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Fan Fiction

Halo 2
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight2003@aol.com>
Date: 21 June 2003, 8:17 PM

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At about three in the afternoon a ball of fire hurdled to the ground. It was a pelican that failed to escape from a few banshees. It hit a boulder and blew it in half. Seconds later two people landed a few blocks away from it.
They were Kevin and Dave, two marines that made it out of the pelican. Just as they touched down behind a car, they noticed they landed in a covenant-controlled area. The covenant had shields and turrets set up to guard a building. It was probably the HQ for this area.
"Dave!" said Kevin while he was looking over the car. "Get ready to fight, there about twenty covenant on the other side of the rock; mostly Elites and Jackals and a Hunter."
"Damn" said Dave. He pulled the pin out of a grenade. He stood up and lobbed it right in back of a gold Elite. Before it blew he pulled out his battle rifle. He took out two Jackals and almost got an Elite. The Elite dive behind a shield.
"Kevin, get that Elite behind the shield!" yelled Dave.
Kevin stood up and pulled out his sniper rifle. He propped it up on the cars roof. "You sure you don't want me to kill the hunter?" asked. Kevin.
" Yeah just the Elite", said Dave.
Kevin put a clip into the gun. He zoomed in and fired. The bullet bounced of a wall and into the Elite's head.
Dave loaded his shotgun. "There is a warthog in good condition about twenty yards away", said Dave. "We can make a run for it".
"Okay", said Kevin "Let's do this before the covenant find our position".
Just then a grunt walked right behind them ready to throw a grenade. Kevin pulled out his gun and shot the grunts grenade holding arm off. He walked up to it and took the grenade.
Kevin said. "He will be our distraction".
Dave held the grunt as Kevin stuck the grenade to its back. Together they flung it over the car and into a Jackal. Right as the grenade exploded they ran for the warthog. Dave took care of the hunter. Circling around him he shot into it's exposed back. After two shots he took it out.
Meanwhile, Kevin got into the warthog and was taking out the remaining covenant with its gauss rifle. Dave hopped in the warthog.
Just as he got in Kevin screamed, " Oh Shit! A grenade went in the engine!" Kevin and Dave jumped out the and behind a wall of a small building. The explosion of the grenade plus the explosion of the gas tank took out a phantom bringing back up troops for the Covenant HQ.
"Dave ", Kevin said. "We are only twenty meters from the crash. "
"Good" Dave answered. He reloaded his shotgun and looked over the wall "Hey, someone is alive!"
"What should we do?" said Kevin. "He is taking on a whole lot of aliens." Dave said, "We run for our lives".
"No" said Kevin. He took out his sniper rifle. " You run and I'll cover your path".
"Okay" said Dave. He stood up and prepared to run.
"GO!" screamed Kevin.
Dave ran full speed down the hill. Every alien in his way was shot before Dave or the alien could react. Finally he made it to the rock.
"Hey Matt", said Dave.
Dave stood up and threw three grenades. Right after they blew up Kevin ran to the rock.
"Hi Matt", said Kevin." I didn't think you survived the crash."
"What crash?" asked Matt.
"You must've passed out with everyone except me and Kevin," said Dave.
Dave stood up holding back the Covenant with his shotgun and sub machine gun. Kevin threw some grenades and crouched next to Matt. He was still shooting while he began to talk.
"Matt this is what happened in the crash", said Kevin. "Our pelican was just about to attack the HQ. There were five banshees trailing us. Two marines took out four banshees with rockets. The fifth stared firing .I shot at it with my sub machine gun. When it was about to blow up it fired its fuel rod gun. The shock knocked some people out. The pelican fell back towards the banshee. It blew up taking out the back boosters. Our pelican caught on fire and started spiraling down. We got some of the people into parachutes. For the rest we turned on the front boosters full to slow it down. The people we gave the parachutes were half awake but only one of them opened his parachute. You were left in the pelican. Dave and me landed about 100 yards from where it crashed. You see Matt, you are
lucky to be alive."
"Oh" said Matt. "Hold on a second. There used to be a troop transport Hog on the back of the pelican. Where is it?"
Dave said, "Let's go find it".
They loaded their weapons and ran from their cover. All the aliens were gone. Only the bodies and weapons of the dead marines and Covenant were left.
"Were did the Covies go?" Matt asked.
"Who cares?" said Kevin. "Lets take the grenades from they bodies, and get more ammo. We need to be fast so we can be ready for an ambush.
Two minutes later they had all the stuff they needed. The all had two protein bars. They started to walk then heard battle it was coming from the area just past hills next to the pelican. They creep up the hill and saw why all the covenant were gone.
