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February 16, 2006 Link to this post

Uncharted Territory
A few rapid posts: we'll start with a piece on MLGPro.com that takes a look back at the 2005 season - nice memories! Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 05:00:20 UTC)

February 15, 2006 Link to this post

ARE Videogames really death trainers?
Wow. For a few years, I've been openly scornful of the attitudes of Jack Thompson, the lawyer who's made his career suing videogame companies for wrongful death; I've felt that his arguments are specious at best, and maliciously deceptive most of the time. Well, the guy just got a helping hand from a surprising source - the Washington Post. (Don't forget that bugmenot.com will help you read that, if you don't have an account.) It's an article in which both soldiers, and those who train them, state plainly that the videogames they play help them both in battlefield tactics, and in breaking down the barriers to shooting another person. Yeah, there are a couple of paragraphs in the story devoted to soldiers who were NOT made insensitive to death by video games - but it feels like a tacked-on afterthought in an attempt at 'balanced coverage' to me. Any way you cut it - you can be sure this article will turn up in court, in Jack's briefcase. Lots of people pointed this out to us - looks like Paul Marsh was first. And while Snowy_Duck was 10 hours behind Paul, he did start the first forum thread on the topic. Go discuss. Update: Same article is available without a login at msnbc.com - thanks, Dry Ice. (Louis Wu 12:40:07 UTC)

February 13, 2006 Link to this post

It Doesn't Remind Me
Yesterday, SNOWBLIND1717 submitted 'It Doesn't Remind Me', a Halo music video set to Audioslave's song of the same name, to the MPRRS; they liked it. Syncing's not perfect - but it's quite good, and his choices for action are inspired. (The onscreen activity matches the song really well.) Go watch! WMP9 version is 22.3 mb, QuickTime version is 23.7 mb. And go visit his website, as well. (Louis Wu 20:23:31 UTC)

February 12, 2006 Link to this post

PromethianGuard Episode 1
What a weekend. There's Halo news in them thar hills... but I haven't found time to tell you about it. Let's start with a new video from The PromethianGuard, sister clan to the PraetoriaGuard - they've released their first episode, downloadable from their forum. (There's also a PSP-friendly version, here.) It's a variety pack, a grab-bag of stuff; music, jokes, gameplay. 62 mb, WMP9 format, it's pretty hefty; almost 13 minutes long. Go grab a copy! Thanks to a number of PromethianGuard members - Tactic was first. (And as a side note - happy birthday to LordGideon, head of the PraetoriaGuard and sort of a godfather to the PromethianGuard! (Louis Wu 17:44:24 UTC)

February 9, 2006 Link to this post

The Case of the Missing Story
Wow. I'm not one for rumors, generally (have you noticed?), but when the BBC gets involved... Apparently, there was a link on the BBC front page that claimed that Halo 2 PC would debut on Windows Vista (the successor to XP). The article was pulled almost immediately - but Joystiq got a screenshot of the link (though not the article itself; it had already been pulled by that point), and addict3d.org saw it in time to actually summarize it. If this is true... wow. We've been telling people that we doubted a Halo 2 PC would ever come out. This is one time I wouldn't mind being wrong. (At this point, it's JUST A RUMOR. The only information has been pulled from the web almost faster than it was put up. We know nothing, and it could easily be a mistake (or a prank) on BBC's part; in fact, if it were anyone less reputable than the BBC, we probably wouldn't even be mentioning it. Goes to show you, though... it's really, really, REALLY hard to keep stories quiet - even mistakes.) Thanks, Muskie, for the heads-up. Update: Holy moley - it's REAL! We just got the press release from AEG. Update 2: Turns out the article is still on the BBC website - it was just at a different link. Thanks, Dark Knight and Brandon Smith. (Louis Wu 15:02:47 UTC)

February 8, 2006 Link to this post

Piranhas vs Master Chief
Phil Rock has been putting together some animated GIFs of the Master Chief and his adventures with piranhas. (Killer piranhas. Piranhas big enough to EAT him.) The GIF animation was cool, but pretty wasteful, bandwidth-wise (and Phil wants to host these himself), so we helped out with QuickTime and WMP9 conversions. The first three episodes are up now, along with Episode 4 in GIF format (but I've already sent him the converted versions, so if you want to save him some bandwidth, hold off a bit on that one until he's got the movie versions up). I'm starting to think of the MC as a little like Mr. Bill now... Update: Ep 4 is available in QT and WMP9 now. (Louis Wu 14:29:11 UTC)

January 30, 2006 Link to this post

A c0ld Fish.
Last week, c0ld vengeance got a great screenshot of a pretty cool Halo resident. This week, Stuntmutt desecrates the find as only he can, in today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 19:03:52 UTC)

January 27, 2006 Link to this post

Fumgoggy Orga A Warthog?
HaloBabies took a break for personal reasons, starting a couple of weeks ago - this week, One One Se7en sends them kind wishes and a tip o' the hat. (Louis Wu 17:29:03 UTC)

January 24, 2006 Link to this post

I meant to post this yesterday, forgot. c0ld vengeance snagged a really nice screenshot of one of the underwater denizens you can see through the elevator windows in Delta Halo (and Regret) - you never get this close, normally. (Louis Wu 18:14:20 UTC)

January 23, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Love
Over at HaloPlanet, there's a new action-figure-based comic called Halo Love. Gloves says he might make more... but it seems like the relationship might be off to a rocky start. (Louis Wu 16:27:26 UTC)

January 19, 2006 Link to this post

Battlefield Halo
We got word from MR-T, and DT, about Battlefield Halo, a web-based role playing game with a Halo theme. Sign up, look around, and start role-playing in the Halo universe! (If you're curious about what you'd be getting into, you can find some great representative screenshots on this briefing page.) (Louis Wu 21:15:15 UTC)

January 19, 2006 Link to this post

7 Feet of MC in your living room.
We've mentioned Muckle statues quite a bit recently; they were primarily used for marketing Halo 2 in Europe, but they're starting to show up on eBay in the US as well. They're higher-quality statues than what showed up in game stores in the US... so it's not surprising that folks are buying these up. BARBARIC RAGE bought one of the 7 footers on eBay... and sent us pictures. (Front view | back view) Now THAT'S a dominating presence! (Louis Wu 15:04:37 UTC)

January 19, 2006 Link to this post

Sub Three Keyes.
Whoa. Over at the HIH forum, there's a thread started by scurty, showing off some speed runs of Keyes, in Halo 1; he's below 4 minutes in EVERY difficulty, but the Easy run is below 3 minutes. That's insane! Next up - Pillar of Autumn in 30 seconds. Warms my heart to know folks are still hammering away at these things... thanks to insidi0us for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 14:52:11 UTC)

January 15, 2006 Link to this post

XBW360 Contest - Details
You might remember a week or so ago, we mentioned an upcoming machinima contest, sponsored by Xbox World 360 (a British gaming mag). They don't have a website, per se... so we're helping out a bit; you can read the contest details on this page. Movie makers... start your cameras! (Louis Wu 17:36:16 UTC)

January 14, 2006 Link to this post

Info on Muckle Halo stuff
Phil Shiel hunted down the website for Muckle Mannequins - the folks who make those resin sculptures that come up for sale on eBay every once in a while. It's all framed - but if you start at the home page, and follow the 'Quick Menu' at the bottom right to 'Halo 2', you'll get the chance to see a couple of nice pics (labeled 'seite 1' and seite 2'). Looks like the life-sized version is even cooler than the small one! (Louis Wu 14:35:26 UTC)

January 11, 2006 Link to this post

Large MC Sculpture for auction
James Moran points out an auction on eBay's UK site - it's one of the 6-foot Master Chief statues. Starting bid is $1250 (US), and the auction ends tomorrow. (This is listed on the US site, as well.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:40:11 UTC)

January 11, 2006 Link to this post

Flattery? Nah.
Wow, I've seen sleazy... but this is pretty amazing. Over at a site called 'JonsModding', they're SELLING (yes, selling) three maps for your Xbox, which they're willing to install for you. These maps come from "the programming department teamed with JonsModding", and they "have programmed the maps to use the old halo 1 weapontry and we have even added a new vehicle called 'The Wasp'." The three maps? "We have named them Immature, Anxiety, and Corrupted." Whoa... that sounds a lot like the names of the three maps released by Mothergoat back in September! (Well, except for the Immure/Immature typo - but that actually gets corrected later on down the page.) And hey - those screenshots look the same, too! Oh... no wonder... JonsModding simply linked to the images on mothergoat.net. Dang, they couldn't even be bothered to localize the images they stole. Wow. These guys have a forum - maybe some of you want to discuss this issue with them? (Louis Wu 11:52:16 UTC)

January 11, 2006 Link to this post

Rippling Blubber and Carnal Opportunities
Taso, of the HIH forums, got some screen time with Frankie recently - you can read the interview over at High Impact Halo. It's a really fun piece. Check it out! Thanks, Phan7om. (Louis Wu 11:23:54 UTC)

January 11, 2006 Link to this post

Dominic Grey: Tales of a Tortured Mind
Dragondex submitted a video to the MPRRS a couple of days ago - 'Dominic Grey: Tales of a Tortured Mind' tells the story of a... somewhat disturbed individual. Nicely filmed! Give this one a look. WMP9 format (27.8 mb) or QuickTime format (27.3 mb). (He actually started a forum thread about this on Monday - comments can go there.) (Louis Wu 11:14:07 UTC)

January 9, 2006 Link to this post

Upcoming Machinima Contest
Feenix writes again - with news of an upcoming machinima contest. Full details will be announced soon, but for now, the basic gist is that winners will be included on upcoming cover DVDs for Xbox World 360, and an overall winner will earn a free game. The rules are simple: the machinima has to be made with an Xbox game, it must be at least 640x480 resolution, and it cannot contain any copyrighted music. Existing pieces (that is, machinima creations that have already been released on the net) are acceptable. Use this announcement to get started on making something new - or to polish up something you've already released! (Louis Wu 18:12:25 UTC)

January 9, 2006 Link to this post

Heart is a Lonely Hunter - in Hi-res
Wow, cool. Feenix writes to point out that the Cover DVD for the current issue of Xbox World 360 Magazine in the UK has the full half-hour machinima 'The Heart is a Lonely Hunter' on it - in full DVD quality. While you can download this movie from us (either in pieces, or as a single video) or from the HiaLH website - you CANNOT see it in full-screen glory unless you grab this mag. Nice! (Louis Wu 13:26:48 UTC)

January 9, 2006 Link to this post

MC Resin Sulpture for Auction
A Master Chief resin sculpture (these were promotional items in Europe last year) is up for sale on eBay. We've mentioned these before - but they're usually in Europe, and this one is in the US. Starting bid is $160, Buy it Now price is $210, and you've got almost 5 days to make up your mind (unless someone else buys it first). Thanks, Cassius. (Louis Wu 12:44:43 UTC)

January 7, 2006 Link to this post

Alternate Ending
Jon Luke noticed another Press Start to Play comic with Halo content... heh. (Louis Wu 21:53:05 UTC)

January 7, 2006 Link to this post

Sunlooking, evolved
Pinkuh posted a note on our forum with an update of a picture she'd started about a month ago. The final work is gorgeous (we've added it to her gallery here) - but there are also a few progress shots, showing how she got from the sketch to the final product. (Those are in the gallery, as well.) Pretty fun - as a non-artist, I find it fascinating to see how people work! (The forum post also contains a snippet of fan fiction that goes along with the work... she doesn't stop!) (Louis Wu 12:22:13 UTC)

January 5, 2006 Link to this post

Lil Poison and Pro Cards at MLG
A couple of tidbits over at MLGPro.com - the Player of the Week this week is Lil Poison, the 7-year-old wunderkind; "pound for pound, Lil Poison is quite possibly the best gamer in the world." Heh. Nice interview. (Thanks, 3Suns.) And they've started a fun new feature - Pro Player Cards, where you can get all the stats on your favorite Halo pros. (It doesn't look like they're actually PRINTING these yet - they're just online. I'd be curious, though, if there were a real live market for this sort of thing...) Thanks again, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 17:43:15 UTC)

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