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March 24, 2005 Link to this post

Bluestone joins the bloggers
Bluestone repurposed his website as a Halo blog, and has posted images showing his latest work on the (astoundingly long-in-production) Halo Flash Game he started... oh, sometime in 2003. Let him know what you think in his forum thread. (Louis Wu 19:33:14 UTC)

March 24, 2005 Link to this post

More overpriced Kubricks
Boxer found a pair of Halo Kubricks on eBay - this one has a starting bid of $60, with four and a half days left on the auction (no bids yet), and this one has a current bid of $50, with almost 6 days left on the auction. Seems rather expensive for a small plastic toy the seller got for free - but hey, that's capitalism, right? (Louis Wu 18:48:30 UTC)

March 24, 2005 Link to this post

The Sign of Four
Thanks to a whole lot of people (the first that I saw was weasel032) who pointed us to this post on Bungie.net, where Frankie announces that the upcoming Halo 2 update will add a 2 vs. 2 playlist. Looks like specific info on the update is finally starting to appear! (Count Zero 03:06:15 UTC)

March 22, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Statistics 2.2 Released
Darkphibre has updated his Halo Statistics program - version 2.2 now works with Bungie's adjusted feeds, and has a bunch of new features. Read his forum post for details, including a screenshot and a download link. Update: I almost forgot - Darkphibre would love help getting the word out about this tool. He's only ever announced it here - but he feels that it's finally stable and user-friendly enough for wider coverage. (Louis Wu 13:24:38 UTC)

March 22, 2005 Link to this post

Over at HaloDev, you can read about Prometheus - a map editor designed to edit and create maps for Halo, Halo 2, and future games that use the Halo engine. It's not available yet - but there's a page full of info (and a list of Halo modding luminaries working on this that suggests it has a pretty good chance of succeeding). Go check it out - there are 10 screenshots to whet your appetite. (Louis Wu 11:50:19 UTC)

March 16, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2: The Art of War
TalkXbox has started a series of strategy videos - an intro video promoting the series is now posted. Eisen Feuer, the new Strategy Video Maker at TalkXbox, let us know on our forum. (Louis Wu 21:31:22 UTC)

March 15, 2005 Link to this post

The Platoon 2: Concrete Jungle
As mentioned this morning, the Halogrid team released 'The Platoon 2: Concrete Jungle' today. There's a direct download link for the WMP9 version (71 mb) on their movies page - but there's no guarantee how long the bandwidth for that will last. I've created BitTorrent seeds (with decent starting bandwidth) for both that WMP9 version and a QuickTime version (78.5 mb) - these are probably your best bet, if you're looking to download this movie without bankrupting the team that built it. Dennis Powers, of HaloMaps.org, has also thrown up http downloads for the WMP9 version, as well as both versions of the first episode (the remix we mentioned this morning, and the original, first-person-version released in February). Use these only if BitTorrent is not an option for you. This one is quite good; great camera work, a moving battle scene... I LOVED the HellJumpers insert, very clever trick. Go watch! (Louis Wu 19:07:34 UTC)

March 15, 2005 Link to this post

Say Good Night (to the bad guy)
FuzzySmurf put together a nice montage vid - great quality, some nice moves (I like seeing teamwork sometimes). Since he's okay with us releasing it via BitTorrent, the bandwidth hit to us is minimal (and fully controllable) - we like that. The movie is in QuickTime format, 54 mb, and the torrent can be grabbed here. We're supplying a healthy starter block of bandwidth for seeding... at least for now. Go get it! (Louis Wu 11:49:44 UTC)

March 13, 2005 Link to this post

Pillar of Autumn Uniforms
Another fun piece from Stephen Loftus - this time, he's chosen to look at uniforms used on the Pillar of Autumn. There's some interesting speculation, which he'd love to have input on (via email, or on the forum) - so read it over and toss in your two cents! Update: oops, looks like Stephen already STARTED a discussion. (I've been out all afternoon.) Use this thread, instead. (Louis Wu 22:44:57 UTC)

March 12, 2005 Link to this post

Large-screen tourney in Canada
Graham Bouvier points out a halo 2 tournament, played out on movie screens, in Canada (more than a dozen across the country). Check the page for details! (Louis Wu 13:02:51 UTC)

March 11, 2005 Link to this post

That's just too much money.
Wow. Blind Sniper005 noticed a Halo 2 Kubrick toy (distributed for free to early purchasers of Halo 2) on eBay - with a starting bid of $75. OUCH! Update: Item sold early via a Buy it Now bid. All gone! Thanks, Jammerfer. (Louis Wu 15:35:42 UTC)

March 10, 2005 Link to this post

The Halo Movie Conundrum
There's been a growing problem I've been worried about in the last couple of months, with respect to Halo videos - explaining it is something that would take far too much space for a front-page news post. Besides, I'm looking to start a discussion about the issue, and that's hard to do from here. Therefore, I've posted my (rant? lament?) on the forum - please, take a few minutes and read it... and toss in your two cents. Thanks! (Louis Wu 21:39:35 UTC)

March 10, 2005 Link to this post

Stubbs the Zombie - in action
Wideload is showing off Stubbs the Zombie, their Halo-engine-based offering, at the GDC this year - and they've updated their Stubbs website to reflect this. There are 14 new screenshots and 9 video clips. Thanks to Rampancy.net for the news - and visit their newly-opened Wideload Games Forum to talk about this stuff! (Louis Wu 13:55:12 UTC)

March 9, 2005 Link to this post

My own views on violence
Whee - tooting my own horn! The next installment of the CBS News 'Violence in Gaming' series has been posted - and it's me answering the questions this time around. Remember - as is true with all pieces in this series, the questions were answered without reading any of the other respondents' replies. This is starting to feel like a 'Pile on Jack Thompson' collection... but that wasn't the intent at all. (I didn't even know he was among the people interviewed when I answered these questions.) As always - discussion on our forum is great... but please stay away from general politics; limit the discussion to this topic (violence in videogames), in order to keep the flames to a minimum. Thanks! Update: oops, seems I lied. The last half of the second-to-last question WAS in direct response to Mr. Thompson's piece; it was added after the original interview, from an email exchange I had with William Vitka. The REST of the questions, however, were answered 'in a vacuum', with respect to other interviewees. (Louis Wu 19:34:39 UTC)

March 7, 2005 Link to this post

European Halo 2 Tourney
Europeans - start preparing for the first official European Halo 2 Championship, being set up by Xbox.com. Check your country-based Xbox.com website to see if signups are open for your country yet. (The UK-based page is up, for example.) There's some nice schwag up for grabs, so register soon! Thanks to Eurogamer and CVG for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:45:37 UTC)

March 6, 2005 Link to this post

Prisoner - for HL2
Wow, very nice - mortey points out a thread in the Halflife2.net forums showing screenshots of an in-progress map for Half-Life 2 deathmatch, based on Halo's Prisoner. Great work! (Louis Wu 16:25:56 UTC)

March 5, 2005 Link to this post

Halo in a LOT of Hometowns
The Halo in my Hometown contest being run by ICDedPpl is now open for votes; all contest entries are posted (there are 272 of them!), and you can vote for as many as you like. Go visit, browse, vote! (Voting ends in a week - so get started. 272 pics is a lot to go through.) (Louis Wu 11:31:25 UTC)

March 4, 2005 Link to this post

The Dauntless Spartans
Not long ago, we received a widescreen trailer for an upcoming machinima series, the Dauntless Spartans. I liked the footage a lot - though the voice acting needs a LOT of work; hopefully, this can be addressed before the first episode is actually released. We're hosting both the original WMP9 trailer (8.5 mb) and a re-encoded QuickTime version (10.5 mb) - it's not huge, so give it a shot! (Thanks to logan for sending this in.) (Louis Wu 18:45:55 UTC)

March 4, 2005 Link to this post

Bungie Fundamentals
Halo Babies starts a 3-part series today, outlining the secrets to Bungie's success. This joke is much funnier if you know some older Bungie games. Looking forward to parts 2 and 3! (Louis Wu 13:22:29 UTC)

March 2, 2005 Link to this post

BOTD2: Biohazard
Not long ago, ipushmycar announced the release of BOTD2: Biohazard, a followup video to Beach of the Dead. (The trailer was released in mid-January, to rave reviews and heavy anticipation.) Beach of the Dead 2 does a fantastic job of telling a classic zombie tale with no dialogue at all (beyond the narrator's voiceover at the start). This is really well-made machinima; great camerawork, great 'acting' - it hooks you early and holds you right through the end. The initial release was WMP9-only, and came in two flavors; a high-res 640x288 version that weighed in at a whopping 84.7 mb, and a low-res 320x144 version that was still a hefty 40.3 mb. In addition, both of these suffered from pretty heavy interlacing issues. ipushmycar went to the extra effort of reencoding to fix the interlace problem, and sent us a version we could turn into nice QuickTime releases; again, there's a high-res (640x288, 45.5 mb) version (mythica.org | bungie.org) and a lowres (320x144, 24.3 mb) version (mythica.org | bungie.org). If you still need the original WMP9 versions, the links for both flavors are in ipushmycar's forum thread. Watch this one! Update: (30 July 2006) A recent forum thread reminded me that TrickingIt.com no longer exists - which means the WMP9 versions of this film are no longer linked anywhere. Here are some local copies (hires, 640x290, 42.4 mb | lowres, 320x144, 26.4 mb). (Louis Wu 16:41:07 UTC)

March 2, 2005 Link to this post

Tainted Love - in VERY hi res
You might remember a movie called Tainted Love - 12 minutes of Halo 2 gameplay, presented in Widescreen format. The Tainted One wasn't satisfied with just presenting this to you in a web-sized box; he decided that folks should be able to see this in full wide-screen, DVD-quality goodness. To that end, he created a couple of HUGE versions; they measure 840x480 in screensize, and weigh in at 2 or 3 Mbps (depending on the version you choose) - be careful, because if you want to play the WMP9 version on a PC, you're gonna need a real processor. (The QuickTime is a bit more forgiving, but still looks pretty darn impressive.) Because of their massive size, these are available ONLY as BitTorrent downloads; Please be patient at the start, and once you've grabbed a copy, leave your BitTorrent window open to share the love. The QuickTime version is 207 mb, the WMP9 version is 283 mb. Behold one man's obsession with good-looking Halo footage! (Louis Wu 12:15:08 UTC)

March 2, 2005 Link to this post

Last Stand - now with 5 episodes
A couple of weeks ago, Phoenix_9286 posted a link to the start of his new 'comic' (I'm not sure it can be called that; it's more of a storyboard tale, or something - he creates it by combining in-game screenshots and comic-style dialogue balloons). I forgot to mention it - but recently, he posted a link to the fifth episode - and the writeup below that contains links to the first 4. He's cranking them out at a Stuntmutt-style rate, and there's a plot, even, so it's time to mention this. Go read 'em over at DeviantArt. (Louis Wu 11:08:09 UTC)

March 1, 2005 Link to this post

J-U-M-P-S Tournament
Jump Tactics has announced a Jump Tournament - show off the best jumping skills, win stuff like controllers, T-Shirts, video hosting. You can read all the details at HALOChat, or on our forum. Competition starts in less than three weeks - get practicing! (Louis Wu 11:25:46 UTC)

March 1, 2005 Link to this post

Playable Art
Wow, cool. OxYgEn, over at the Gearbox forums, has announced a new Halo CE map based on (of all things) a piece of Tina Leyk artwork. Check out the starting phases of Installation 07. Thanks, MasterGrief. (Louis Wu 11:16:39 UTC)

February 28, 2005 Link to this post

The Pillar of Autumn, Realized
Stephen Loftus has spent an awful lot of time studying the intricacies of the Halo world - to a degree that some might consider fanatical. In the coming weeks, we'll be bringing you a variety of his speculations and analyses... but to start with, we've put up a page devoted to a 1/1000 scale model of the Pillar of Autumn he's building. This is a work-in-progress; at this point, it's a skeleton of the ship. The detail, however, is astounding... check it out! (Louis Wu 00:00:57 UTC)

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