14:07:44 UTC)

November 8, 2004 Link to this post

Eggs... in Screens
Already, the eggs are starting to get posted. Hawaiian Pig points out this pic, with its Seventh Column logo staring you in the face, hidden in plain sight. And Daeryl Rodriguez (with help from Konrad) found what he thinks is a mirrored Halo 2 symbol on the right breastplate of Master Chief's armor in this picture (it's not in any others - just a weird shadow?). I'm sure there are more. (Louis Wu 16:18:28 UTC)

November 8, 2004 Link to this post

Zanzibar Megabattle pics
Falcon Zero sent along a pair of Megabattle pics (first, second) composed on the recently-released Zanzibar mod for Halo CE. Awesome! (Louis Wu 15:26:48 UTC)

November 7, 2004 Link to this post

Zanzibar CE - Released
And lest you think all there was to do was read about Halo 2 and look at tons of new media, the Custom Edition Halo 2 team has finally released Zanzibar CE - you can download it off EPGServers or HaloImpulse. It's 22 mb. Thanks to a dozen people who all wrote within seconds of each other. Update: And another one - thanks, VII Toast. (Louis Wu 20:21:11 UTC)

November 7, 2004 Link to this post

The Embargo Lifts - read what the press thinks
The Halo reviews have begun pouring in: IGN Has a review up for the common folk, with a HUGE list of Insider-only content. (Some of the video stuff isn't there yet, it seems - check back soon.) 9.8 overall score. Thanks, Adur()n. Gamespot, as well, has a boatload of Complete content, and a 4-page review for the rest of the world (9.4 overall). Thanks, Eric Biro. And Gamespy has THEIR review up - 5/5. And of course there are dozens of new screens - just look around. :) More coming... Update: There's also TeamXbox, who gave Halo 2 a 9.9 in their review, and also piosted a whole passel of features, including multiplayer variants with video walkthroughs, an interview with Brian Jarrard, and tons of screens and movies. (Louis Wu 20:16:53 UTC)

November 7, 2004 Link to this post

Winning stuff is fun
Contests around the Halo community: mrsmiley points out the 2004 Bungie Baldathon - shave your head, send in pictures, win a shot at Halo schwag. And D_BRINGER told us about a Wallpaper contest at Halo S - winner gets a free gmail account. And though it's not really online, it IS Halo-related, and a contest: Cerberus told us about his local radio station (between Baltimore and Washington DC), 99.1 WHFS (website is here) - they're giving away a copy of Halo 2 LE, the new soundtrack, and an XBL Starter Kit to the 9th caller (when they tell you to call), all weekend long. Update: Eric Delgado says that a radio station in the Tampa Bay/St. Pete area (98.7 WILD) has the same sort of deal - except you can register on the web. (Louis Wu 16:12:36 UTC)

November 7, 2004 Link to this post

Danish review, and general Screenshots policy
Victor wrote in with details about Gamereactor's Halo 2 review (Gamereactor is a Scandinavian gaming mag) - it got a 10/10, with the following pros and cons (thankfully translated by Victor):

Pros: Amazing graphics, formidable sound and captivating game play in both single- and multiplayer.

Cons: You must have good knowledge of the world of Halo in order to fully understand the story.

He also sent a link to the actual review (in Danish). There are a bunch of new screenshots; we're going to break with our usual tradition of giving credit to the first place that posts screens, because Microsoft distributed HUNDREDS of screens to press (and yes, for the first time in a long time, we were on the list), and they'll be ALL OVER THE NET by this afternoon. (The embargo ends at noon Pacific time today, so you'll be seeing screens, reviews, and all sorts of other things flooding the net in the next few hours. We'll do our best to keep up.) Update: Another Scandinavian voice heard from - VG Nett gave Halo 2 a 6/6. Thanks, aksel. Update 2: warning, morriss points out that the Gamereactor review is full of story spoilers. Again, since I don't read Danish, I'm taking his word for it. (Louis Wu 16:00:56 UTC)

November 7, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Skin for WMP10
Many people noticed a new Halo 2 skin for Media Player 10 - you can see a mini-screen of it on this page, or just download it from there. Folks who've installed it and sent us notes about it are universally happy. Bentllama was first to mention it. (While you're there, you can follow a link to this Xbox.com article we never mentioned - Hollywood's Hooked on Halo, and it shows.) (Louis Wu 15:26:57 UTC)

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