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January 31, 2005 Link to this post

Cracking the Egg
There's been quite a bit of talk on our forum recently about the IWHBYD skull - it was used to discover a cool little easter egg in Outskirts a couple of days ago. One of the problems with this skull is that the triggers to get it aren't completely known; some things seem to work... sometimes. And apparently, it's quite easy to go through a lot of trouble to get it... but lose it immediately. Lt. Tuma sent us a movie a couple of weeks ago; I didn't think we'd be able to host it (for a lot of reasons), but things have come together to make this possible. Quality is not the best - but that's because it's rather long, and he wanted to keep the file a reasonable size. Thanks to GloryFish, we're able to host this right now; otherwise, we'd have had to wait until after Tuesday, when our bandwidth reset. The video is 12 and a half minutes long, and contains running (text) commentary. It was originally submitted as a WMP9 file (25 mb). I re-encoded it in QuickTime, but because of the severe compression it started with, there was further degradation in the QT, and I wasn't able to get it any smaller than 29.6 mb. (It's still watchable at that size.) Please don't mind the spelling; it's the content that's important, not the presentation. Along with the movie, Lt. Tuma submitted a Word doc (11k, zipped), detailing some hints and tricks to help you on your quest. (This is also available as a straight-up html document.) If you've wanted to play with this egg, but didn't think you were up to the fight (it's an AWFUL lot of Spec-Ops Elites, on Legendary), this might help! (Louis Wu 03:28:48 UTC)

January 26, 2005 Link to this post

Cheating - in black and white
Yesterday, Bungie posted a new Cheating FAQ, a collection of information about what constitutes cheating, what doesn't, and what happens to cheaters. If you're at all curious about whether that trick you're exploiting will get you into trouble in the long run, or whether the team that just beat you by stealing the flag from under your nose 3 times in 2 minutes will ever be punished... you should read this. Amusingly, just a day before, some moron chose to cheat in a Team Skirmish game that contained... bentllama. (How dumb do you have to be to cheat against a well-known Bungie employee?) Go read llama's description of the event... and maybe start a pool with some buddies on how fast this guy's gonna end up banned. (Certainly faster than if he cheated against, say, you...) (Louis Wu 09:13:34 UTC)

January 25, 2005 Link to this post

Extreme Makeover: Desktop Edition
Three brand-new wallpapers have been released on Bungie.net - and man... there's some classy stuff there. Mister Chief, in a classic WinXP setting... Delta Halo, in all its glory... and a recently-leaked Craig Mullins piece, reworked by Shishka for your screen. (There's some good background in Sketch's writeup about this piece.) Go look, go download, go change your desktop. (Louis Wu 20:19:53 UTC)

January 25, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2 Legendary Walkthrough
Mike Miller has come to be known as a pretty amazing campaign player; if you don't know the name, you haven't been reading our news. The man has graciously agreed to share his knowledge and skills with the Halo community; we will gradually be releasing a Legendary Walkthrough of Halo 2, created by Mike. It contains general tips, specific strategies, and, because images sometimes teach better than words, video supplements for showing off techniques. Right now, we've got an Introduction (with plenty of general hints for Legendary-specific gameplay), and a walkthrough of Cairo Station, complete with 11 individual videos (in both QuickTime and WMP9 formats). Please - grab only what you need; our bandwidth has been hammered pretty hard this month. Thanks! And thanks to Mike, for the start of what looks to be a spectacular resource! (Louis Wu 19:27:28 UTC)

January 25, 2005 Link to this post

Explosions in the Sky
David Galindo has made a few movies for the Halo community - they've all been received pretty well. He's made a new one... this one's called 'Explosions in the Sky'. This one takes a look at the power of heavy weapons, with some amazing camera work. You can grab it from either bungie.org (QuickTime, 24.5 mb | WMP9, 30 mb) or mythica.org (QuickTime | WMP9). There are a couple of screenshots on the Videos page of David's The Sights of Halo 2 website. (Louis Wu 14:12:04 UTC)

January 24, 2005 Link to this post

Gamespot's Readers' Choice
A few days ago dude 69 pointed out that Gamespot's Readers' Choice Awards for 2004 had been posted. We were on-and-off following their Best and Worst of 2004 stuff - it started on December 18, and Readers' Choice was day 7; I'd have assumed that the Reader's Choice stuff was posted on Christmas Eve Day (or maybe the 26th, if they took Christmas off). I passed on the news tip. Then, today, I got ANOTHER one, this time from 3Suns; I went looking. Google cached THEIR version of that page on January 8, so it's been up for at least 2 weeks... I can't tell you how much longer than that. I CAN tell you we didn't report the results before - in fact, we didn't report ANYTHING past day 3. (Halo won nothing in the Genre awards, the Platform awards, or the GotY awards, so most of that is understandable.) The readers at Gamespot liked Halo 2 better than the editors, though - the game took home Best Xbox Action Adventure Game, Xbox Game of the Year, and Overall Game of the Year. Power to the people! (Louis Wu 09:22:48 UTC)

January 23, 2005 Link to this post

Action Figures - The Next Generation
Over the past few weeks, we've gotten a chunk of mail about the next series of Halo 2 action figures from Joyride; up to now, it's all been text-based, and we've passed on making it news. Littlebigman found a website with a picture of the Series 3 toys, though - and posted about it on our forum. I suppose we also ought to mention the text descriptions of Series 4 and 5, as well... no pics yet, though. (Louis Wu 16:52:34 UTC)

January 23, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2 Cutscenes - in one package, via BT
Wow. If you want to get all the high-res Halo 2 cutscenes at once, without having to download them one at a time... HALOChat has made them available in a single 478 mb bundle via BitTorrent. Link can be found in this forum post. (I'm not sure how much demand there is for this... but certainly if you're starting with none of them, this is the easiest way to get 'em all.) (Louis Wu 00:03:06 UTC)

January 22, 2005 Link to this post

HUDless Halo 2
The Halouvre has updated its site with two new images, in multiple form factors. Gorgeous HUDless shots of Delta Halo and Metropolis, both in regular screen ratios and as extra-wide panoramas. Check 'em out! Thanks to prometheus for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:00:24 UTC)

January 21, 2005 Link to this post

Online Tourneys - starting in 2 days
The online XBC-based neXtournaments we mentioned a couple of days ago are getting underway in two days - the first tourney is Sunday evening at 7 pm Eastern, sponsored by Corsair, and has a pair of 1GB memory modules (and an XBC Pro serial number) for the winner. There will also be hats and miscellaneous accessories from Corsair available. These tourneys will be happening on a regular basis, so check back often! (Entrance is free.) (Louis Wu 19:57:01 UTC)

January 20, 2005 Link to this post

Skinning Steam
Apparently, you can look at the Master Chief while preparing to play Half-Life 2 - there's a Halo 2 skin for Steam. (A screenshot is here.) Thanks, Samir Patel. (Louis Wu 10:55:02 UTC)

January 19, 2005 Link to this post

2004 Game Sales, By the Numbers
Tons of articles out there right now about the NPD 2004 numbers (the NPD Group keeps track of gaming sales, and yesterday released their top 10 game sellers in 2004 list) - first one I saw (and one with a nice Halo slant, to boot) was at MLGPro.com; thanks, Dolbex. Halo 2 sold more units than any other game in the US except Grand Theft Auto (which had almost a month's head-start on sales for the year). What's really interesting is that the FIRST Halo is still on the top 10 list - over 1.1 million units sold in the US. Wow. If you can't get enough of the number-crunching, there are articles at Gamespot, IGN, TeamXbox (thanks, John Rivas), and The Seattle Times. I'm sure there'll be dozens more as the day goes on - but we'll stick with these. (Louis Wu 09:47:27 UTC)

January 19, 2005 Link to this post

Tribute to Burial Mounds
Gah. This was supposed to go up earlier this afternoon, but I've been gone all day. TheTaintedOne created a video he calls 'Tribute to Burial Mounds' - a glitch film with one important difference from other glitch films - it's in widescreen mode. Really nicely done, showing most of the funky stuff you can do on Burial Mounds, performed by his clan, The Custom Gamers Clan. He's hosting the low-res WMP9 version (14 mb) - and HALOChat has hosted a higher-quality WMP9 version (24 mb). We're using the bandwidth of the Mighty KP to bring you a low-res WMP9 mirror and a low-res QuickTime version (16 mb). So you understand - the screensize of both high and low versions are the same - there's more data in the large version, if you choose to expand it on your screen. (Louis Wu 01:05:18 UTC)

January 18, 2005 Link to this post

Meet the Family
Machinima marches on - Stryke Force HQ, a series started up a month ago, has posted episode 2 on their video page. Lots of backstory, mixed with clean filmmaking technique - absolutely worth a watch! (This episode is WMP9-only at the moment, but I'm working on a QT version... the only issue is bandwidth.) 17.6 mb - go grab it! (Feenix started a thread about this in our forum - don't forget to shoot them some feedback!) (Louis Wu 13:48:16 UTC)

January 16, 2005 Link to this post

Back - with RPGs
Wow... I'd spent the entire day on a plane yesterday, and the evening with my family; I figured when I got in this morning, I'd be swamped with stuff to post... but the mailbox was almost empty! I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... but let's start going through what IS here, because it looks like there's a bunch of house stuff I need to get to today, as well. First up: The7thWar is working on Halo: The RPG, several months into production, but still a long way to go. There's a 'press release' on our forum with some more info - if you've got questions, add 'em to the thread. (Louis Wu 16:17:34 UTC)

January 13, 2005 Link to this post

Bashing Things for Points
Mitch B. sent along a screenshot (91K) of a Halo 2 Flash-based sidescroller he's working on. More when we know it! (Louis Wu 03:22:38 UTC)

January 13, 2005 Link to this post

Helping out with the Bungie Guides
Bungie is getting ready to roll out new guides to multiplayer maps, and they're starting with Lockout and Ascension. SketchFactor asked for strategies and tips for these maps over on the B.net forums - if you have any cool tips, stop by! Thanks, cptn mexico. (Louis Wu 03:08:25 UTC)

January 11, 2005 Link to this post

How Cool is That?
Marty O'Donnell weighed in on the recently-found reversed poetry that's present on several campaign levels - and teased fans with hints of at least two MORE cool items still left to find. Read his post - and start searching! (Louis Wu 21:01:19 UTC)

January 8, 2005 Link to this post

w00tness returns
Looks like we slipped up - we'd been following w00tness, a webcomic with Halo ties, for a while in November. Starting in December, a new chapter began - and 19 new comics have been posted since then. Thanks to Duo, for mentioning it. (The latest one has some pretty nice artwork...) (Louis Wu 22:06:21 UTC)

January 7, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2 Trailer
Termi, of Shaolin Productions, created a Halo 2 trailer recently - cutscene footage and added text and effects. The end product is pretty slick. You can grab it, in its original DivX format, on the Shaolin Productions website (there's some description and a few screen grabs, as well). You can also get it from files2.bungie.org or mythica.org (in the original, 692x428 form factor, 35 mb) or a smaller version (460x286, 9.2 mb bungie.org or mythica.org). And finally, it's available in QuickTime, as well - same screensizes: large (31.3 mb, mythica.org | bungie.org) and small (9 mb, mythica.org | bungie.org). Whew! (Louis Wu 16:32:57 UTC)

January 7, 2005 Link to this post

Funnies and art at Halo Babies
There's a new comic up over at Halo Babies - the end of the Getting Started series. Poor Cortana! While you're there, there's a ton of new fan art and graphic novels in progress to see... check 'em out! (Louis Wu 16:21:20 UTC)

January 6, 2005 Link to this post

March of the Cutscenes
We have four new cutscenes for you today in the Cutscene Library, because they're not very large. This finishes up Gravemind, takes us all the way through Uprising, and starts off High Charity. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:24:15 UTC)

January 6, 2005 Link to this post

Zyos - front and center
The Houston Press profiles Matt Leto, better known as Zyos on the Halo professional circuit. It's a monster article, looking at Zyos from his early days, through the start of his Halo professional career, through the present day. Fascinating read. Thanks, Rampancy.net and cookedGamers. (Louis Wu 13:34:06 UTC)

January 6, 2005 Link to this post

Lots o' People, Lots o' Gaming
Bungie posted another interesting story last night - Xbox Live and Halo 2 by the Numbers. It's a look at the first couple of months of Halo 2 multiplayer stats - and they're pretty big numbers. There are some confusing things (how can you have more unique users than sessions?), but overall, it's clear that Halo 2 has jumpstarted the Xbox Live service (even though that service existed for 2 years before Halo 2 ever showed up). Take a look! (Louis Wu 11:48:19 UTC)

January 5, 2005 Link to this post

Big Screen Halo to help disaster victims
Back in December, Vue Cinemas in London sponsored the Big Screen Battle tourney, pitting Halo fans against one another on movie screens. Now, they're doing it again... for a cause. This weekend, pay £3 to enter or £1.50 to watch, with proceeds going to the Disaster Emergency Committee for use in tsunami relief efforts. (Louis Wu 16:53:07 UTC)

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