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Fan Fiction

Fall from grace (Halo 2: Chapter 12)
Posted By: Shadowrunner<mortenthenerd@hotmail.com>
Date: 9 November 2003, 1:25 PM

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Hey guys (and girls, if Tex is around) it took me a while to pull myself together to write this. Mainly because I myself was very disappointed with my last chapter (11) but now I'm trying to continue the story in the way it was originally meant... I think.

As they moved further in, bodies of hundreds of marines littered the floors and hallways. Something was going on, this wasn't just an ordinary covenant attack. The Master Chiefs silver armor reflected the red color of the blood on the floor. He turned around and asked to Elceelar and Jaargu; "What could possibly have done this?! It's unreal..."

"Maybe..." Elceelar answered "Maybe the tales are then true..."

"No, not now" Jaargu said

But Chief persisted: "What were you going to say, Elceelar?"

"Ah, but it's nothing but a myth... It can't be..."

"How can this be, then?!" Chief said, pointing to the floor

"In the oldest of myths and legends of our people, there is mentioned an artifact wich the Forerunner possesed... It is believed this was the source of their power, for as they lost it, so did their empire fall"

"And the covenant have now gotten a hold of it?"

"They always have... The Elites are actually the Forerunner, but deprived of their glory and dignity"

"But how can it explain this?"

"... It is also said that whoever decides to unleash it's full power, will awaken... Kenduus'hel... The word may be unfamiliar to you, but in our tongue it means suffering and pain"

"So you don't know what have done this?"

"No, but we know what the source of it may be"

The Master Chief shaked his head and continued down the hallways. Behind a corner, noise was heard... Carefully they advanced to discover the origin of the noise. It looked like an Elite. But it was about 1/2 foot taller and had armor in a deep black... The scales on it's skin glowed with an orange radiance. It saw Chief and the 2 Gridi'n soldiers, and walked to them casually.

"Hold it there" Chief said as he held one of his swords towards the creature.

It came a little closer, but then stopped. As it stopped, Chief could see the red drips of blood on it's mandibles.

The creature began to speak: "So this... This is the fabled Korrhra? A pity you will never live to see what lies beyond our rule, human"

As he said this, 2 more came up behind them, and another one in front of them.

"What are you?" Chief sounded very calm and confident

"We are the holy warriors... We follow their path, and your destruction is the will of the gods"

They pulled out some strange looking weapons and pointed them at Elceelar and Jaargu.

"These 2 won't be needed further" The leader of the strange creatures said, as the head of both Gridi'n blew up in a soup of organic matter.

Korrhra pulled out both swords and went into battle stance.

The leader spoke again: "We are undefeatable... Neither in past or present... I have killed you before, and now I will destroy you once again"

Another uttered: "Death comes to all enemies of Kenduus!"

As it said this, they all ran towards the man in the silver armor. His swords' inner glow grew to a burning, that almost blinded him. But he felt that he didn't need his vision... He could see them inside his mind. He swung his swords and as a response the Kenduus pulled out some staffs. In each end of the staff a plasma blade appeared. With an indescripable warcry, the Kenduus lunged towards the lone human warrior.

"Captain!" Private Jefferson sounded stressed

"What is it?" Captain Peter Taylor answered in a strong voice

"I'm picking up inbound subspace contacts again!"

Every person on the bridge looked out of the windows as ships in an unfamiliar design appeared... Their arcitecture was screwy and they were in a deep blue color.

"Sir, their turrets are not tracking our ships, they are targeting the covenant"

The captain had a reliefed expression in his eyes... A hologram appeared with the head of a strange creature. An armored forehead and 4 mandibles, it looked faintly like an Elite. "Greetings, humans, we have come to seek the Korrhra"

"The what?" Peter Taylor was confused

Suddenly, the voice of Cortana broke through: "Eldesar, the Korrhra is in dire need of assistance aboard the Mammoth... The Kenduus have been released."

"Already? This is unfortunate... We will close in once proper coordinates have been transferred"

"Transmitting now..."

Captain Taylor kept his confusion under control, but asked: "Is that you Cortana?"

"Affirmative captian"

"What happened to Keyes? Since you are here, I guess he is not far away... I was beginning to worry for him."

"Captain, I bring sad news, Keyes is dead... I'm sorry"

Captain Taylor was stunned for a second, they had known eachother since childhood and were almost equal in military affairs... But now he was gone, and would never return.

The battle had raged for over 20 minutes now, and Chief had only seriously wounded one of the Kenduus creatures, incapacitating one of it's arms. But the remaining 3 only had minor scratches in their armor. He had taken a lot of hits, but his armor was holding up so far. In his mind he could almost feel their hatred for him. He was fighting a losing battle.

Aboard the Eldesarian infantryship, several rows of the highest swordsmasters the Eldesars had to offer, were preparing themselves to be set aboard the Mammoth. One of their commanders appeared in person on a platform in front of them; "Honorable warriors!" A howl from the swordsmasters met him, he continued; "Let me remind you, that we are fighting here today, not for our own survival, but for the fate of this entire galaxy... Let me remind you that not even once have we ever failed in protecting our own territory, but let me also remind you that the enemy is well aware of this. He has sent the Kenduus to destroy the Korrhra" Faint mumbling was heard in the rows "Let wisdom guide your hand, and let there be light! Enares uno'keim!" He raised his hand, and every warrior did the same and yelled a reply: "Enares uno'keim... SAVAR!" They put on their helmets and got into their boarding ship. They were headed for the Mammoth.

By Shadowrunner
"May name may be Shadow... But I'm far deadlier than such a thing"
