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Fan Fiction

The Mars Annihilations Part 2
Posted By: Janglurevil7<jjohnson4@attbi.com>
Date: 18 June 2003, 7:44 PM

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The Mars Annihilations: Part 2
By Janglurevil7

Chapter 2:

The Master Chief, along with his squad of thirteen Marines, wandered down the abandoned streets of Nicollet. They reached a tall building, nearly two hundred and sixty stories tall. The Master Chief led the Marines nearer to the building. They looked inside a window on the first floor.
It was foggy, like looking through a sheet of ice. The Master Chief saw a shadow moving through the fog. He was puzzled.
A Banshee broke through the window, knocking the Master Chief over. The Marines opened fire. The Banshee turned and headed straight towards the Master Chief again. He crouched. As the Banshee flew over head, the Master Chief punched up through the 2 inch armor of the Banshee, and pulled out the pilot. The Banshee spun out of control and crashed into a field. The Master Chief and Marines entered the building via way of the smashed window.

There was no movement picked up by motion trackers. They made their way towards an elevator. They took up flanking positions when they heard the elevator coming back down. When it reached their level, it detonated, and two hunters came out, firing with fuel rod guns.
The Marines flew backwards, into the building wall behind them. The Master Chief holstered the sniper rifle he was carrying, and picked up a dropped a MA5B assault rifle on the floor.
He opened fire, and bullets pinged helplessly off of the Hunter's thick impenetrable armor. He looked at the ammo counter half gone. He rushed towards the elevators, and grabbed a pack from his grenade satchel. He pressed a button and jumped down the elevator shaft, holding onto the cable.
He slid down the cable, and felt a rush of heat and pressure pushing down on him as the proximity or a Lotus mine was breached.
The Master Chief was sliding into the basement of the building. On each floor he passed, blotches of red filled his HUD.
He finally landed on the bottom floor, and pried open the doors. He moved slowly, with deliberate pacing. The room was old, and filled form top to bottom with crates and boxes. The room was dark, and musky. Lights rowed the top of the ceiling. The Master Chief detected two red blips on his motion tracker, behind him, he swiveled around, and opened fire.
He saw nothing, but bullets pinged off of something, not a single bullet hit the wall. Like a Hunters armor, only with the camouflage of an Elite.
The Master Chief saw the blare of a Fuel Rod Gun blast over his head, and ducked. But instead of a green bolt flashing over head, he saw a continuous beam of blue light. Suddenly, two Hunters, in a silverfish gold colored armor, appeared.
Each Hunters armor gleamed in the light. Each had a reddish colored fuel rod gun attached to their arm. There were no sharp spines in the armor of these Hunters however. The large shield they carried was still there, integrated into their armor, but they each grasped in their hand a dual plasma sword.
The Master Chief charged at the new enemies.

The Hunters Swung at the same time, both swinging at the same entrance vector, the Master Chief's head. He jumped, and opened fire with the MA5B. The left Hunter smashed a crated with his shield and moved to the Master Chief's left flank. The Master Chief ducked and rolled to the position where the Hunter that had moved was originally.
He ran behind the right Hunter and fired a round into the Hunter's back, the other Hunter fired it's new fuel rod gun, and impacted the Hunter. The Master Chief watched as a gaping hole materialized in the Hunter's armor. The beam melted through both sets of the Hunters armor.
He didn't want to see what would happen if the beam hit him.
The Master Chief threw the dead Hunter aside and opened fire with the MA5B again. Bullets pinged helplessly on the gold plated Hunter armor.
The Master Chief saw no point's where he could kill the Hunter. He ran straight at the Hunter, and jumped.
The Hunter fired its fuel rod gun, and tracked the Master Chief up and over it's head, hitting the ceiling above rather than the Master Chief.

Across the room, the Master Chief saw another intact elevator shaft. He ran for it using his gene boosted skills. He hit the button up, and the elevator doors squealed open.
The ceiling was starting to collapse in, from the damage of the Hunter's fuel rod gun. He noticed a small glowing orb upon a platform, being scanned by a laser scanner. He took the orb and hopped in the elevator. The doors closed, and he hit the button for the ground floor.
The elevator went up, and the floor below collapsed by the destruction left in his wake.
