
They're Random, Baby!

weephun Gets Mail: Why Bungie Rocks.

weephun was one of the people who applied for the SDET (Test Engineer) job Bungie posted a couple of months ago; it turned out that he didn't have enough game programming experience, but rather than just sending him a form letter rejecting him, Bungie went a bit further. Text below the pics was written by weephun.

The Envelope

Hmmmm, what's inside?

The Letter

Not quite the letter I was hoping to get from Bungie, but still very nice to recieve. They are one seriously classy company.

Dear Preston Thorne,
Thank you for taking the time to interview at the Bungie site. As a sentiment of our gratitude for your time spent, enclosed in an Action Figure. It is a small token, but we want you to know your presence made and impression.
Best Regards,
The Bungie Team
([name blanked]
Admin Assitant to Recruiting)

The Consolation Prize

I'll be changing my Halo2 appearance to match ;)
