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September 3, 2005 Link to this post

Dying for a Cause
A few days ago, we mentioned one fan's plan to raise some cash for Katrina victims - BoneKin was going to give one dollar for each kill he got in a series of 7 games (with a minimum of $117) to the Red Cross. Those games were played, on schedule, last night, and Mintz was kind enough to summarize the results - BoneKin will be sending $139 down! (There's a movie coming at some point, too.) Nice work! Update: There's another post on our forum about disaster relief opportunities, this one from Max Power - it looks like EB Games has agreed to match donations made through their stores (to a maximum of $50,000 companywide) - drop off $10, $20 heads to the Red Cross! Cool. Update 2: We've heard from a fan auctioning a Dell LCD monitor on eBay - 100% of the final sales price will go to the Red Cross. We may have to start a Katrina-only news page if this keeps up... (Louis Wu 11:16:39 UTC)

September 2, 2005 Link to this post

It's ALL gone!
Okay, this one takes some explanation. A couple of weeks ago, vshields ash started exploring what happens when you overload the Halo engine during the fight with the Prophet of Regret. The first thing he discovered was he'd spawn new prophet chairs after the overload kicked in - he got up over 100 chairs before things broke down. (This thread documents his progress.) Then he went outside - and things were a little... empty. He described it - and then Duelies made a vid of the final cutscene. However, Duelies hadn't gone quite as far in the object overload field as Vern did - the Covenant cruiser, for example, was still around. Vern wanted everyone to see a TOTALLY empty scene - so he sent me a tape to digitize. You can grab it in QuickTime or WMP9 formats - roughly 10 mb each. Stuntmutt must get the credit (or the blame) for the music. (Louis Wu 16:57:36 UTC)

September 2, 2005 Link to this post

Fight the Flood
Bungie has posted a new T-Shirt on the Bungie Store; it costs $20, and $15 of that will go directly to the Red Cross for distaster relief. (There'll be more on this subject from them later this afternoon, but tag-goody71 noticed the shirt in the store this morning, so we figured we'd let you get a head start on it.) (Louis Wu 16:22:45 UTC)

September 1, 2005 Link to this post

Speedrunning SC, revisited
Last year, we hosted the Going Nowhere Fast competition - taking speedrunning to a new level. It inspired the creation of highspeedhalo.org, a website devoted to Halo speedruns. A couple of days ago, over on the MLG forums (you'll have to be registered to see that thread), insidi0us posted a new run for Silent Cartographer - and though he does it on Normal (rather than the GNF-required Legendary), he beat goatrope's GNF-winning time by 25 seconds - an astounding feat when the total time was just over 4 minutes to begin with. I was impressed enough with the run that I wrote up a short analysis of the places where he gains time over goatrope's run - and now that it's not the end of the month any more, we've got the bandwidth to host this puppy, so you can watch it, too. WMP9 version is 44.2 mb, QuickTime version is 46.6 mb. Thanks to l3Dl SHREK 2 for bringing this to my attention in the first place. (Louis Wu 17:10:32 UTC)

September 1, 2005 Link to this post

Making Hurricane Relief Fun
Bonekin started a thread on our forum last night - you have to read the whole thing to get all the details right, but here they are, as far as I understand them: he's planning on playing online tomorrow night (Friday), 9 pm Central time, on Xbox Live - he will play a series of 7 games, and will donate $1 for each kill he gets in those games (with a minimum of $117 in case he falters) to the Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina relief. Anyone who wants to participate can send him a friend request. (Louis Wu 13:17:53 UTC)

August 30, 2005 Link to this post

Bow chicka bowwow...
Red vs Blue Episode 58 has officially kicked off Season 4 - it's now online for both sponsors (in Hi-res) and the general public (in low-res). Caboose is smarter than he looks. (Not much, but...) And Tucker... Tucker shows his true colors. 4:22, a great start to the season. 10 - 43.5 mb, depending on flavor. (Louis Wu 12:24:07 UTC)

August 28, 2005 Link to this post

And to all, a good night.
The lanfest that has been going on here for a few days will continue for a day or more to come - but unfortunately, it will do so without me. I need to head home to be with my family and responsibilities... but there was a game tonight that was notable for its competitors; we saved two screens, a pre-game screen (100K) and a post-game screen (86K). (This will only have relevance to folks who visit our forum occasionally.) I've said it before and I'll say it again - Halo 2 plus good friends plus many hours of gameplay equals some of the most fun you can have with your clothes on. (Even if you're wearing a pink shirt.) (Louis Wu 06:12:32 UTC)

August 25, 2005 Link to this post

The Babies Get Smaller.
Halo Babies has reformatted its site to fit comfortably on the screen of the Sony PSP - go read about this at the main site, or visit HBabies.net to see it! Gotta love it. (Louis Wu 10:43:02 UTC)

August 24, 2005 Link to this post

Prometheus Update 4
Prometheus, the multiversion Halo model manipulator/editor, has a new update online. They've lost scripting support (their scripter has left the team because of problems with the CE community), but there's plenty of good stuff left. Screenshots and descriptions will give you a taste for what's coming - go read! (Louis Wu 14:54:42 UTC)

August 24, 2005 Link to this post

RvB Firefox Toolbar
And1balla2829 writes to point out (in a post on the RvB forum, registration required) that he's created an RvB Firefox toolbar - contains tons of mini-buttons for the best movie/machinima/Halo 2 sites, plus news feed menus and a ticker from Rooster Teeth, and more. Here's a small screenshot to show you what you'd be getting. (Louis Wu 04:46:57 UTC)

August 23, 2005 Link to this post

Good ta see ya, Joe.
Awesomeness. There's a great article over at Bungie.net, written by Joe Staten, who's been pretty off-the-radar these past few months - it looks at the origins of the Halo movie script, and how the situation developed to where it stands today. There's even a sneak peek at the 'companion', a jazzed-up "universe bible/style-guide" that is intended to keep the filmmakers on the right track. (No, you can't buy one.) Go read this if you have any doubts about the outcome of the Halo movie. (You should STILL have doubts after you read it - you should have doubts until you see it on-screen, because otherwise you're setting yourself up for potential sadness - but you should feel much more assured after reading Joe's writeup.) Oh, yeah - and this is part 1. Thanks, LegendaryMark. (Louis Wu 17:09:03 UTC)

August 23, 2005 Link to this post

Movie Details Surface
A new article in Variety contains details about the Halo movie deal - the highlights are that Fox and Universal will pay Microsoft $5 million against 10% of the movie's gross, that Microsoft is "guaranteed extensive consultation on the project, but won't have approval over any elements", and that the final product will hit the big screen during the summer of 2007. (Thanks, Ian White.) (Louis Wu 12:43:42 UTC)

August 23, 2005 Link to this post

Free Video Host at Halo Bunker
Christopher "Master Chief" Thomas wrote to point out Halo Bunker, a new halo-oriented video host; they'd love to help you get your content to the Halo community. Check out this forum post, sign up, and start uploading! (Louis Wu 00:03:59 UTC)

August 23, 2005 Link to this post

Resolute 16: GT... Hey!
Been out all day... get ready for a flood of news! We'll get started with the funnies... ÜberChief posted Episode 16 of his Resolute comic - a perfect example of how unstressed people can be until THEIR stuff gets trashed. (Louis Wu 00:01:44 UTC)

August 22, 2005 Link to this post

Nephrons - Minus Five
The next episode of Nephrons ('Nephrons - Minus Five') has been released by ChairLeg Productions - and it's passed our Movie Peer Review Rating System. You can grab it in PSP-friendly form (368x208, 16.2 mb, MP4 encoding), directly from their site... or in PC-friendly form (standard 640x480 formats) from us; WMP9 format is 44.3 mb, QuickTime format is 40.6 mb. In their words, "a variety of unusual subjects such as thumbscrews and Walrus Kings but still no actual on screen bullets....yet." Go watch! (Louis Wu 12:04:30 UTC)

August 19, 2005 Link to this post

Temp bans for modders' friends
There's another piece on Bungie.net that should be read by everyone who plays Halo 2 on Xbox Live; apparently, the've started to run queries on their game database, looking not for modders, but for players who've played 'a significant number of games with modders'. Yesterday, they temp-banned a few thousand of them - and the next time won't be temporary. This doesn't mean you should panic if you find yourself in a game with a modder; one is not a 'significant number of games'. It DOES mean that if you're doing a lot of custom gaming, and your friends are modders... you might find yourself banned, even though you don't mod. Worth thinking about! Update: Sketchfactor dropped by our forum to clarify that the current tempban was only for people who were playing with modders in Matchmaking - not custom games. (There was some apprehension that you could get banned from matchmaking by inadvertently playing in custom games with modders.) He certainly did not rule out the possibility that playing with modders in custom games might, at some point, get you banned from matchmaking - but right now, they're focusing on matchmaking primarily. (Louis Wu 12:42:13 UTC)

August 14, 2005 Link to this post

A Sniper Shot Me
Patriarch917 has submitted what he thinks might be his final parody (at least for the time being) - he and his wife just had a second baby (check out the pic of Lily on his music page), and law school starts today. This one is called 'A Sniper Shot Me', and is a parody of Audio Adrenaline's Christian rock anthem 'Some kind of Zombie'. 6.6 mb, in MP3 format. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:16:05 UTC)

August 13, 2005 Link to this post

The Squadron Ep 2: Check
The folks at Broken Console have posted Episode 2 of their machinima series, The Squadron. You can grab it in either WMP9 or QuickTime formats at their website - roughly 15 mb, depending on the format. Continues the humor-with-a-storyline they started with episode one - go watch! (Louis Wu 05:04:51 UTC)

August 12, 2005 Link to this post

Fan-made RvB Season 4 Posters
Hawaiian Pig is back in the RvB Movie Poster business - he's made a few different versions in honor of the upcoming start of Season 4. His first try was in this post - then he messed with fonts to get the image in this post... and finally offered up the image in this post. I've added local alternate links to all three posts; if his bandwidth gets out of control, and he pulls the originals, the alternates will continue to work. (Louis Wu 12:42:22 UTC)

August 10, 2005 Link to this post

Start, Y, Left, (etc)
On a happier note, we finally have today's One One Se7en online for you to read. I didn't get the joke, at first, because I didn't recognize the guy. Stuntmutt, I guess, thought I was kidding when I told him that, because he didn't clarify. This requires me to admit to you that I own no Eminem albums, and have never seen 8 Mile. Sorry. (Louis Wu 20:18:46 UTC)

August 10, 2005 Link to this post

Hi Ben - Found
Last week, Frankie said that if nobody found the Hi Ben egg in Halo by this Friday, he'd reveal the details. krakho pointed out that over on the Bungie.net forums, M0N3y 5H07 laid out how to find the egg, on the level Regret. (There are screenshots in that thread, if you want to hunt for them.) AlucardX posted a note on the HIH forum pointing to the description, and Reidon made a video showing where, exactly, to find it. I hate Putfile with a passion, so I've posted the 3.5 mb WMP9 vid (and a 3.8 mb Quicktime version) on our servers. Again: M0N3y 5H07 found the egg, Reidon made this vid showing how to find it. Congrats to everyone! (Louis Wu 16:01:15 UTC)

August 10, 2005 Link to this post

I don't know where to begin.
Black Six wrote to let us know that today's Mac Hall (guest-drawn by Jamie Noguchi, whose Angry Zen Master comic we mentioned a couple of months ago) has some pretty cool Halo content in it. (The beginning of that story arc started a few comics ago - you might want to look there first.) w00t! (The topic itself is so chock-full of geek-goodness, I'm having trouble cataloguing it all.) (Louis Wu 15:02:48 UTC)

August 8, 2005 Link to this post

MikeMan27 and Nefarious Dan Return: The Trailer
Video number two for the day - this is a teaser trailer for a montage video coming out soon, from Mikeman27 and Nefarious Dan. It was released on our forum last week, but got minimal feedback... so they submitted it to the MPRRS, where it passed. The large frame around the content is actually there on purpose; it's an attempt to keep you from full-screening the vid. (Mike assures me that the final vid will be of higher quality, and won't need this limitation.) Timing's quite good, action is suitably frenzied. 13 mb, in WMP9 or QuickTime formats. (Louis Wu 14:48:15 UTC)

August 6, 2005 Link to this post

The Codex Series Ep 19: Power Plays
The Codex Series, Episode 19, is now online - 'Power Plays' is the second-to-last episode, and has some great scenes in it. Great action, nice suspense... go watch! The final scene will be posted at 7 PM Central time (that's midnight, UTC) next Friday night... they want as many people online as they can get. Go watch this episode and start building your anticipation! (Louis Wu 12:48:25 UTC)

August 4, 2005 Link to this post

Tennessee Tourneys
Dicehead Games in Cleveland, Tennessee will be hosting 2v2 tourneys (August 11 and 25), $5/person to get in. Their website includes driving directions. Thanks, Sir Wilshire. (Louis Wu 19:55:29 UTC)

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