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Search results for halo theme

Showing results 301 - 325 of 542 matches

March 27, 2008 Link to this post

Sony Ericsson Halo theme - now downloadable
Yesterday, we mentioned a Halo theme for Ericsson phones - there was interest in the forum, so Don sent along the theme itself. It's quite small (30k, zipped); to install it, put it in your phone's "theme" directory then apply it by going to settings > display > theme. (The theme itself has an underscore in the front of its name; it's there so that the theme sits at the top of the list. If you'd rather remove it, there's no problem doing so.) Thanks, Don! (Louis Wu 13:33:04 UTC)

March 26, 2008 Link to this post

Halo on your cell
Don has reworked his Bungie/Halo 3 cell phone theme - he built it for his Sony Ericsson W580i, but apparently, it works for a few of their models. Check it out! (Louis Wu 12:31:20 UTC)

March 25, 2008 Link to this post

TTL - now with less shielding
Gah. I hate mornings that get split up. I nearly missed the Tied the Leader update - XerxdeeJ whined mightily about the SWAT playlist (c'mere, boy, I have some lead for your noggin), a TTL-based Xbox 360 theme for a contest has been highlighted, more cool panoramas have been posted, and there's even some CoD4 stuff to read. Check it. (Louis Wu 18:57:26 UTC)

March 20, 2008 Link to this post

Broken Iris Contest Winners Posted
In keeping with our 'Thursday at HBO: All Movies, All the Time' theme of the news this morning, we've got the contest winners from HaloGrid's Broken Iris contest. All three winning videos are available in streaming and download forms thanks to GTV. Two of the winners are straight-up music videos (they even use the same Broken Iris song), the third is a WWII machinima. Go watch! Thanks, Hellhawk. (Louis Wu 16:08:01 UTC)

March 19, 2008 Link to this post

Xbox 360 Theme site opens
Casey Phillips let us know that DashGrounds has opened - it's a resource for Xbox 360 themes... but a lot of them are Halo-based. Go look! (Louis Wu 18:26:04 UTC)

March 19, 2008 Link to this post

Plot Device
Sane Intolerant continues to follow the Halo Action Figure Theater theme in his Halo Toy Box - I guess if you can't beat 'em, you should piggyback on 'em, right? (Louis Wu 12:23:05 UTC)

March 19, 2008 Link to this post

Now THAT'S Devotion
James Center got married last weekend... and he and his new wife are such Halo fans that the wedding cake was Halo-themed! Check it out. (Louis Wu 11:55:40 UTC)

February 26, 2008 Link to this post

Halo-themed bike
todman777 stopped by with pics of a motorcycle paint job done by a friend - nice work! (Louis Wu 16:23:36 UTC)

February 25, 2008 Link to this post

Punch a Grunt
bs angel brings you news of yet another Halo-themed faceplate - this time it's chock-full of grunty goodness. Go look! (Louis Wu 15:16:57 UTC)

February 23, 2008 Link to this post

What to do with old military bases
I4U News has a story about a decommissioned military base that can be rented out by the month - they suggest Halo 3-themed paintball games. Sounds like fun! (Louis Wu 18:54:26 UTC)

February 21, 2008 Link to this post

Blawg Hawtness
Hawty McBloggy's been busy this week - she's put together a Halo 3-themed gamer gear roundup (pick out your spring duds now!), and she's compiled a list of the Top 10 Best Halo 3 Suicide videos. Boom! (Louis Wu 13:01:51 UTC)

February 9, 2008 Link to this post

Narcogen let us know that HaloMusic.com - erm, sorry, I mean Rampancy.net - has a whole bunch of new music and music musings for you today. MJCrascal21 has submitted 'Follow our Brothers', 'To Kill a Demon', and 'Covenant Dance' to the Sheet Music database (some audio coming soon), and Narcogen has added part three of his Halo 3 Soundtrack Review, which finishes the project. (This last part tries to be a little less wordy than parts One and Two - but Narc explains in the comments that he's planning to revisit some of the themes in later works, so he didn't feel like he was shorting anything.) Good stuff! (Louis Wu 14:09:59 UTC)

February 7, 2008 Link to this post

Shielding Yourself
Hawty McBloggy pointed out a 'Halo 3-themed Spartan Shield' she found on eBay - interestingly enough, it's exactly the same listing as we posted back in June 2007. I guess it never expires; the guy just keeps making them as people buy them. I suppose that's a good thing; if buyers were unhappy, it would probably have come down by now. (She also points out a slightly less subtle design, from the same seller, so if Celtic-looking Forerunner designs aren't your thing, there's still an option to buy.) (Louis Wu 14:15:09 UTC)

February 2, 2008 Link to this post

The Halo Shoe - from Adidas this time
Ross Mills pointed out a blog post at Complex.com that looks at a new, ultra-limited run of Halo-themed shoes, created by Adidas for Gil Arenas. ("Ultra-limited" means 100 pairs, total. No, you're not getting one.) Narcogen mentioned this as well, though he found it at Kotaku (who, in turn, got it from Complex). This means different things to different people - read each site's spin (and toss your own comments into the thread Ross started). (Louis Wu 13:45:43 UTC)

January 29, 2008 Link to this post

US Army - Heavy Weapons Training
J23 pointed out that Major Nelson has announced the next entry from the US Army - Heavy Weapons. I couldn't find a consistent way to navigate to this, but the 'Heavy Weapons' banner is in heavy rotation (no pun intended) on the LIVE blades of your 360; it shouldn't be hard to find. Once you navigate to the page, you'll find a new theme, a picture pack, an instructional army video, the ability to register for the next phase of the Army's multipart tournament, and two training vids - shoulder-mounted weapons, and support weapons. These will give you tips and tricks to maximize your effectiveness with these powerful, but in some ways limited, weapons. (Louis Wu 13:24:05 UTC)

January 16, 2008 Link to this post

Custom Halo Drink Coaster
Wow, nova's got a pretty cool stepsister. She made him a handmade Halo-themed drink coaster - what a perfect place for that Grunty mug! (Louis Wu 15:01:23 UTC)

January 10, 2008 Link to this post

HAFT finds a new home
On the subject of comics, we're proud to announce that bungie.org has become home to yet ANOTHER Halo comic strip - Elnea's Halo Action Figure Theater can now be found locally. Elnea's done an amazing job of porting over ALL her old HAFT content to a new, easy-to-navigate system based on the ComicPress theme for WordPress - explore, and get lost in this truly bizarre (but surprisingly self-consistent) world! (Louis Wu 17:58:45 UTC)

January 6, 2008 Link to this post

Mmm... Green (or Blue)
Hawty McBloggy found a pretty slick Halo-themed case for your Xbox360 - it glows! Check it out. (Louis Wu 18:12:46 UTC)

December 31, 2007 Link to this post

Getting Sent Off, Halo Style
Mariachi is getting married this week - and his friends threw him a Halo-themed bachelor party for him. No hot chicks in cakes... but custom medals, and appropriate lessons. Nice! Thanks, JeSteR 343. (Louis Wu 16:15:49 UTC)

December 28, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Hot Wheels
Hawty McBloggy found a customized Halo 3 Hot Wheels car on eBay - it ain't cheap, but it's pretty slick! (I'm not sure, in fact, why it's Halo-themed... but hey, I guess that's where the money is.) (Louis Wu 13:35:56 UTC)

December 27, 2007 Link to this post

Flood Insurance
Hawty McBloggy found a pretty cool t-shirt at Jinx - I haven't seen this before, bt I might just be getting one. Check it out! (Louis Wu 22:55:10 UTC)

December 23, 2007 Link to this post

Biting the hand
It's quite late - it was supposed to be posted yesterday - but there's a Christmas-themed funni over at Another Halo Comic Strip - ZZoMBiE13 reaches out to Stuntmutt in the spirit of the season. Unfortunately, Stunt found those spirits weeks ago, and is now well-pickled... (Louis Wu 13:44:13 UTC)

December 18, 2007 Link to this post

In September, we mentioned HALOMEN, a Halo Flash animation at Newgrounds. HALOMEN2 is now up - once again, it's probably not really safe for work. (Explicit audio, mild adult themes, excessive violence, according to Newgrounds' rating system.) Where else can you see characters from Halo, Starcraft, and Half-Life all in one place? Thanks, swearingmonk. (Louis Wu 16:44:58 UTC)

December 6, 2007 Link to this post

PG takes Bungie in the Humpday Challenge
It'll be interesting to see what the Bungie.net writeup says about this week's Halo Humpday Challenge... because only three games were played, and Bungie lost two of them. Will Luke be able to wring a 'Win' out of those stats? I'd say 'no'... except I know Luke. We'll wait and see. In the meantime, you can read the PraetoriaGuard writeup of the event, over at their website (they even changed their site theme to celebrate the victory). If you're reading this after Thursday, December 6, you might want to read it on their forum; it's unlikely the frontpage link will still work. For some really odd reason, they didn't include links to the games themselves... so we'll do that for you: Game One | Game Two | Game Three. (Frankie disappeared before Game Three, so LordGideon played on the Bungie side. Bungie won that one. Hmm...) Update: LG has added links to the carnage reports, as well as saved films. (Louis Wu 17:40:55 UTC)

December 5, 2007 Link to this post

Free Avatars and Themes at XBLM
I'd meant to post this yesterday, but forgot - Charley117 was the first to point out that each of the new Xbox Originals released yesterday on Xbox Live also had a Picture Pack and Theme released with them; these are free for Gold members now, and will be free for Silver members next week. Some nice stuff! The Halo picture pack includes Keyes, Cortana, the Chief, a Grunt, and an Elite. (Louis Wu 17:39:11 UTC)

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