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Search results for halo theme

Showing results 126 - 150 of 542 matches

December 27, 2011 Link to this post

Xbox.com Daily Deal - Halo DLC
If you've been thinking about buying Halo DLC, today's the day - everything's half off. Map Packs are 400 MS Points, Themes are 120 MSP. Reach as a Game on Demand is $30. It's a one-day deal... go grab something now! (Louis Wu 16:00:10 UTC)

December 22, 2011 Link to this post

Turkeys in 434
The pre-Christmas Halo Bulletin was posted last night - word of a new Dashboard theme, a tutorial showing you how to benefit from ATLAS, info about custom challenges (including some fun ones from community members), a brand-new Sparkast (w00t!), and info about the January Matchmaking Playlist update are all adorned by tons of fan-created artwork (hint: click on images). As always, you can read this in our Halo Bulletin Archive. (Louis Wu 15:22:57 UTC)

December 13, 2011 Link to this post

Primordium Wallpaper
TOR Books is offering some pretty snazzy Primordium-themed wallpaper, with artwork by Sparth - go grab some! Thanks, Slightly Live. (Louis Wu 13:13:00 UTC)

November 29, 2011 Link to this post

Violin Anthem for Saving the World
Lara is a cosplayer, and a video game music afficionado. She's also really good on violin and piano. Hawaiian Pig pointed out her rendition of the Halo theme on the former. Superb! (Louis Wu 14:27:09 UTC)

November 15, 2011 Link to this post

Game Paused vs The World
Game Paused, a company that makes videogame-themed shirts (we've worked with them before), is relaunching their website next week, and decided that it might be fun to give away some shirts in celebration of Halo Anniversary. Swing by this page for information on how you and four friends can get in on the action - beat them (they say they're not that great) and you could go home better-dressed! (Louis Wu 18:41:34 UTC)

November 7, 2011 Link to this post

Get a Fridge, a 360, and HCEA - Free
Wow. So Monster is giving away a bunch of stuff to celebrate the release of Halo Anniversary - the grand prize includes a custom HCEA-themed fridge stocked with Monster, a 360, a few copies of the game, and a few years of LIVE. To enter, you have to Like their Facebook page. (You can't even really see the contest page very well until you do that.) For folks who aren't interested in Liking Monster, full rules (and prizes) are listed on their website. (You can only enter if you're a US citizen. Sorry.) Thanks to Hypertrooper (who seems pretty bitter about the US-only part) for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 19:52:11 UTC)

October 23, 2011 Link to this post

NHL Halo Sighting
Yazool was at a Tampa Bay Lightning game last night - and was surprised when the organist kicked into the Halo theme during the pregame show. The early part isn't recorded (he didn't have his phone out at the start), but there's a pretty good chunk documented - go listen! (Louis Wu 10:30:48 UTC)

September 28, 2011 Link to this post

Reach Theme for Cheap
If you wanted a Reach-themed dashboard on your 360, but 240 MS Points ($3) was too steep for you... check again. Right now, it's on sale for half price. Thanks to Morpheus, who found this at TrueAchievements. (Louis Wu 13:27:03 UTC)

September 9, 2011 Link to this post

Matchmaking Reached Ep 3: The Boy of Destiny
MatthewDratt pointed out a new episode of Darkspire's Matchmaking Reached - what happens when you pour Harry Potter themes into a Halo mold? YOU GET DARK LORD POPS! Wait, that's not right... (Louis Wu 17:13:43 UTC)

August 16, 2011 Link to this post

Rolandk73 found some Halo-themed dubstep - funky! (Louis Wu 15:23:02 UTC)

August 7, 2011 Link to this post

Drunken Halo - a Halo-themed podcast
Justin Bryce sent word of JTPodcasts, and 'Drunken Halo', a regular podcast that's already up to 23 episodes. You can find links on their website - go listen! (Gotta say, they sound sober to me...) (Louis Wu 21:53:12 UTC)

July 24, 2011 Link to this post

Custom Painted Legendary Helmet
If you swing by TheGamersHub, you'll see a video from TotallyLameRobot showing how she painted her Halo 3 Legendary helmet with a custom ODST theme. There are more details in this short video, as well.) Amazing! (Louis Wu 21:57:57 UTC)

July 24, 2011 Link to this post

Make your own shirts, be happy
xxPapaSmurf187x put together a few homemade Halo-themed shirts - nice work! (Louis Wu 21:55:52 UTC)

July 24, 2011 Link to this post

Bry posted a series of ODST-themed panos yesterday that are stunning. Go see. (Louis Wu 21:53:46 UTC)

July 15, 2011 Link to this post

HaloSphere Ready to Round Up Players
The Real N0ble6 wanted to let everyone know that the new browser-based Halo-themed RPG HaloSphere is now live and ready to go as of 8am (EST). It's a free-to-play game you can jump right into. Go and check out this very cool fan creation! (GrimBrother One 13:42:15 UTC)

June 14, 2011 Link to this post

Halo YouTube Background
Pepsi let us know that he's whipped up a pretty cool Halo-themed YouTube background - classy! If you like it, you're welcome to use it! (Louis Wu 15:45:47 UTC)

June 7, 2011 Link to this post

Quick Roundup of New Content
There was an amazing amount of new content (and analysis of new content) released yesterday, with respect to the newly-announced Halo: CE Anniversary Edition (coming November 15) and Halo 4 (coming winter 2012) - we hit the highlights yesterday, but here are some of the extra tidbits I found buried in our forum. There's plenty more - if you need every bit you can get, keep a window open there!

More as it comes up! (Louis Wu 15:32:47 UTC)

May 9, 2011 Link to this post

I Dream Of Mickey
cellxz wanted to show off a very cool project that he worked on: an ODST-themed Dreamscene/screensaver. Check it out and then let him know what you think! (GrimBrother One 17:25:53 UTC)

April 29, 2011 Link to this post

Halo: Evilution T-shirt
Chancel on RedBubble designed a Halo-themed T-shirt that spoofs the evolution timeline image. Don't need another T-shirt? Get a sticker for your Trapper Keeper or whatever you kids use these days. Check it out! (Hitmonchan 13:35:30 UTC)

April 28, 2011 Link to this post

Featured Presentation
Are you bored? Does the outside world seem foreign and inhospitable? I answered yes to both, so here's what I found to pass the time:

  • Want to watch 116 players duke it out in a Halo-themed paintball contest? Payback350z has you covered. The player running around with the Energy Sword was awesome, and so was the first-person shooting.
  • Here's a fan-made Halo movie trailer from 5233484. According to the description, he or she has never played the games before. Judging from the username, he/she is actually a robot, and this is a warning to humanity that our dependency on technology will bring about our untimely demise.
  • Continuing the trend, tu1785566 made a Halo funtage with clips from Halo 3 and Reach. A rather unfortunate song choice, but the clips were good fun.
  • Freelancer824 sliced together Halo cutscenes to the song "For the New Lunar Republic," which is apparently a bada** fan-made song for My Little Pony.
  • The new "Pregame Lobby," titled "Things Change," is online. There's some NSFW language for you work types.
  • Part five of Machinima Respawn's "Adventures in Halo: Reach Campaign Matchmaking" is up. In case you missed them, here are the first four parts: (1 | 2 | 3 | 4).
  • DetoX edited a Halo 3 montage featuring RPG Hero. The video has NSFW lyrics.
  • Finally, episode eight of "Anguish" came out today. Catch up with the episodes here: (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7).

And if you're really bored, go watch Halo Legends. I'm about to watch it for the first time. I just got Netflix. Cut me some slack. (Hitmonchan 18:24:14 UTC)

April 26, 2011 Link to this post

Halo Theme A Cappella Cover
Now this is how you start an a cappella concert! The Vanderbilt Melodores began its spring concert with the classic Halo theme song (complete with chanting, drums and guitar riffs!) before transitioning into "Animal" by Neon Trees. Truly amazing. (Hitmonchan 16:10:03 UTC)

April 9, 2011 Link to this post

From our man in the field...
Hitmonchan put up another pair of posts on NeoGAF last night - here are some of the goodies he uncovered:

(There's more stuff than that; I only pulled the best links.) Okay, my slaving all day over a hot forum post is done - I'm gonna go rest. (Louis Wu 15:45:33 UTC)

April 9, 2011 Link to this post

BWU For Me and You
Bungie once again provides us with a lovingly crafted weekend-readying reward for making it through the Monday-Thursday grind. The Weekly Update contains some knowledge nuggets regarding chess, PS3 hiring, and world-changing wristbands. Top it off with some gorgeous Covenant-themed backdrops and a fun Blame Stosh, and you've got yourself a kickstart to Saturday, mojimbo. Also available in Inverted Contrast Edition. (GrimBrother One 04:18:18 UTC)

April 8, 2011 Link to this post

JointOps interview with Certain Affinity
Andrew Derksen let us know about an interview with Certain Affinity's Bill Fox and Adam Crist on a recent JointOps podcast. (The podcast is "Call of Duty" themed... but there's plenty of discussion about Halo products CA has built.) The interview starts at 20:43 in the 90-minute podcast. (Louis Wu 14:50:49 UTC)

March 23, 2011 Link to this post

Waypoint Wednesday Will-Call
If you're lax about visiting Halo Waypoint, never fear, bs angel has your back. Stuff you might have missed this week so far:

Go explore; there's tons more. (Louis Wu 21:35:03 UTC)

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