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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: Capter 1: Defenders of Earth
Posted By: Shadowrunner<dg_shadowrunner@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 June 2003, 11:25 PM

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This story takes it beginning right after the destruction of Halo

"... Did anyone else make it?" Cortana replied in a sad tone:"Scanning... Just dust and echoes" Master Chief silently shook his head. Cortana tried to cheer the Chief:"We did what we HAD to do! An entire Covenant armada obliterated! and the Flood... We had no choice. Halo... it's finished". Master chief was not satisfied:"No... I think we're just getting started..." The Chief pulled off his helmet. He had almost forgotten what it was like breathing real air, seeing real things. He took a long look at the silent stars. And sighed. they were peaceful as always... Except for one single star flickering blue in an erratic fashion. Then suddenly moving? He got up and looked out the window... The Monitor? How was that possible? He was inside the Pillar Of Autumn when it blew all of Halo out of the sky! Chief quickly got back into the control chair of the fighter, silent curses eluded the Chiefs mouth. He headed the fighter into the direction of the monitor, but too late... He jumped into subspace. Master Chief looked in terror as the single largest threat to life in the entire galaxy ran out of his reach. His helmet started to beep, he put it on and Cortana started talking: "That little... Is he invincible? Chief let's forget about him. He's already far beyond our grasp... Let's go Home". Master Chief methodically activated a row of switches, turning the stars into stripes and utterly deleting them from his field of vision. All he could see was a bright dot endlessly long ahead. again he took off his helmet and began sleeping for the first time since he was woken up from the croy-pod.

He woke up as the radio started shouting: "this is Outpost 17/A2-Zeta, MAYDAY MAYDAY, we have sustained critical damage to life support, and we will all die if we don't get support! Come in fleet command! PLease!", loud gunshots could be heard in the background. Quickly Master Chief regained his awakeness: "Hang on, support incoming"... Silence for a second, then: "Thanks fleet command, we thought we were screwed", "this is not fleet command, i'm the single survivor of The Pillar Of Autumn wich was destroyed 9hours ago in sector B-48-C6", "captain Keyes?", "no", "but... who are you?", "you will find out when i get there. ETA 30 seconds!" The fighter's engines screamed of overheating as he yanked them to 150% power. The small dot of shiny metal grew ever larger. 23 seconds after the last transmission he touched down in Bay 3 in Outpost 17/A2-Zeta. He had no weapons, but he was rested and up for a fight. And a Spartan-II up for a fight is much more like a force of nature, than like a soldier. He could already hear gunshots of several Battle Rifles, the first door opened and the Chief was looking at a locked door... He gathered all of his strength and ran into the door, the door buckled and screamed as the MK-V Mjolnir armor rammed into it. He looked at the door and gave it a well placed blow from his right fist. The door blew open and he found himself behind a small army of several grunts, and 1 Gold Elite. Master chief rushed into battle knowing his bet was to hit the elite. He ran up to the Elite's back and gave it a blow so hard the entire back of the skull crackled. The Marines looked at the collapsing elite and saw the Master Chief standing behind the falling warrior. They cheered in joy as they saw the Spartan-II had come to assist them, the grunts collapsed into random panic as their leader was slain by "the devil". Master Chief wasn't slow to move on; he gave the first grunt a direct hit between his eyes while he with the other hand punched through another grunts life sustaining systems slowly strangling it to death, shortly after his right foot was flying through the air cutting a grunts spine in halfs. As a knife he cut through the grunts . And soon the once mighty fireteam was lying on the floor on a puddle of purple blood. The Marines couldn't believe their luck, and they all welcomed and cheered the Chief. The marine sending him the transmition walked to him: "Wow, a single survivor, the best survivor. You're lucky you landed on this particular Outpost; we contain the prototype of the new MK-VI armor... And it's installation tools... Oh, my name is Pvt. Jake Davis you may call me Sly", "Show me, i will put it to good use".

Jake Davis and Chief walked into a large hall. In the middle a large circular tube placed vertically was emitting a faint glow. at the bottom it was a bit wider, and had a door. "In here" Jake said. In silence Master Chief walked up a row of low stairs and into the tube. The door slammed shut. Several screams could be heard as Chief's neural implants was torn out to be replaced by new ones. The tube began pulsing with red light as the new suit was finally being welded together around Master Chief. At last the door opened and an unconcious Chief lay on the floor. He woke up a few seconds later "now let's take the fight to the covenant" he said with a serious voice. Cortana interrupted; "A little problem Chief, you overheated the engines of that fighter during the approach here", "no need of a fighter" Master Chief replied.

"Stay here, i will see to that the covenant has some sand in their machinery" Chief said as he went into a dark hallway bathed in faint red light. He walked quickly to a rack of Battle Rifles and grabbed one. He went into the elevator while a chatter between a General and an Admiral was going on:"Admiral, you can't let them maintain orbit", "i'm trying General, but we've lost advantage within our own perimiter! My pilots are combat ineffective in the fighters, they don't have the punch to take out a covenant assault carrier", "your pilots get up! Down here it's the goddamn apocalypse!... I'm asking you to re-target the orbiters!", "then we'll let more of them slip the killzone, that's insanity! There's nothing more i can do!", "*nterference i* to int*nse, i don't think w*'l* last lo*ge*!". Cortana stated: "Admiral tell your men to hold their positions, reinforcement are on the scope.", "the entire fleet is engaged cortana, with respect, what the hell sort of reinforcements have you got?!?.... It's passing below your position mam, proximity zero!". Cortana asked Chief: "What if we miss?", "i won't" he stated while pulling a lever opening the doors to the empty space. Air flew through the doors pulling various junk and loose pieces of the hangar with it, Chief came out of cover and pulled by the remaining air into space.

Master chief fell down towards earth in absolute silence, as time went by the covenant cruiser grew ever larger. "Hmmm this suit is far superior to MK-V... especially in terms of computer power", "wich means?", "i will probably be able to hack the cruisers shields for a short while", "that simplifies things". The cruiser was getting really close, Cortana warned: "Ok, the shields are down, you should be able to make you approach unhindered... boosting forward shield sections in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... now!" A strange beep could be heard as cortana directed all the shields power into the front quadrant, this also made the shield put distance between itself and the chief, acting like a buffer. approximately 15 meters above the purple hull he felt an intense decceleration, but he still hit the hull with enough impact to make a small hole in it. "So, we're here... what now?", "how about this?" the chief said as he planted a directional demolitions charge at the damaged part of the hull where he had hit. He added: "Let's make it a good show" Master Chief pushed the detonator, making a large hole in the cruiser. He slipped inside. He knew the entire crew was going to be right on top of him. He had to move, and he had to move quick. "Give me some advice here cortana, where is the fastest route to the core?", "it is positioned right below the bridge... Here! this magnetic transport should get you there" a nav pointer popped up on Chiefs HUD and he headed straight for it. Outside the transport cortana stopped him: "it will take a little longer to ha-" Master Chief didn't hear the rest of her message, he was heavily engaged with a group of 4 elites with grunt support. He fired of a clip of his battle rifle taking out all the 8 grunts, and taking out the shield of a Blue Elite. He dived through the oncoming fire, smashed the Elite with the butt of his gun and grabbed it's Plasma Rifle, he quickly dispatched of the nearest Elite. He ran backwards to the transport. The transport doors opened, and at the same time 6 jackals arrived along with 2 Grey Elites. He threw a plasma grenade in the hallway to prevent them and the remaining 2 Blue Elites from following, and then rolled into the maglev transport.

The maglev slowly hummed as it accelerated to an incredible speed. Finally the Master Chief arrived at the bridge sub-levels. He closely watched the enviroment in the next room from within the maglev, lots of energy packs were stabled everywhere, providing him with perfect cover. But instead of that he decided that he had to take care of them quickly. The only way to do that was to either sneak around or make them flee, but there were too many guards to be sneaked around. So he had to make them flee. He suddenly appeared in the entrance, 7 feet tall he stood the height of an Elite. He ran through the crates, guns blazing. The grunts and Jackals, always easily scared, ran away with words like: "We're all dead!" and "the goods are punishing us!". The Elites, having had severe training, were not easily scared. but after the first 4 Elites had fallen to the Chiefs relentless carnage the rest took off. Only 2 Soldiers remained: Two monkey-like creatures the height of elites, carrying no weapons at the moment. They looked briefly at Master Chief and then hurled towards him with an indescripable warcry. "Take this!" the Chief uttered has he pumped the first one full of super-heated plasma. It fell dead to the floor. The other creature however reached him and gave him a gut-crushing blow, draining his shields. He jumped backwards as a response and pulled out his Battle Rifle. His superior coordination skills made him able to take a very good aim at this monstrosity's head before letting off a hailstorm of bullets. It was dead before he touched the ground again. "What are these things?" Cortana asked, "They're big, ugly and packs one hell of a beating. That's all i know. And it's all i need to know right now" Master Chief said as he hurried towards the opposite side of the room. "here you go Chief, open sesam!" the door opened, on the other side he saw a giant ball of floating plasma, it was held in place by 3 gigantic magnetic towers. Cortana analyzed the scenario: "now, if you place charges on one of the towers, the core collapses. But to be shure of a good show, i'd say three towers blowing up was a good beginning?", "then we agree" Chief replied.

-- To be continued...

Story by: Shadowrunner "My name may be shadow, but i'm far deadlier than such a thing"
