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Fan Fiction

Human vs. Covenant War: Part One
Posted By: Ronald Maszk<Halofan91@netscape.net>
Date: 22 June 2003, 3:17 AM

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"Um..... sir, I think you should see this," Hansley stated. He saw 3 Cov. transport ships drop down about 30 or 40 clicks southeast of their location.
" What is it, Hansley," the Sarge asked. He was a big man. About 6 '5, and about 250 pounds." I asked you a question, marine. What is it?"
" Sorry sir, dozed off. Won't happen again."
" Make sure it doesn't. Now get to it." The sarge was getting agitated. He just got back from Planet Farquad. Farquad was a battlefield. A breeding ground for Covenant. The planet was glassed a half-an-hour after he left. His marines were all destroyed. He was not use to failing.
" I've sighted 3 Covenant transport ships awhile away. What should are squad do?" Hansley sounded nervous. Who wouldn't? The Covenant were very dangerous. Grunts were weak alone, but in packs could kill a dozen careless marines. Jackals had energy shields, which recharged after being taken out. Same as the grunts, harmless alone, but deadly in packs. Elites are deadly alone and in packs. They were fierce fighters. Same with Hunters. Hunters even have a Fuel Rod Gun implanted into their armor. They have titanium shields, which are unpenetrable.
" Alert everyone of the news, we can't be too careless." The Sarge also sounded nervous, but for different reasons. He didn't want to fail again. He didn't want to lose more marines. He was sure that if he lost more marines, he would be demoted. Maybe even taken out of the UNSC. " By the way, thanks for noticing. Tell everyone to keep on their toes. We got some Covie bastards to kill."
" Sir, yes, sir. And, you're welcome." Hansley ran off to alert the troops. He knew it was time to die. Covenant were tough aliens. They would put up a fierce fight. They would make it awfully hard to win. Hansley alerted the troops and ran back to his post.
" Anything new, Hansley?"
" No Sarge. But, I'll be sure to keep you updated."
" You best, or I'll single handedly kill you." The sarge broke out in laughter. He walked to Private Jackson. Jackson was a marine, a very good one. The sarge didn't understand why Jackson doesn't get promoted. His antics are a little wild, but they get the job done. He wore a blue bandana, with the rest of the army spackled clothes and gear." How's it going Jackson?" The sarge was attempting to make conversation.
" Fine, you?" Right now, there were millions of things running through his mind. Like every other day, he wondered if this would be his last. He was an excellent marksman. And, an excellent marine. He wondered if that would help on the battlefield.
" Oh, just fine. Like any other day." The sarge laughed again. He wasn't laughing inside, though. His stomach had major butterflies. He didn't like their location. Him and his troops were on Subject: 83702, a.k.a Ground Barrier. They were just on a neverending wall, with no possible cover. Talk about suicide.
" Sir! They're coming!" Hansley screamed it at the top of his lungs. " I spotted them about 3 clicks away from our location. I don't know how they got here so fast. Perhaps, Ghosts?"
" Let me see, marine!" The sarge peeked through the binoculars. He saw rows and rows of Covenant. They were marching toward his location. He panicked, and screamed, " Run, Run! We are all going to die!" Just then, Hansley shot the sarge's foot with his M6D. The sarge slowly calmed down. "Thanks, Hansley."
" No problem, sir. Just don't do it again, or else I'll have to kill you."
The sarge and Hansley laughed together for 10 seconds. Then the sarge heard a scream.
" What was that?" The sarge looked down the row of marines, and noticed that one was laying face down. he sprinted toward the motionless marine. When he got there, he flipped the marine over and saw a hole in his head. " Oh my lord, it looks like we lost a marine, men. Everyone try and take cover. They are close enough to kill, so be on your guard. The hole looks like a plasma shot. God loves you, and we wish you good luck."
Every marine got into prone position, and readied their weapons. Marines screamed curse words, and profane things. The first shot was fired, and was rewarded with many others. Hansley saw rows of Covenant fall, dead. It looked like they would win. Then, 4 marines fell off the side of the wall, dying of plasma burns. Marines were dying left and right. Hansley was screaming for the sarge, but there was no answer. He knew he was dead. He got up, in the line of fire, and ran looking for the sarge. He found him, lying on his stomach, with a hole clean through his head. " That's it, it's war!" He climbed the ladder down to the battlefield. He fired his MA5B AR, and was quickly out of AR ammo. He then switched to his M6D Human Pistol, and fired it, until it was also dry of ammo.
" Oh my god, what can I do." Hansley kept running and meleeing his AR. He ran out of ammo a while back, and that was his only defense against the Covenant. He had been keeping track of his kills, and using them to avenge his Seargent. He had killed 7 Grunts, 4 Jackals, 1 Elite, and not one Hunter. Along the way, he also had to take on some Ghosts, and a few Banshees. He had 4 of each grenades, but never switched his weapons. It was his own rule. He marched on to more Covenant.
After killing many more Covenant warriors, he saw a line of Commander Elites w/ plasma swords. He took cover, hoping they hadn't noticed him. He heard the Elite's cry, and new he had been found out. He didn't have any ammo, and was going up against, perhaps the most dangerous warrior in the Covenant. He knew he was going to die. but, he might kill one or two before he went. He jumped out, and melee'd the first Elite. It just kept getting stronger and angrier. He melee'd the Elite in the abdomen, and when it bent over, elbowed him in the back of the head. When the Elite went down, he lifted his boot, and brought it down on the Elite's face. He wanted to make sure, so he stomped on it once more, and heard it's skull crack, and some squishing. He wiped the alien brains off his boot, and continued to fight.
2 more Elites came at him, and he took them head on. He fought with all of his might, and finally killed the 2. He still had one more to go, and then he could go home. He couldn't see the last one. He looked around, but still couldn't find it. He was still looking, when he was knocked on the ground. His head hurt, and he had a migraine. He forced himself up, and continued to fight. He saw the Elite, and chased him. He hid, and when the Elite had it's back turned, he came up behind it. He melee'd the back of his neck, snapping it, and stepped on his head also. He walked back to the fort, and saw that there were no other marines that survived. He smiled and laughed. He climbed the ladder back up, and searched for the transmitter. When he found it, he radioed for evac. He fell to his knees, and cursed at the sky. He had lost his friends, his fellow marines, and his Seargent. He hopped in the Pelican, and flew off.
The End
