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Fan Fiction

Into the Unknown Chapter 4 Reunion...
Posted By: Jean-Paul Allee<assassin_raven@yahoo.com>
Date: 1 June 2002, 8:17 am

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ÝÝÝÝÝ"Chief. The survivors on Reach are now setting up to blow those doors open."
"Alright then. We are going in as soon as those doors are open. I want re-entry points and a flight path loaded onto my HUD now."
"Right Chief. Uploading now. There. Take you pick Chief."
"Thank you Cortana." John entered the flight path for re-entry into the NAV for the Longsword and started heading in. "Cortana. Let me know when the bay doors are open."
"Yes Chief. They will have the doors open in 1 minute. ETA till we reach the bay doors is 5 minutes. We should be able to just fly right on in after they blow the doors Chief." John understood and headed towards the NAV on the Longsword's screen. Soon he thought, soon I will be with the rest of the Spartans.
"Chief. The doors are open. ETA is 3 minutes and 43 seconds.", replied Cortana. "Alright. When we land we start repairs and changes on all Longswords for the new slip stream drive. Then re-stock this ship with weapons and supplies. The crew will consist of the remaining Spartans, Dr. Halsey, any techs, and some personal that we have now. You take your pick on the personal Cortana. Then afterwards we are going to look for any Covenant ships that we can gather any info from. Boarding any disabled ships and search for NAV points, advanced Covenant technology, weapons. Anything we can use to find the Covenant home worlds, their leaders, anything. With the experience we both have from Halo, you pick out the best weapons for the mission. I do want the M90 Shotgun and plenty of ammo for sure. Anything else that you feel best to have make sure is brought onboard."
"Understood Chief. As soon as we land I will start getting everything going."
"Thank you Cortana. And when you have everything ready and going, take some free time off to do what you would like to do. I think you could use a good rest. And I am going to need you at the top of your game when we raid those ships."
"Thank you Chief. I will as soon as I am finished getting everything started."

ÝÝÝÝÝSoon the Longsword was flying into the inner parts of Reach. The Master Chief flew the ship carefully till he was at the landing bay. As soon as he landed, loads of marines and personal were swarming the ship. The loading bay platform of the Longsword opened up and let out a release of pressure. Everyone stood there as the Master Chief walked down the platform. After the MC was on the landing bay, the rest of the crew from the Pillar of Autumn came off and greeted with everyone. There was talking and joy all around the bay as personal and marines cheered that they have been saved. John stood there looking over everyone, watching the celebration that was going on. He understood how they felt. He had the same feeling when he heard that most of his fellow Spartans were still alive. But now he had to get things going. "Attention everyone. We have a mission to do. We have the technology to travel like the Covenant through slipstream. Cortana will instruct you in the modifications needed to allow us to travel through Slipstream space quicker. Also she will instruct you on the supplies needed for this ship for those assigned. Ok people; let's get cracking." And with that John went to the nearest control board and inserted Cortana to do what she needed to so. After that John left and went over to an area that wasn't crowded and sat down. No sooner did he sit down, a few tall figures stood before him. All wearing beat up MJOLNIR armor. John looked up to see the other Spartans standing over him, their helmets removed. As soon as he saw them, he stood up and faced them all. John then took off his own helmet and set it down, looking still at the other Spartans. As he stood there, he could feel his eyes start to fill up with tears. Unable to resist it anymore, he reached out his arms and hugged the others, holding onto them tightly. " Man. Is it good to see your all again. I thought you were all dead. I am glad to see you all alive.", John said tearfully. John knew that he shouldn't cry. It is some thing that a Spartan doesn't do, but he couldn't help it. Then he soon regained his self and let go, looking at each of the Spartans. There was Fred. Then there was Kim, Don, Ryan, Joe, Steve, Rick, and Kelly. "Kelly! You're alive! This is great. I am glad to see all of you alive and well. Where is Dr. Halsey at?" Asked John. "She is over there with Cortana John.", replied Fred. "Very well. Ok I want to get things going here. The mission to capture a Covenant leader is still in effect. Right now we need to get as much data on them as possible. Cortana has much on the tech that they use, but nothing on their home world location let alone where their leaders are. So here is the mission. We will be going to any and all Covenant ships that are damaged in the surrounding area around Reach. We will go in, retrieve as much Covenant technology, weapons, and data as we can. We will need to locate the bridge of the ship that we will be on for any data such as NAV data, locations of home worlds, anything. We will be carrying weapons with us incase there are surviving Covenant onboard still. Take what weapons you wish, But also carry a shotgun with you as well. One blast to an Elite close range will bring down their shields. Having the shotgun against them will kill instantly. I want a sniper for any Hunters and Elites that we come across at long range. On the Hunters, aim for the orange spot on their backs or necks. One shot will kill them. Watch out for their Fuel rod cannon. Also, aim for the head on an Elite. The Sniper round should be able to pass through the shielding and into the head, killing instantly. Watch out for Jackals and Grunts as well. But take down the big hitters first. Follow my lead and we should be good. Alright. Get your gear ready and onboard the Longsword that I came in on. That will be our ride. The other Longswords that are being refitted will be heading to Sigma 3. We will follow shortly after we obtain our objectives." The Master Chief knew that his people were ready to do their job. That pleased John. To know that everyone that was still able to fight wanted to keep on fighting. That is what mattered to him the most. Now, the Covenant would know real fear and they would pay for everything that Humanity has lost to them. He only hoped that he would still be able to finish his mission. He was going to win. That is what John did best, win. And wining was everything to him. Now, it was more than a matter of winning. It was win or die. And winning sounded a lot better than dieing. "Ok people. After you have your gear onboard and awaiting launch, try to get some rest. This will be a big job for us all.
