Armor Variants: When MCs Go Soft /includes/mainstyle.css

Armor Variants: When MCs Go Soft

On August 31, because he felt bad about something he'd said earlier, Dogsounds created a special 'Wu' variant of the Mjolnir Battle Armor. Its efficacy in hiding its wearer in common situations is dubious... but its attractiveness is undeniable.

Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Wu' Variant
Click to enlarge
450x600, 48K

Emboldened by the success of this variant (or maybe just bored and looking for something to do), Dogsounds whipped up several more variants. These rock if the MC is trying to hide in your grandmother's living room... but might get him killed in the wild.

Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Thick as a Brick' Variant
Thick as a Brick
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Geek' Variant
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Grandma's Sofa' Variant
Grandma's Sofa
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Fruity Fellow' Variant
Fruity Fellow

He just won't stop - a day later, there were these (the forum post is absolutely worth reading for its humorous descriptions):

Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Tron' Variant
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Safari' Variant
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Urban' Variant

Not content to rest on his laurels, Dogsounds added several camouflage options. These are definitely better for hiding in. (Sitting on Grandma's couch, though... they might be a bit too militant.)

Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Street Camo' Variant
Street Camo
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Afrika' Variant
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Forest' Variant
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Woodland' Variant
And one more for the day...
Mjolnir Battle Armor - 'Bungie Whup-Ass' Variant
Bungie Whup-Ass