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Showing results 2576 - 2600 of 4250 matches

December 5, 2005 Link to this post

DropShock Ep 7
We got word that DropShock has released Episode 7 - 360 shortages, strats, a new website, and a declaration of war. (I'd tell you more, but I can't seem to actually download the episode... it's been hung on 'Starting' for the last many minutes.) Go see if you can get your own copy! (Louis Wu 14:18:53 UTC)

December 4, 2005 Link to this post

The Firestarters
MikeMan27 and Nefarious Dan have released their second montage, to pretty positive reviews - Mike credits his experience as a reviewer for the MPRRS for some of the polish in his work. It's heavy on the effects, with great synching to the music. WMP9 format, 139 mb. Go grab a copy from Halo2Forum.com! (Louis Wu 15:12:15 UTC)

December 3, 2005 Link to this post

Going for a Jump
Broken Console Productions' The Squadron, Episode 12, is now up for the public; you can find the WMP9 version on their website, and I guess we've become the default host for the QuickTime version. (Both weigh in at a bit over 12 mb.) This ep has the humans fighting for their lives on Terminal - one wonders when we'll run out of soldiers! Good cinematography, as usual. (Beautiful train splatter near the start.) Go watch! (Louis Wu 19:04:43 UTC)

December 2, 2005 Link to this post

DoA4 and Halo - at IGN
Eep, almost missed this. IGN's got an article up about Dead or Alive 4, and the second page includes a mini-interview with Team Ninja leader Tomonobu Itagaki about the inclusion of Halo material in the game. No new screens, as far as I can tell (that haven't already been released on other sites). Thanks, Wolfy. (Louis Wu 15:46:46 UTC)

November 29, 2005 Link to this post

Wasabi 360 Doubles Tourney
Nexus Beat sends word of a new tournament site - they're starting with Halo and Halo 2, but they'll be adding others down the road. Wasabi 360 has already gotten going with a 2v2 MLG-style tourney that's pretty close to capacity - go check it out! (Louis Wu 16:13:43 UTC)

November 24, 2005 Link to this post

Administrivia, and a Halloween Costume
Remember when I said that yesterday, I cleaned out the uploads folder after a two-month neglect period? I wanted to remind people what NOT to use that folder for. There were 267 items in there when I started downloading. There were the few dozen misc art pieces I posted yesterday, plus another dozen or so wallpapers (coming soon). There were half a dozen cool items (we'll get to those)... and the rest was stuff that shouldn't be uploaded here. There were DOZENS of movies, even though the uploads page says not to use it for movies (in big red letters). There were wallpapers totally unrelated to Halo. There was porn. There were files from our own servers, reuploaded (I'm guessing by people who were curious about how the upload process works). There was fan fiction. Amazing. Anyway, before I go get buried in the minutae of preparing for 18 bird-eating guests, I thought I'd toss a couple of things out there. We got this picture (80K), from William Bush - took him a week to make this for his son for Halloween (yes, it's been sitting for a while). Pretty cool! More soon. (Louis Wu 14:21:18 UTC)

November 24, 2005 Link to this post

Movie-theater-based tourney in Ohio
Another Halo tourney to be played out on a movie screen is happening in Ohio this Saturday - XKade will host a Halo 2 tourney at the Tiffin Mall in Tiffin, OH. $50 per person, prizes to be announced. More info is in the link. (Louis Wu 13:43:24 UTC)

November 20, 2005 Link to this post

Elnea's Art - finally updated
Man, oh, man... sometimes things just get lost in the shuffle. Over the past week, Elnea's created a bunch of new artwork, from a new avatar for a friend, to an image she never really wanted to make public (she says she can't finish it), to an image that started life looking funny, but was nicely fixed when she flipped MC's head around, to an image you can caption yourself. She's doing quite a bit of work with her tablet these days... and it shows! Enjoy. (Louis Wu 23:44:22 UTC)

November 17, 2005 Link to this post

DoA4 and the Halo Spartan
1Up has a huge article on Dead or Alive 4, and the inclusion of a Halo Spartan. (Her name is Nicole, for the record. They think of her as a person, not a suit of armor.) It's a great read - and there are three new Halo-specific screenshots. Check it out! (Thanks to 3Suns for pointing it out.) (Louis Wu 14:38:56 UTC)

November 17, 2005 Link to this post

3.5 years later...
Back in April, 2002, NFL246 sent along some pictures taken in the Control Room on Two Betrayals; there are some decent (but not perfect) images of the huge Marathon logo created by the layout of the room. Yesterday, insidi0us sent along a new shot (104k); we don't really do Trick stuff any more, but this was a pretty beautiful screen cap. (He got it by flying up in a banshee, then jumping out and swapping weapons really quickly.) Nice work! (Louis Wu 14:28:20 UTC)

November 15, 2005 Link to this post

Four on One
After Stat wrote to point out a video over at Final Supremacy - it's called 'Four on One', and is exactly that - a nicely filmed game of slayer on Lockout, where all of the Blue team except for one quit at the start. I'm not sure where it goes - the resolution isn't nearly as clearcut as I'd expected it to be... but the angles are nice. 67 mb, in MPEG1 format. (Louis Wu 17:00:20 UTC)

November 13, 2005 Link to this post

ItWasLuck - montage
There's a pretty impressive montage over at Halo2Forum.com - ItWasLuck has released a bunch of full game vids (not montages, but start-to-finish games) with halo pros in them, now you can see some of the highlights of these and other matches. The guy is pretty impressive with a sniper rifle. 83 mb, WMP9 format. (Louis Wu 17:06:58 UTC)

November 6, 2005 Link to this post

RvB 66: Exploring Our Differences
Red vs Blue Episode 66 was posted last night for sponsors; they've moved to the H.264 codec for their QuickTime version, which means if your processor can handle it, you can get a great-looking video that's only 9 mb (vs almost 30 mb for the other two flavors). The episode itself is pretty funny - I'm starting to feel sorry for Simmons. Not REALLY sorry... but a little bit. This ep will be available for non-sponsors by Monday. First heads-up goes to ShdwRngr. (Louis Wu 11:37:18 UTC)

November 5, 2005 Link to this post

Time-Sensitive Stuff
Though for the time being, the links are bold and in-your-face, I know how easy it is to overlook stuff that's been there for a while... even when it's glowing. So here's a news post to remind you. The Blow Me Away Charity Auction ends tomorrow - the first auction to finish (the Joyride figures) ends in one day and two hours from the writing of this note, and the last to finish (the I Love Bees signed commemorative DVD) is over an hour and a half after that. (There are roughly 5 minutes between auction endings, so there's always time to jump to the next one if you get sniped.) Total bids are a bit over $9200 right now... but a few items are fantastic deals, and might go up before closing. (Shishka started an interesting thread on our forum recently, wondering why the totally unique Bungie art is selling for less than the signed posters; the thread holds some suggestions for answers, but I'd agree with him that for Bungiephiles, stuff like the Jam Board is hard to beat.) Also closing soon, but not QUITE as soon, is the voting on the 343 Guilt O' Lantern pumpkin carving contest. 5000 of you have weighed in so far - but that leaves lots and lots and LOTS of Halo fans who haven't spoken up. There's no signin required, no email to fork over... all we're looking for is your opinion on carved pumpkins. Look 'em over, label your top 5... voting closes Tuesday night, late, so there are still a couple of days to think about it. (Louis Wu 14:43:29 UTC)

November 4, 2005 Link to this post

Fanfic - going downhill?
When I visited the Fan Fiction queue this morning, I was a little nervous - it was huge. Turned out, though, that much of it was spam, and some of it was porn. (Sorry - even if it's on-topic, I've got to draw the line at porn.) At least two entries were folks attempting to get around the 750-word minimum by adding garbage at the start and finish of their piece. When all the extras were stripped away, we were left with 9 entries. Go read. (Louis Wu 17:40:41 UTC)

November 1, 2005 Link to this post

For you REALLY late starters...
Whoa. Now THERE'S a deal. Australian Halo'ers can buy a Halo 2 Xbox Live Kit - for $99.99 (about $75 US) you get the Halo 2 Limited Edition (pretty hard to find these days!), plus 12 months of Xbox Live and a communicator. Sounds like a great deal! Thanks, AussieXbox. (Louis Wu 22:53:48 UTC)

November 1, 2005 Link to this post

Pumpkin Voting is OPEN
Well... I was planning on gussying up the interface a bit (my php skills are just SLIGHTLY better than they were last year at this time...), but time is an omnibus. (Don't even ask.) The deadline for entries to our 343 Guilt O' Lantern pumpkin carving competition came and went last night... and when the dust settled, there were 53 entries. Some are funny, some are simple, some will take your breath away. The rules for judging are the same as they were last year: you have five votes, they all count evenly. You have a week to cast them (though you have to cast them all at once; you can't vote for 3, then come back and vote for 2 more). Voting opens right now, and will close sometime next Tuesday, late. (Or maybe Wednesday morning, if I'm not around Tuesday night.) Please, please, PLEASE read the directions - if you vote for the wrong pumpkins, those pumpkins are getting your votes, because we're not messing with stuff. Look over ALL the pumpkins; if you pick 5 from the first page, you'll be skipping some killer entries. In fact, the 'next page' button at the bottom of the page simply cycles around; once you're done, you start over. So look through everything, maybe ruminate for a day or two, THEN vote. (Or vote right away - but look at everything first.) If you've forgotten what the winners go home with, check back on our contest page for the prize lists. Tell your friends to vote - but don't tell them HOW to vote; make this a fair contest, no ballot stuffing! This is all about fun, and I gotta say, there are some amazing pumpkins again this year. Go see! (Louis Wu 18:30:24 UTC)

October 31, 2005 Link to this post

New vids at H2F
Z dropped us a note about a couple of vids to be had over at halo2forum.com; some great FFA gameplay filmed by ItWasLuck (quality is superb, and the gameplay is intense, especially as the game gets going), and a frenetic montage from HockyFreak22, with lots of sticks, snipes, and effects. (Z also wanted to point out a new montage contest starting December 1 - the prize is an Xbox360.) Go check it all out! (Louis Wu 19:30:30 UTC)

October 28, 2005 Link to this post

Yesterday was a busy day
A couple of bits of site news... the forum thread started yesterday, discussing the merits of keeping the original voice actors for many of the Halo roles, has garnered quite a bit of attention (including some from a couple of the voice actors themselves); the thread is almost 200 posts long, and a large percentage are on-topic. Most respondents (though not all) seem to want Master Chief's helmet to stay on... and most respondents (though, again, not all) want the original voice actors to reenact their roles in the movie. Have you made YOUR opinion known? And the Blow Me Away auction, now just 19 hours old, has already collected more than 60,000 pageviews and more than $5500 in bids. You guys ROCK! (Louis Wu 12:59:50 UTC)

October 27, 2005 Link to this post

Spartan 458 - Officially
Tempus Fugit pointed out an article at TeamXbox - Tecmo and Bungie formally announced the inclusion of Spartan 458 in Dead or Alive 4. (Yeah, we've all seen screenshots... but, well... Frankie put it best in this post.) (Louis Wu 02:36:05 UTC)

October 25, 2005 Link to this post

17 Days Through Hell Trailer
DOH! I forgot to post this yesterday; it passed the MPRRS on Sunday night. It's a trailer for 'From the Oder to the Elbe: 17 Days Through Hell', and it was created by Roland. Screen format is a very strange 1200x600 pixels, but if that doesn't fit on your screen, you can watch it at 50% resolution, and it will actually look better. It's a trailer for an upcoming World War II reenactment. The WMP9 version is 21.7 mb, the QuickTime version is 21.9 mb. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 11:06:10 UTC)

October 23, 2005 Link to this post

A RATING TEN's montage
A RATING TEN sent us word that he'd finished his montage, and that he had enough bandwidth left this month to serve it himself. The high-res version is six and a half minutes long, 640x480, in MPEG2 format, and weighs in at 246 mb. (There's a lower-res version available on the downloads page - 32 mb - for folks who can't handle the big one.) He also started a thread in our forum, if you want to comment. (Louis Wu 16:48:38 UTC)

October 21, 2005 Link to this post

DoA4's Spartan 458 screenshots at Xboxyde
We've been unwilling to point out scans of the GameInformer article we mentioned last week, because our policy is not to provide access to magazine scans until the issue is off newsstand shelves... but if you swing by Xboxyde, you'll see the original screenshots those scans incorporated. I must say, Cairo Station looks pretty darn spiffy on the Xbox360! Thanks, Tempus Fugit. (Louis Wu 18:13:41 UTC)

October 19, 2005 Link to this post

Gladiator Evolved - for your iPod
Eep - this passed the MPRRS yesterday, but I forgot to post it. I just want to say that this is probably the last of its kind that we'll entertain here; I do NOT want to become the defacto host of iPod-formatted films. That said, the reviewers approved it, so I'm passing it along. It's Gladiator Evolved (originally released a month ago, in regular web formats, to rave reviews), and it's been formatted to play on the new Video iPod. It's 54.5 mb, H.264-encoded, with a screen resolution of 320x144 pixels. (The original had 4 times as many pixels.) If you've got a Video iPod, and want to see how a great Halo vid looks on it, this is one to grab. For everyone who suddenly gets the idea to reformat every great Halo vid for the iPod (or the PSP, or any other non-web-standard viewing option)... please, find your own host. Thanks! (Louis Wu 04:51:37 UTC)

October 14, 2005 Link to this post

DoA4 Character Revealed
Well, clearly the big Halo news in the past 12 hours is the fact that the latest issue of Game Informer magazine contains an article about the Halo character included in Dead or Alive 4. Her designation is Spartan 458, and the magazine article shows that the Mjolnir armor looks pretty good with Xbox360 graphics. (The magazine isn't even on shelves yet - it's been mailed to subscribers - so we can't bring you scans, nor will we even point you to sites hosting them... but they're not that hard to find.) As more information surfaces, we'll be sure to bring you the details. Chaos Recon was first out of the box with this one, but several dozen people were hot on his heels. (The longest (and earliest) thread on our forum, with input from both Frankie and Achronos, is this one, started by Tempus Fugit.) (Louis Wu 12:14:46 UTC)

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