
They're Random, Baby!

Why are there 'news settings'?

In order to allow folks to read front-page news without being spoiled by posts containing story information, we devised a cookie-based system when Halo came out; you could set your browser up to view spoilers, or not, and news posts that didn't match your settings would either not show up at all, or show up as a simple 'Potential Spoilers' line (depending on what you were reading).

Things are more complicated now - there are THREE Halos out, and there are still folks who don't want to be spoiled for the first two. Luckily, once you've set your preferences, you shouldn't have to worry about it any more.

Here's what your options are:

gimme spoilers! This tag means "I'm willing to accept all spoilers - Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, whatever. And I know that Rosebud is a sled."
Only Spoil Halo and Halo 2! This tag means "I'm done with the first two games, go ahead and show me spoilers... but if you let a Halo 3 spoiler through, I'm gonna rip your throat out."
Only Spoil Halo3! This option will likely only be used by weird people. It means "I'm happy to see Halo 3 spoilers... but I really want the older games kept pristine." Yeah, right. It's in here for completeness' sake.
no spoilers! This is the default option, and it's what you'll see until you set SOME cookie. It means "if you have info that spoils ANY version of Halo, storywise, I don't want to see it." It's also the option that will show up in RSS feeds and the like.

Your cookie status will always be prominently displayed at the top of relevant pages, so if you see green, and you don't want spoilers... hit that link!


Because of the multiplatform delivery system we're currently using for news display, some people with restrictive firewall software on their computers are finding themselves unable to set a spoiler cookie properly; this gives them no access to news we mark as containing spoilers. Until we can consolidate the news machines, the easiest solution is to provide a non-protected link to all news that's been marked this way; if you CAN'T set a cookie, but you see a post you'd like to read anyway, hit the appropriate link below to see ALL spoiler-marked news. It shouldn't be hard to find the post you're looking for - they're marked clearly with the post date.

All News Containing Halo 2 Spoilers

All News Containing Halo Spoilers

All News Containing Spoilers for both games
