
They're Random, Baby!

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When good people get together, magical things happen. kanbo took the initiative to kick off a new HBO shirt campaign, and Leviathan graciously stepped in with a killer design. Now we need your help deciding the details!

Below you'll find a healthy assortment of color choices, along with some sleeve options. We can put the bungie.org logo on the left sleeve only... or we can put images on both sleeves (filling the right one with the Bungie Septagon). You can see what these look like on all color options. When you've decided what you like, drop down to the form at the bottom and let us know!

We can only make a single sleeve variant (either two blank sleeves, or the b.org logo, or both logos) - but we can make as many color variants as there is demand for. So pick all the colors you like - but settle on a sleeve look. Thanks!

Sleeve Options

Show with no logo | Show with b.org logo | Show with b.org/septagon logo

Colors you'd be interested in buying:

Black/White Black/White
Brown/Mustard Brown/Mustard
Dark Grey/Light Grey Dark Grey/Light Grey
Green/Black Green/Black
Light Blue/Dark Blue Light Blue/Dark Blue
Light Grey/Dark Blue Light Grey/Dark Blue
Light Grey/Dark Grey Light Grey/Dark Grey
Pink/Black Pink/Black
Purple/White Purple/White
Yellow/Red Yellow/Red

Which sleeve option appeals to you most?

 None bungie.org logo both logos
