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Search results for halo goodness

Showing results 26 - 49 of 49 matches

December 20, 2006 Link to this post

Jungle Trigonometry: Food
The big news today is going to be the Brutes documentary released on Xbox Live Marketplace earlier this morning, and we'll certainly get to that - but there's a bunch of other Halo goodness that yearns to be free, as well. First up - trigger119 is hosting, over at GamingTV.org, a new vid from SodaGod, called 'Jungle Trigonometry: Food'. It's bright, it's funny, it's well filmed. Have I said SodaGod is one of my favorite machinimators? He is. Grab this - it's worth the download. (We've got mirrors, but as of now they don't seem to be needed.) (Louis Wu 14:59:53 UTC)

November 21, 2004 Link to this post

Sleepy Sunday
Yesterday was spent in the house of Miguel Chavez (along with more than a dozen other Halo fanatics), playing Halo 2. For this reason, I'm a little behind on Halo news. (Luckily, it was a slow news day anyway.) I'd have caught up by this point... but family obligations will keep me from here for another few hours; check back later today for more Halo goodness. (I'd also love to write up some of yesterday's activities; there were some interesting things I learned. No promises, though, because I'm ALREADY way behind on stuff I've said I'd do.) (Louis Wu 14:18:08 UTC)

August 1, 2004 Link to this post

More Halo Goodness
Ducain whipped up a vid showing some fun stunts on the level Halo - jumping through walls, launching marines, generally going places you're not supposed to be. It comes in two flavors - 640x480, weighing in at 35 mb, and 320x240, weighing in at 15 mb. If you're allergic to WMP9 versions, there are a pair of QuickTimes in this post. Always fun to see this stuff! (Louis Wu 22:06:43 UTC)

June 29, 2004 Link to this post

HaloTV - Streaming Halo Goodness
A forum member reminded me that I'd been meaning to mention HaloTV again. This is a site which provides streaming versions of many popular Halo vids, including some content not available elsewhere. Recently, they opened a beta Red vs Blue channel... a great way to grab a random dose of the funniest Halo serial on the net. If you haven't looked recently, check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:15:17 UTC)

March 15, 2004 Link to this post

Streaming Halo Goodness
synide is starting up a new venture: haloTV. He intends to stream Halo videos 24/7 via winamp, eventually including big Halo matches shown live. For now, he's looking for suggestions for movies to include in the rotation. Add your thoughts to this thread. (Louis Wu 17:38:59 UTC)

January 24, 2004 Link to this post

Update shenanigans
Last night, Frankie posted the Weekly Bungie Update over at Subnova. The idea of the updates, beyond bringing a few morsels of Halo 2 goodness to the masses, is to introduce those very same masses to the various sites in the Halo universe. Lots of traffic is directed to the site by an update, and a certain percentage of those visitors stick around and check out what ELSE is available. During the yearlong period of Matt's Halo 1 Updates, a policy was worked out whereby the site receiving the update would have it, exclusively, from Friday night when it was posted through Sunday night. At that point, any site that wished to archive the updates was welcome to do so. Because of this policy, I declined to allow anyone to post the full text of the update in our forum last night, even though Subnova was having problems. However, this morning the site is STILL down, and some of the larger Halo sites have put the update online already - so I'm going to bow to common sense and suggest that if you want to read it, you visit Rampancy.net or the Junkyard while Subnova is still offline. (We have it, as well, but I'm going to hold off until Monday to post it; I simply don't feel comfortable doing it now.) I'm really hoping this doesn't change the way the updates have worked; I really believe that the spreading around of information (and bringing people to sites they might not otherwise have visited) is at least as important as the info itself. Long after these updates have been relegated to irrelevancy by the game's release, the sites themselves will be up and running, bringing you Halo goodness. Something to think about. (Louis Wu 15:10:45 UTC)

November 13, 2003 Link to this post

Get your passport ready...
Bungie.net will be offline next week in order to update the site in a major way - read the details in this article. What this will eventually mean to you is a lot more Halo goodness, customized the way you like it... so get ready. (Louis Wu 01:57:08 UTC)

October 17, 2003 Link to this post

Halo PC Demo - Friday Morning
131 mb of Halo goodness... Friday at 10 am PST! (That's 5 pm UTC, or 1 pm Eastern.) Check out the article at IGN - The Halo PC demo (Silent Cartographer for solo play, Blood Gulch with limited vehicles for netplay) will be released (exclusively, they say) at IGN Downloads. Thanks to the former Huntr-Killr for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 00:29:41 UTC)

July 13, 2003 Link to this post

Home again - it was definitely big enough
Just got home from Brian Josselyn's Are You Big enough lanfest - here's a shot (68K) of some of the folks present, set against the backdrop of the largest screen we used. (No, we didn't play on this surface - there was a real screen that had been stored by the time this picture was taken.) Twelve hours of hi-def Halo goodness - and even though a bunch of the players won't actually be home for a few more hours, it was absolutely, positively worth the drive. More soon, I hope. For now, bed. (Louis Wu 05:07:43 UTC)

June 13, 2003 Link to this post

It's coming... (cue Jaws theme)
Apologies for the short downtime this evening. No, the box isn't having troubles - it was actually up and running, just not serving this website. Why? because it was preparing for tomorrow's massive Halo goodness (that oh-so-luscious direct-feed footage we've all been waiting so long for). We've been helping Bungie do a little bit of mirror site setup. I figure half an hour of downtime tonight is easily compensated by what you're gonna have access to tomorrow... (Louis Wu 03:41:01 UTC)

March 20, 2003 Link to this post

Halo at E3: Yeah, baby
Kudos to Mike Smith, who noticed that the front page of the E3 2003 website has a listing for an 'Expo Spotlight':

3-20-2003 • Sneak Peeks returns with a vengeance. Halo 2, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, and StarCraft: Ghost headline this year's session. Other speakers include John Carmack, Brian Reynolds, Seamus Blackley, American McGee, and Raph Koster.

We were pretty sure that there was gonna be lots of Halo goodness at E3... but the fact that it's making the spotlight is a pretty cool thing. (Louis Wu 22:40:23 UTC)

October 8, 2002 Link to this post

Football and Halo in Texas
Heh - in an article from the Houston Chronicle's Sports 2 section front page last Sunday, tossed into the middle of a pretty funny discussion of what happens when real-life football players run up against their electronic doppelgangers is a tidbit of Halo goodness.

On the other side of the room, a group of offensive linemen were involved in a four-player game of Halo, the most popular game in the locker room next to Madden. The game involves the deployment of a cyber-enhanced soldier whose mission is to keep a threatening alien race from Earth.

"I can't believe I killed myself," McKinney yells.

"I survived that crash?" guard/center Chad Overhauser says.

The game gained popularity among the Texans during training camp, when tackle Jimmy Herndon and Chad Overhauser brought an X-box to training camp.

Better believe it - athletes know where the REAL competition is. :) (Thanks to Alex "Atoyot" Philips for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 10:06:46 UTC)

October 4, 2002 Link to this post

Wallpaper, and some requests
Three new desktop images for you in our Wallpaper section. I'd like to take this opportunity to clarify a couple of points about item submission - be it artwork, fan fiction, movies... First: if you use our ftp uploads space, please identify your work. Either upload a small text file saying who you are (and what you uploaded), or email us with this info. One of the Wallpapers in this upload is unidentified; it's the last submission without attribution that we'll post. (There's an unattributed banner we can't post in the uploads folder at the moment.) Second: I realize this is partly my fault, for posting things quickly most of the time, but please: if you submit something, and it doesn't get posted in the next 6 hours, do not submit it again. If you're unsure whether we received it, you can send us email. In the past few days, we've gotten 5 or 6 creations submitted more than once, because we didn't post them the day they came in. As a common sense check, when life gets busy here and decreases the amount of time available for updating HBO, having to deal with multiple copies of the same files only makes things worse. (It doesn't help that more than half of you choose to send in your wallpaper with a name like 'Halo.jpg' or 'Wallpaper.bmp' - when trying to make sure we've covered all the recent submissions, it's hard to tell duplicates apart from similarly named items.) Just a few requests that will make our lives easier... which, in turn, means more Halo goodness for you. (Louis Wu 13:07:07 UTC)

April 23, 2002 Link to this post

Movies - they're EVERYWHERE!
Movie Madness!! Not one, but TWO new movies have been released - Brian Josselyn, of Blackstar Productions, has created his THIRD Halo Movie teaser (this one's large-format, and very emotional); you can find it at his site, as well as mirrored at mythica.org... and a team composed of Bluespam, Tarrsk, and OSX2000 (all HBO forum visitors) have put together an intriguing piece which shows a pair of players finishing PoA... with no weapons! This one is also at mythica.org, and on hotline, at the Psyjnir Complex, as well. The movie trailer is 16.6 mb, the PoA runthrough is 11 mb. Go pick 'em both up, and watch almost 30 megs of Halo goodness! (Louis Wu 00:02:36 UTC)

February 17, 2002 Link to this post

French Halo Goodness
Thanks to Firfin, who pointed out a couple of French articles - a Halo review at Jeux Network (this has been added to the Reviews database), and a preview at VosJeux. Check 'em both out!

January 10, 2002 Link to this post

24 hours of Halo
Forum regular *Ar-Isildur of *WP* is hosting an end-of-chemo party that focuses on Halo - read the details here. 24 hours of Halo goodness... it's gonna be worth the trip. (Louis Wu 09:12:40 UTC)

November 2, 2001 Link to this post

Juicy Halo Goodness, straight from the fans
Sam has taken our request for gameplay feedback to heart, and posted a pretty in-depth look at Kiosk Xbox (no, it's not the same as Living Room Xbox - read his rundown to see some of the reasons why). Read the rest of the thread, as well - lots of good followup info. (Louis Wu 15:26:10 UTC)

October 28, 2001 Link to this post

EGM on Halo
Thanks to Noctavis, of Rampancy.net, who uploaded a preview of Halo from the December 2001 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly. The scan is small (540x706, 403K), but readable... Halo is top-rated among the Xbox launch titles - EGM loved it. (For those wondering about our posting this, given our general policy of allowing the issue off the newsstands first - this is part of a 34-page spread on the Xbox; there's more Halo goodness elsewhere in the mag. This scan shouldn't stop you from buying the dead tree edition.) (Louis Wu 03:29:10 UTC)

October 13, 2001 Link to this post

No Update... for good reason
Okay... once you've caught your breath and stopped drooling over all that new Halo goodness to come out of Tokyo... Matt dropped by our forum to let us know that there wouldn't be a Halo Update tonight. The good news, though... is that Halo might go Gold Master next week. (That would leave them almost four weeks to burn several hundred thousand DVDs, package 'em up, and distribute them througout the US - I don't envy the crew doing that.) A few other goodies in the post... go read it. (Louis Wu 01:25:59 UTC)

October 13, 2001 Link to this post

Halo out the yin-yang
Boatloads (and I mean BOATLOADS of new screens at the official Xbox Japan Press Information site... there's no WAY we'll get 'em up tonight (too damn many to thumbnail and categorize), so go and grab 'em for yourself! 8 zipped archives, a total of 27 megabytes (yeah, you read that right) of Halo goodness. GO! (Thanks to TeamXbox for the general heads-up.) Followup: Read this forum post to see what's what, and maybe save yourself a little downloading. (Louis Wu 01:06:15 UTC)

September 17, 2001 Link to this post

It's not how you feel...
Last week's Halo update has been added to the Halo Update Database - now 414 tidbits of Halo goodness, spread out over 44 updates. (The total timespan is 49 weeks - there were a few missed ones in there.) The word of the week is 'Banshee' - check out how the first 7 months of mentions are all about looks, while the most recent is all about action. (But, Banshee... you STILL look mahvelous.) (Louis Wu 13:06:41 UTC)

May 24, 2001 Link to this post

8 megs of direct Halo goodness
Whoa - not sure how we (and every other Halo site out there, it seems) missed it, but Ph.D. posted an interesting link to our forum last week - xbox.ign posted a direct feed video (not filmed off a screen with a camcorder) of some Halo gameplay last Friday. It's in QuickTime format, and it's a bit dark... but definitely worth the 8 meg download. (Louis Wu 12:49:15 UTC)

March 21, 2001 Link to this post

Oceans of Halo goodness... if you can get it
Well, as everyone this side of Katmandu probably already knows, bungie.com and Bungie's Halo site were both updated this evening, and the highlight of the update is a nearly inaccessible new trailer, in two flavors. The big version is 182 MB, the smaller version is 35 MB. Bachus has kindly written up a synopsis for those frustrated by the overwhelmed Microsoft servers... and when mirrors go up, we'll do our best to tell you about them. In the meantime, we've updated our Screenshots section with the two new shots Bungie released... you might find them easier to view here. :) Enjoy! (Louis Wu 04:36:53 UTC)

February 19, 2001 Link to this post

Matt's Halo update added to the Database(tm)
We've added Matt's recent Halo update to the Database(tm). Don't forget you can search the database for all that Halo goodness. Word of the day is "levels". Go find it. :) (Ding 07:31:21 UTC)

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