
They're Random, Baby!

Game Forged

14 October 2010:
Results Posted!

It's time for another HBO Contest!

This one owes its origins to Matt Kenyon, who runs Game Paused, a game clothing brand. Their newest item is a Halo-inspired T-Shirt... and they want to give some away to you guys.

Game Paused Spartan 117 Shirt - Front Game Paused Spartan 117 Shirt - Back

How This Works

You've got 4 days to whip up a cool Forge variant for Halo: Reach, upload it to your fileshare, and let us know about it at contests@bungie.org. Submission period ends at 5:00pm EST on Friday, October 8. We will do our best to get together a couple of groups of gamers who are willing to test the entries, and send along feedback. The winning maps will earn their creators a shirt. Simple, no?

Basic Rules

  • You can enter up to three separate maps, but you can only win once.
  • All maps must fit into one of the following three categories:
    1. Race
    2. Invasion
    3. Slayer
    (You must tell us what category you're entering your map in.)
  • Your map(s) MUST be in your fileshare by Friday, October 8, 2010 at 5pm EST, and we MUST have an email giving us a link by that time.
  • Maps will be tested in as timely a fashion as is possible. Total time needed will depend on the number of entries.
  • Game Paused will supply a T-Shirt for the winner of each category (Race, Invasion, Slayer). There is the potential for a fourth, 'Special Mention' winner.

Can you handle that?

Get Forging!
