Searching for straws, well maybe. During the chat last night I received a private message from someone, whom
I did not know. It simply said, "the Marathon Logo you found, you're not looking hard enough." I asked who the person
was, tried to get info, etc. , but was unable to get anything other then the message. Who it was is still a mystery, but it
looks as if they were leading me in the right direction.


Here is the first one I came across. This shot is from the Bungie Halo site, and is the #5 Screenshot in their slideshow.

Here is the second one. This shot is from the Bungie Halo site, and it is on the main Bungie Halo screenshot page.

Here is the another shot from the same screen. Although faint again, you can tell that their is something there.

And IMO this is the best one yet. It clearly shows that the Marathon emblem is there. This shot was taken from the
Bungie Halo Fan Site page.