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Search results for game informer profile

Showing results 1 - 6 of 6 matches

July 30, 2010 Link to this post

Xbox.com Character Profiles
The BS Police noticed that Xbox.com has posted character profiles for each member of Noble Team (well, except for Noble Six) - they're not as detailed as Bungie's Character Profiles, and they're CERTAINLY not as detailed as the profiles that Game Informer posted this past January, but they're a nice summary. (Louis Wu 13:34:59 UTC)

January 30, 2010 Link to this post

Noble Team Profiles - Complete
Game Informer has finished up their 'Noble Team Profile' series - yesterday, they posted both Jun-266 and (as a bonus) Noble 6. Check these out for great little tidbits of info about the characters you'll interact with (and be) in Halo: Reach! (Louis Wu 15:04:46 UTC)

January 29, 2010 Link to this post

Noble Team Profile #4
Gilver was first to mention the newest Noble Team Profile at GameInformer - go check out the details on Jorge! (Louis Wu 14:33:12 UTC)

January 28, 2010 Link to this post

Noble Team Profile #3
Another Game Informer goodie: Noble Team Profile #3 looks at Kat, Spartan 320. Go see why you should be scared of her! (Louis Wu 14:57:13 UTC)

January 27, 2010 Link to this post

Get up-close and personal with Emile
Game Informer has posted their second 'Noble Team Profile' - this one focuses on Emile, Spartan 239. (Thanks, Kibbles and CaneCutter. The main page, as pointed to by CaneCutter, has a bigger pic - but Kibbles' pic has no watermark.) Our forum has a lot to say about this one. (Louis Wu 15:29:15 UTC)

January 26, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Info Falls
Bungie massively updated its Reach Project page last night - you'll need to do some serious exploring. We mentioned Screenshots yesterday - but new Concept Art is up, and the Personnel section has been populated (you can read these in a more linear fashion on the front page of Bungie.net, as well). Good stuff! Thanks to CaptainTony for noticing early. If this isn't enough info for you - swing by GameInformer's website; they've put up even MORE info about Carter-259 (thanks, CaneCutter). (Louis Wu 14:35:23 UTC)

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