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Showing results 2651 - 2675 of 4250 matches

August 4, 2005 Link to this post

Halo2D Physics Demo
Ajay points out that he's put together a physics demo for the physics engine he'll be using for Halo2D, a project he's been working on. A screenshot can be seen here, and the demo can be downloaded here (4.9 mb). Hold down the left mouse button to move the MC. (Louis Wu 19:51:30 UTC)

August 4, 2005 Link to this post

Max Shooter - Keyboard/Mouse adapter for Xbox
TeamXbox has put up a review of the Max Shooter, another Keyboard/Mouse adapter for your Xbox. They loved it, especially for Halo 2 - they felt it was the best adapter on the market at this point. If you're looking for a way to improve your accuracy (for only $20, as compared to a $30 pricetag for the SmartJoy FRAG or the MagicBox XFPS), take a look at this! (Downside - of course - is that you have to have space for a keyboard and mouse in front of the screen you play Halo on.) Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 11:44:55 UTC)

August 4, 2005 Link to this post

Foo Mo dropped us a note about Podtacular, a Halo 2 podcast focused on gameplay. They're up to Episode 2 (the project started a week ago) - they cover strategy, map-specific tips, and the like. (Episode 2 starts out with a discussion about Major League Gaming, and how the hosts don't really know anything about the pro gaming scene - sort of odd.) Go listen! (Louis Wu 11:11:03 UTC)

August 3, 2005 Link to this post

Just For Ekelon.
You know he's hard up for material when Stuntmutt starts making inside clan jokes in his One One Se7en entries. Oh, wait... he's been doing that for a while. (Louis Wu 13:56:06 UTC)

August 2, 2005 Link to this post

SMGs For Sale
GAH! This came in a couple of nights ago - I lost it in the rush of mail. Richie's Armor has created a pair of resin-cast SMGs, for sale on eBay - starting bid is just under $150, there are still 5 days left on the auction. They look great - check 'em out! (Louis Wu 13:17:42 UTC)

July 30, 2005 Link to this post

Now THAT'S new.
We don't usually post trick stuff any more - High Impact Halo does such an amazing job covering that whole field that stepping in seems like trespassing - but yesterday, something pretty darn cool got posted to our forum... something that I couldn't pass up. KadeshSa gave us a movie showing a nice hog launch on Assault on the Control Room. Big deal, you say? You've seen a million of 'em? Yeah, well... how many have you seen where the launcher was SARGE? The vid's only about 6 and a half megs, available in both WMP9 and QuickTime formats - the thread starts here, download links are in this post. (Louis Wu 13:40:49 UTC)

July 29, 2005 Link to this post

Tough Call
You know the Halo Babies are growing up when conversations like THIS one start happening. (Louis Wu 19:40:28 UTC)

July 28, 2005 Link to this post

Autographed Halo 2 poster on eBay
Conner Reeves is selling a Frankie-signed Halo 2 poster on eBay - starting bid is just under $15, and there are 4 days left in the auction. Here's your chance for a personal Mister Chief on your wall! (Louis Wu 19:13:55 UTC)

July 28, 2005 Link to this post

Halogen update
A couple of days ago, we mentioned that the Halogen website would be posting lots of new info over the next couple of weeks - the updates started today; there's a new website online, Flash-based, and though it's not finished yet, I guess they'll be adding to it as time goes on. (It's actually quite buggy if you're not on a PC running IE - or at least that's my experience. But hey - when one browser on one platform has 75% of the marketshare, why bother designing for anyone else?) Thanks to Logical2u, via email, and MatX, on our forum, for noticing. (Louis Wu 18:12:41 UTC)

July 26, 2005 Link to this post

War Series
Another MPRRS passer - Purebredbrute, of Halovids.com, submitted Episode 9 of the War series; the reviewers loved it. He wanted feedback, rather than hosting - so we'll point you to his Videos page; you can start at the beginning, or you can jump in where most of us did. (The series to date eats up almost 250 mb... so if you decide to watch the whole thing, be gentle and do it over time.) Episodes are all in WMP9 format, and range in size from 13 to 60 mb (Episode 9 is 20 mb). (Louis Wu 19:01:45 UTC)

July 26, 2005 Link to this post

More Comic-Con Pics
Skie has put together a nice collection of photos of the Comic-con Elite costume we mentioned a couple of times (here and here) - each pic has a source tag, showing where he found it. (Skie would love to commission the costume's creator for a project, but cant find a way to contact him. Skie can be reached via email.) We also got mail from cappy, who took a whole PASSEL of photos at the event - there are a half-dozen that cover the RvB guys, Halo, and the Elite; they start with this pic, then hit 'next' until you get to some apes. (Louis Wu 14:15:08 UTC)

July 25, 2005 Link to this post

Sketch talks to Major Nelson
There's a nice radio interview with SketchFactor over on Majornelson.com - he's released the podcast in both WMA format and MP3 format. The podcast is about 45 minutes long - the interview with Sketch starts around 18:30 in, and lasts about 20 minutes. It covers a variety of subjects - worth a listen! Thanks to Kevin Augspurger for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 14:59:07 UTC)

July 25, 2005 Link to this post

Ajay wrote to point out Halo2D, a 2D Halo game he's working on. (A very early screenshot can be seen here.) You can download a really early version (it's NOT done) off his website - he gives props to Halo: Resolution's sprites. (This is PC-only.) Update: Turkman points out another 2D Halo game - this one based on the sprites from Halo: Blood Covenant. More info (and a site link) can be found in his forum post. (Louis Wu 14:24:07 UTC)

July 25, 2005 Link to this post

MLG Editor's Corner
MLGPro.com has started up a new weekly feature, to be posted on Fridays - it's called 'Editor's Corner', and it gives Dyslexia a place to hold forth on topics of interest. This week's rant (posted on Sunday, accidentally) looks at the recent AutoUpdate - or, more accurately, at the reaction it's received on forums around the net. It's a surprising read - here's a guy who is fully immersed in the MLG culture - he provides the majority of the content on the MLG website these days - writing that people in general, and MLGers in specific, should take a step back and stop hating Bungie for dumb reasons. Whoa. (I'm POSITIVE he's gonna get a lot of flak for this one - but I agree with almost everything he says, and applaud him for saying it.) Thanks to 3Suns for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:41:01 UTC)

July 23, 2005 Link to this post

Flowbee... hmm. I thought it was Nair.
Today's Weekly What's Update got an awful lot of its questions from a thread started by Frankie in our forum a few hours ago. Some of them are good, some of them aren't. The liquid Mister Chief is particularly disturbing. Overall, though, it's worth a read - and don't forget to take Frankie up on his challenge! (It's about a third of the way through.) Thanks to the billions and billions of people who pointed this out while I was at dinner. (Louis Wu 00:13:39 UTC)

July 22, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2 Side Story
Jon McFarlane and some friends put together a Halo 2 radio project at University - it's in MP3 format, just over 7 minutes long, weighs in at 9.7 mb, and follows some of the marines on the Athens before and during its boarding at the start of Halo 2. It's a pretty interesting concept, and sound effects are done quite nicely - give it a listen! (Louis Wu 08:47:33 UTC)

July 21, 2005 Link to this post

MacOSX Halo Screensavers
Edwin Davis wrote to say he's got some Halo screensavers up on his site - these work with MacOSX 10.4 (Tiger). One is our news feed, on your desktop... the other is flying Halo logos! Check 'em out. (These are pretty cool - but be warned, if you're running a monitor off a PCI card, all you'll get is a black screen and 'Quartz Composer' running around it - I guess these need the video bandwidth of an AGP connection.) (Louis Wu 15:27:56 UTC)

July 21, 2005 Link to this post

Project Torlan continues
zugy posted an update on Project Torlan, the UT2004 Halo total conversion, and it includes a bunch of screenshots. Some of the maps look pretty fun - I especially like the one that looks to be a blend of Hang 'em High and Gephyrophobia. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:45:04 UTC)

July 17, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Custom Edition - Still Creating!
MasterGrief sent along a couple of HaloCE bits for us - Yoyorast Island has been released (this map looks BIZARRE), and a group is working on bringing Metroid into Halo - just a teaser, but an interesting start! Check 'em out. (Louis Wu 18:16:15 UTC)

July 17, 2005 Link to this post

The Codex - smaller downloads
Dennis Powers sends word that he's re-encoded the Codex Series vids to be a more appropriate filesize for the 320x240 presentation they are generally released with; the new files should be much more palatable to bandwidth-challenged downloaders. You can find the new versions in the 'Codex' section of the GearboxGameZone Movies site. (Louis Wu 18:12:23 UTC)

July 17, 2005 Link to this post

Cheaters, Matchmaking, and other fun stuff
kons0uL pointed out an entry he made yesterday on his RSCR: Respod blog, which uses Friday's Weekly What's Update from Bungie as a jumping-off spot for a rant about matchmaking and community exclusions. He also started a thread on our forum, if you'd like to chime in. (Louis Wu 14:58:34 UTC)

July 14, 2005 Link to this post

GTA: SA - now with hogs
Hawk7886 found a Rocket Warthog addition for GTA: San Andreas. Later posts in the thread have some screenshots. (Louis Wu 13:56:20 UTC)

July 8, 2005 Link to this post

Where to shoot in the Gulch
IGN has a Sniping Locations on Coagulation FAQ online - this is fan-written, and starts with the dubious information "Xbox Live = no fun"... but you might find some useful info inside. Update: looks like I mentioned this in January. Seems I wasn't that impressed with it then, either - guess I gotta be careful with Google News Alerts from now on. Thanks, nof. (Louis Wu 15:17:04 UTC)

July 7, 2005 Link to this post

Freelancer Mod - In Trouble
We've mentioned a Freelancer Halo mod a couple of times - seems they've stalled for lack of help. (This will be the last of this type of 'please visit' posts we put up for this project.) They've got a screenshot of their 'slipspace effect' graphics - except without Halo models so far. If you're interested in seeing this mod succeed, go visit. (Louis Wu 14:14:27 UTC)

July 6, 2005 Link to this post

Not so Strategic Strategy
For folks looking for strategy tips for the new maps, you might think that the Strategy pages at Xbox.com (Backwash, Elongation, Gemini, and Relic - no Terminal yet) would be a good place to start - but you'd be wrong. Well, the Relic and Elongation pages have some MINOR info that might be helpful - but mostly, they're just summaries of the maps. Bummer. (Louis Wu 12:13:30 UTC)

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