
They're Random, Baby!

Not So Common Sense - A Halo 2 Strategy Guide

by Overswarm

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Articles: Product Reviews: GCSkins

Product website: www.gameconsoleskins.com

Product offers (as said by the website itself):

GCSkins - Makers of Custom made removable Xbox and PS2 Skins. Don't void the warranty on your Xbox, PS2 or Gamecube by painting it. Our Console Skins� go on easy and come back off just as easily. All of our skins are made of the finest materials to ensure long life and durability. Accept no substitutions, get the Original Console Skin® today!

To anyone who has ever bought anything, they know that what something looks like is important. You want your car to be shiny and sleek, you want your house to be clean and warming, you want your possessions to reflect what you want them to be.

GCskins knows this, and has stepped in on the industry of console skinning, and they do it well. Very well. I purchased a "Hellfire" skin from their website for my Xbox and controllers (as well as a "Skully" skin for a controller), and I couldn't be happier.

A few of you may be wondering why this would go up in my articles section of a strategy guide. Simply put, people like having a cool Xbox, and some people do stupid stuff to make that happen. I've seen some nice skins for various systems, most of them airbrushed. That's a bad thing. Do not, under any circumstances, allow your Xbox to be airbrushed. This can (and generally will) cause your Xbox to stop working, or randomly crash. Sometimes it can even start fires.

Fortunately for the general public, the skins you purchase from gameconsoleskins. are perfectly fine and do not void the warranty of the Xbox. Even better, if you get tired of a skin, you can easily pull the skin right off and your Xbox is good as new. The direction are easy to follow, and the skins are of high quality.

I was a bit skeptical when I read that they were "diamondcast" so they wouldn't ever "scratch or fade". I was wrong to be skeptical. I dropped my Swiss army knife (actually from Switzerland, very sharp) on my Xbox after the skin was placed, and there wasn't even a dent. I can't scratch it with my fingernails, nor by drawing a knife across it. Even better is the fact that it doesn't fade or discolor no matter what. I have several small cousins and they like to drink stuff like kool-aid and grape juice (which has stained my Gamecube). My game console skin can withstand even the heartiest of drinks.

To top it all off, my Xbox attracted a lot of attention at the NKYhalo tournament I recently attended, and made me some cool friends. If you want your Xbox to be cool looking, play it safe and smart and get a GCskin. Don't airbrush, don't paint, don't superglue things to it.

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